Current: US Senator since 2013
Affiliation: Democrat
Leadership: Chair, Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies and Chair, Subcommittee on Oceans, Fisheries, Climate Change and Manufacturing
History: Baldwin earned a B.A. from Smith College in 1984 and a J.D. from the University of Wisconsin Law School in 1989. She was a lawyer in private practice from 1989 to 1992.
Tammy Baldwin served three terms in the Wisconsin State Assembly, representing the 78th district, and from 1999 to 2013 represented Wisconsin’s 2nd congressional district in the United States House of Representatives. In 2012, Baldwin was elected to the United States Senate, defeating Republican nominee Tommy Thompson
Featured Quote: For nearly a decade, Wisconsin Republicans have refused to accept a $1.6 billion federal investment to expand BadgerCare for 91,000 Wisconsinites. My legislation would open the door to those who have been shut out and increase access to quality health care coverage.
Featured Video: Tammy Baldwin’s full speech at the 2020 Democratic National Convention
OnAir Post: Tammy Baldwin – WI
Tammy Baldwin has committed her life’s work to public service, fighting for fairness, equality and opportunity because she believes that with each passing year and each generation, our country must become more equal – not less.
Born and Raised in Wisconsin
Tammy Baldwin was born in Madison, Wisconsin and raised by her grandparents in the Badger State. Her grandfather was a scientist at the University of Wisconsin and her grandmother was a gifted artist and seamstress who became chief costumer of the UW Theater Department.
When Tammy was nine years old, she was diagnosed with a serious childhood illness similar to spinal meningitis. She spent three months in the hospital.
Her grandparents had health insurance, but they weren’t allowed to list Tammy as a dependent. Their insurance wouldn’t cover her care. They were forced to make great sacrifices to pay for Tammy’s health care.
Tammy got better, and her grandparents looked for an insurance policy that would cover her in the future. But they discovered that, because of her previous illness, they couldn’t find such a policy. Not from any insurer. Not at any price. Tammy had been branded with the words “pre-existing condition.”
Now, because of the Affordable Care Act, championed by Tammy in the U.S. House of Representatives and in the U.S. Senate, children have protections that they didn’t have before and can’t be denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition.
As her grandmother grew older, Tammy served as her grandmother’s primary caregiver – an extremely rewarding, but also challenging responsibility. Growing up in a grandfamily and being a caregiver shaped Tammy’s future in public service, as she led the bipartisan effort to support family caregivers by sponsoring and passing the RAISE Family Caregivers Act in the Senate.
A Commitment to Public Service
Tammy graduated from Madison West High School and went on to double-major in political science and mathematics at Smith College. In 1989, she received her law degree from UW-Madison.
In 1986, while in law school, she served on the Madison Common Council, filling an aldermanic vacancy. Tammy was elected to four terms (1986-1994) on the Dane County Board of Supervisors. In 1992, Tammy was elected to the Wisconsin State Assembly as a State Representative for the 78th District, serving three terms.
In 1998, Wisconsin’s 2nd Congressional District shattered the state’s glass ceiling and elected Tammy as the state’s first female member of Congress and the nation’s first openly gay challenger sent to Congress. She served seven terms in the House of Representatives, serving on the Budget Committee, the Judiciary Committee, and the Energy and Commerce Committee.
Shortly after Tammy was first elected to Congress, she voted against letting Wall Street and the big banks write their own rules — one of only a handful of members of Congress who voted no on repealing the Glass-Steagall Act.
As a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, Tammy was a champion of middle class economic security. She helped craft the landmark Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, leading the effort to include the provision that now allows young people to remain on their parents’ insurance plans up to age 26. She was the lead sponsor of the Buffett Rule to ensure tax fairness, fought for student loan reforms to make higher education accessible and affordable and developed a strong record of fighting against unfair trade deals that have shipped American jobs overseas.
In the Senate
Tammy was elected to the U.S. Senate on November 6, 2012, winning a hard fought race and making history as Wisconsin’s first woman to serve in the U.S. Senate and the first openly gay member elected to the Senate.
In the Senate, Senator Baldwin is committed to working across party lines to strengthen the essential pillars of economic security for the middle class – investments in education and workforce readiness, quality health care for all Americans, building a strong manufacturing economy, and ensuring retirement security for today’s seniors and future generations.
Senator Baldwin has made addressing the student debt crisis and college affordability a top priority, leading many efforts and introducing legislation to meet problems with solutions. She is a lead cosponsor of the Bank on Students Emergency Loan Refinancing Act, which would allow struggling borrowers to refinance their student loans and take advantage of lower interest rates – the same way people refinance a mortgage, a car loan or business debt. And after holding roundtables with students and recent graduates struggling with the cost of a higher education, Senator Baldwin introduced the America’s College Promise Act, the Working Student Act, and spearheaded the bipartisan Senate effort to save the federal Perkins loans aid program for low-income students. In 2016, Senator Baldwin introduced the In The Red Act, a major reform to address college affordability and put America on a path toward debt-free college. The legislation will allow student loan borrowers to refinance outstanding debt at lower rates, increase Pell Grants to keep pace with rising costs and make a new investment in community college.
As a co-chair of the bipartisan Career and Technical Education Caucus (CTE), Senator Baldwin has worked across the aisle to introduce reforms that prioritize CTE, STEM education, and offer stronger support for workforce readiness programs.
Senator Baldwin believes that more must be done to build an economy that works for everyone, not just the wealthy few. Tammy has worked to strengthen our manufacturing economy and is a leader in the Senate of the Manufacturing Jobs for America campaign to rally bipartisan support for legislation that would help manufacturers grow and create jobs.
In the proud tradition of Wisconsin’s state motto, Forward, she has shown a strong commitment to investing in innovation, science, research and technology so we create stronger growth in advanced manufacturing, small business start-ups and an innovative economy that is built to last and ready to compete with the rest of the world and win.
Senator Baldwin has worked to ensure Washington does more to respect hard work, invest in economic growth, and give the middle class a fair shot at getting ahead. At a time when too many Wall Street millionaires pay a lower effective tax rate than some truck drivers, teachers and nurses, Senator Baldwin has introduced legislation to eliminate the carried interest tax loophole for hedge fund managers on Wall Street and make sure those at the top are paying their fair share.
Throughout her career in public service, Tammy has a strong record of working hard for Wisconsin’s veterans — making sure their service and sacrifice is honored by providing adequate funding for veterans’ health, education, and job-training programs.
In the Senate she has worked across the aisle, to ensure that our veterans, military families and wounded warriors receive the support and care that they have earned and deserve. The Jason Simcakoski Memorial Opioid Safety Act, bipartisan legislation authored by Senator Baldwin in close consultation with medical professionals, veteran’s service organizations, and the Simcakoski family, focuses on providing safer and more effective pain management services to our nation’s veterans.
Senator Baldwin serves on the Senate Appropriations Committee, the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP), and the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.
Full Name: Tammy Baldwin
Gender: Female
Family: Partner: Lauren
Birth Date: 02/11/1962
Birth Place: Madison, WI
Home City: Madison, WI
Source: Vote Smart
D, University of Wisconsin at Madison, 1989
AB, Mathematics and Political Science, Smith College, 1984
Attended, Madison West High School, Madison, Wisconsin, 1980
Political Experience
Secretary, Democratic Conference, United States Senate, 2017-present
Senator, United States Senate, 2012-present
Candidate, United States Senate, 2018
Representative, United States House of Representatives, District 2, 1998-2012
Assembly Member, Wisconsin State Assembly, 1993-1999
Member, Dane County Board of Supervisors, 1986-1994
Alderwoman, Madison City Council, 1986
Professional Experience
Lawyer, Private Practice
500 South Barstow Street, Suite LL2
Eau Claire, WI 54701-3608
Phone: (715) 832-8424
1039 West Mason, Suite 119
Green Bay, WI 54303
Phone: (920) 498-2668
210 7th Street South, Suite 3
La Crosse, WI 54601
Phone: (608) 796-0045
30 West Mifflin Street, Suite 700
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: (608) 264-5338
633 West Wisconsin Ave, Suite 1300
Milwaukee, WI 53203
Phone: (414) 297-4451
P.O Box 61
Ashland, WI 54806
Phone: (715) 832-8424
709 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-5653
Email: Government Office
Web Links
Source: none
Election Results
To learn more, go to this wikipedia section in this post.
Source: Open Secrets
Committee on Appropriations
- Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies
- Subcommittee on Defense
- Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development
- Subcommittee on Homeland Security
- Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (Chair)
- Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies
- Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation
- Subcommittee on Communications, Media, and Broadband
- Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Product Safety, and Data Security
- Subcommittee on Oceans, Fisheries, Climate Change and Manufacturing (Chair)
- Subcommittee on Surface Transportation, Maritime, Freight, Freight, and Ports
- Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
- Subcommittee on Employment and Workplace Safety
- Subcommittee on Primary Health and Retirement Security
New Legislation
Economy & Jobs
Holding Wall Street Accountable
It’s no secret to folks in Wisconsin — but Wall Street is running roughshod over working people. From hundreds of miles away, people who have never even been to our state are playing with Wisconsin businesses and Wisconsinites’ lives like Monopoly pieces. Tammy is fighting to stop that.
Brokaw, Wisconsin
The paper mill in Brokaw, Wisconsin hummed along for more than a hundred years — the beating heart of the town. Then a hedge fund came in, took control of the company, and sold the mill for a quick buck. Hundreds of workers were laid off, and the Village of Brokaw was driven into insolvency.
With no consideration for the generations of workers who had built Brokaw, Wall Street nearly destroyed the village.
That’s why Tammy introduced the bipartisan Brokaw Act to rein in activist hedge funds and rewrite the rules for Wall Street to protect Main Street. The Brokaw Act, supported by businesses across the country, will help make sure that what happened to Brokaw doesn’t happen to any other town.
Closing Hedge Fund Loopholes
That isn’t the only way Wall Street is getting away with cheating working people. For far too long, our tax code has been rigged by powerful special interests to benefit millionaires, billionaires, and hedge fund managers on Wall Street. And the carried interest tax loophole allows these hedge fund managers to pay a lower tax rate than many working Wisconsinites.
Tammy took action and introduced tax reform to eliminate this loophole and make sure those at the top pay their fair share. As middle class families live paycheck-to-paycheck, Tammy continues to stand up against Washington gifting Wall Street more tax breaks.
Avoiding Another Financial Crisis
In Congress, Tammy was one of only a handful of votes against repealing the Glass Steagall Act, which separated risky investment banking from traditional banking. That repeal has repeatedly been pointed out as a driving force behind the 2008 financial crisis.
Tammy helped introduce the bipartisan 21st Century Glass Steagall Act, which would reintroduce commonsense oversight and make sure Wall Street does not play fast and loose with Wisconsinites’ hard-earned money.
It’s been 10 years since the financial crisis, and Wisconsin families are still recovering. But Washington is listening to Wall Street big banks that just pushed through a massive banking deregulation bill. Tammy stood up to this rollback, which included giveaways for America’s biggest megabanks, and according to the Congressional Budget Office, would boost the chances of more bailouts in the future. It’s time Washington learns the lessons of the Great Recession, so Tammy introduced legislation that would stop the surge of corporate stock buybacks.
Strengthening Made In Wisconsin Manufacturing
In Wisconsin, we make things — everything from paper, engines, tools, and ships to beer, brats, and cheese. It is a long and proud tradition. That’s why Tammy has made building a Made in Wisconsin manufacturing economy a top priority.
Tammy is continuing to build a Made in Wisconsin economy by working across party lines to champion strong Buy American rules, confront unfair trade deals, and create Wisconsin jobs.
Buy American
American workers are the best in the world, yet they face an unfair disadvantage when it comes to competing against countries like China and Russia. In Washington big multinational corporations bring in their lobbyists to keep the system rigged in their favor, while American workers are left behind.
Tammy is standing up for Wisconsin workers and taking on those powerful special interests by fighting for strong Buy American rules that make sure our manufacturers have a level playing field. American taxpayer dollars should go toward buying American products and hiring American workers — not propping up foreign-made iron and steel.
In the Senate, Tammy introduced Buy American legislation to help rebuild our drinking water infrastructure with American-made iron and steel. Tammy’s Buy American rules were then included in legislation that passed with a resounding 95-3 bipartisan vote. However, before the bill could get a vote in the House, cheap foreign steel importers brought in their lobbyists to stop the progress. Yet again, Washington let the special interests call the shots again and stripped out Tammy’s Buy American rules.
But Tammy didn’t give up and she continued to stand up for Wisconsin. She introduced the Made in America Water Infrastructure Act, and when President Trump visited Wisconsin, he endorsed Tammy’s legislation. Tammy is committed to passing this legislation and has called on President Trump to join her in moving Buy American rules forward.
Tax Reform That Works for Wisconsin Manufacturing
Tammy believes that Wisconsin working families need a tax cut and that we need to make our tax system simpler and fairer for Wisconsin small businesses and manufacturers. But when Washington had the opportunity to reform our complicated tax code, special interests called the shots and pushed through a partisan tax law with giveaways for big corporations.
More than 80% of the new tax breaks will go to the wealthiest 1% and big corporations like Exxon, Wells Fargo and pharmaceutical corporations like Pfizer. These corporations are being gifted billions of dollars as a result of the new tax law, even though they were already making massive profits.
Tammy is standing up for Made in Wisconsin manufacturers with tax reforms that would boost Wisconsin businesses and help them create new jobs. Tammy’s 21st Century Manufacturing Act would simplify and strengthen the R&D tax credit to make it easier for Wisconsin’s small and medium manufacturers to invest in innovation and drive economic growth for years in the future. Her Support Our Start-Ups Act would provide tax relief to entrepreneurs who are creating new businesses, helping Wisconsin overcome our last-place ranking for start-up activity.
Taking on Unfair Trade Deals
Unfair trade deals like NAFTA and TPP are clear examples of how Washington’s flawed economic policies have put corporate special interests ahead of Wisconsin workers. That’s why Tammy is pushing for major changes to our trade policy.
Tammy has been active in the NAFTA renegotiation process, calling for a renewed deal that ends outsourcing, raises wages, and drives job growth. Tammy is championing strong Buy American rules to stop the flow of our taxpayer dollars to foreign companies. She is also calling for a crackdown on Canada’s unfair dairy trade barriers, strengthened enforcement of wage, and environmental standards for all countries involved, and eliminating special protections for big banks and corporations.
Time and time again, American workers compete and win when they have a level playing field. Tammy will continue to stand up against against China’s cheating by pushing to aggressively penalize foreign companies when they unfairly dump their products in American markets. Whether it’s cheap foreign steel or Chinese state-supported paper, Tammy is putting Wisconsin’s manufacturers first and helping them fight back.
Wisconsin Jobs
Tammy is working to create a Made in Wisconsin manufacturing economy that is built to last by investing in workers and the next generation of Wisconsin’s manufacturers. As a co-chair of the bipartisan Career and Technical Education Caucus, Tammy has worked with Republicans and Democrats to craft multiple workforce readiness, apprenticeship, and job training bills.
Tammy introduced landmark job training legislation that would scale up Wisconsin’s apprenticeship programs and provide more people with the skills they need to succeed. Tammy’s apprenticeship bill would invest in public-private partnerships between schools and local businesses that are training future Wisconsin workers.
Wisconsin’s manufacturing economy will continue to thrive and innovate and we must make sure Wisconsin’s next generation of workers are ready to take the Badger State to the next level. Tammy worked across party lines to pass her bipartisan Manufacturing Universities Act, and now this law is helping engineering programs across the country meet the demands of modern manufacturing.
Supporting Our Farmers and Rural Economies
In Wisconsin — America’s Dairyland — our farmers have always tied our rural communities together and moved our economy forward. That’s why we must do everything we can to ensure our rural towns and farms succeed. As a member of the vital Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee, Tammy is making sure Washington finally starts working for our rural communities.
Taking on Unfair Trade Barriers
When Tammy heard from Wisconsin dairy farmers that Canada was undercutting Wisconsin milk by imposing unfair trade barriers, she immediately sounded the alarm. Canadian trade policy had already cost Wisconsin companies tens of millions of dollars, so Tammy immediately called for a federal investigation, sat down with Canadian officials, and urged the USDA to support Wisconsin farmers by helping market Wisconsin milk and purchase surplus dairy products.
As trade talks continue, Tammy is working hard to make sure our trade agreements are being enforced and that our farmers have the support they need.
Protecting Wisconsin’s Timber and Paper
As Wisconsin’s legendary paper and forest products industries face challenging times, Tammy is standing up to special interests and making Washington work for Made in Wisconsin businesses. Tammy has visited active timber sites, toured lumber mills, and brought the U.S. Forest Service Chief to Wisconsin to discuss how we can strengthen our timber economy. Tammy changed the way the Forest Service works by ushering in the use of Good Neighbor Authority and Stewardship Contracting to create a more stable supply of timber from our federal forest lands.
Wisconsin paper companies are facing challenges at home and abroad as big banks and hedge funds target mills, and China’s cheating causes prices to plummet. After China dumped cheap paper in America, Tammy testified at the Federal Trade Commission and pushed for stronger trade protections for paper products. And when a predatory hedge fund closed down the paper mill in Brokaw, Tammy introduced the bipartisan Brokaw Act to prevent that tragedy from happening to any other town. Likewise, when a big bank closed Appleton Coated in Combined Locks, Tammy took them to task and called them out for their short term game that lined their pockets but left Wisconsin behind.
Standing Up for Dairy Farmers and Cheese Makers
America’s Dairyland produces the best milk and cheese in the world, so when Washington bureaucrats try to stand in the way of Wisconsin dairy, Tammy steps up and puts Wisconsin first.
Imitation dairy products are taking advantage of the hard work dairy farmers do every day in Wisconsin. Washington food regulators look the other way as grocery store shelves are stocked with “milk” cartons that don’t contain a drop of real dairy. Tammy’s bipartisan DAIRY PRIDE Act does right by our dairy farmers by stopping plant-based drinks from stealing the good name of Wisconsin milk.
And when the FDA tried to tell Wisconsin’s world-renowned cheese makers to stop using traditional wood boards for aging, Tammy stepped in and told the regulators to back-off. Working hand-in-hand with Wisconsin’s dairy industry, Tammy successfully pressured the Washington regulators to reverse their decision.
Fighting for Debt-Free Higher Education
The student loan debt crisis demands action as college costs and suffocating debt are holding back an entire generation and slowing Wisconsin’s economic growth. Following roundtables with students and recent graduates at campuses across Wisconsin, Tammy introduced bold reforms to put America on a path toward debt-free college and make sure every Wisconsinite has the opportunity and skills they need to build a stronger future.
Refinancing Student Loan Debt
Americans have been saddled with over $1 trillion in student debt and the system is rigged against hardworking Wisconsinites who can’t escape their neverending payments. Tammy took on the big banks and Washington bureaucracy by introducing legislation that would allow struggling borrowers to refinance their student loans and take advantage of lower interest rates — the same way people refinance a mortgage, a car loan, or credit card debt.
With student loan debt surpassing credit card debt in America, there is no excuse not to act. Tammy is leading the way to make the system work for ambitious, hardworking Wisconsin students rather than for the special interests trying to make a quick buck at their expense.
The Skills to Succeed
As a co-chair of the bipartisan Career and Technical Education Caucus, Tammy is leading commonsense legislation with Democrats and Republicans to close the skills gap by promoting workforce readiness, job training, and apprenticeships.
Tammy’s America’s College Promise Act — a bold plan for two years of tuition-free community and technical college — will ensure our students and workers have the skills they need to succeed in the next generation of Wisconsin manufacturing jobs, without being dragged down by debt. Successful “Promise” programs at colleges across the state have already shown that this plan works for Wisconsin and helps build a highly skilled workforce that is ready to drive economic growth.
Tammy has also announced landmark job training legislation that would scale up Wisconsin’s apprenticeship programs and provide more Wisconsinites with the skills required for good-paying jobs. Tammy’s apprenticeship bill would invest in public-private partnerships between schools and local businesses so that we can educate and credential Wisconsin workers without saddling them with student debt.
Helping Students Keep Pace with Rising Costs
Tammy has led bold college affordability reforms while also pushing Washington to take immediate action for current students who need relief from sky-high college costs. Pell Grants help millions of students stay in school each year, and Tammy has worked to strengthen these grants, while also pushing to adjust them for inflation so they keep pace with rising costs.
When the Perkins Loan Program expired in 2015, some in Washington stood idly by as students across the country feared they would lose their critical student aid. Tammy took immediate action and did right by Wisconsin students by building a bipartisan coalition in the Senate, bringing Republicans and Democrats together to fight for our students. Tammy revived the Perkins Loan Program, but soon enough, Washington was back at its games and letting another deadline slide as the student aid program to expired. Tammy once again sprung to action, and she’s being joined by students across Wisconsin to fight to save Perkins Loans
Energy & Environment
Defending Our Great Lakes and Clean Water
From the shores of Lakes Michigan and Superior to the banks of the St. Croix and the Mississippi — and our thousands of inland lakes, rivers, and streams in between — clean water is central to our Wisconsin way of life. That’s why Tammy has worked across party lines to do right by Wisconsin by protecting our Great Lakes, holding polluters accountable, and improving drinking water quality across the state.
Stopping Invasive Asian Carp
As a member of the bipartisan Senate Great Lakes Task Force, Tammy knows how important it is to protect our water from invasive species. We’ve seen that Asian carp are closing in on Lake Michigan, threatening our environment and our Great Lakes economy. Tammy has taken action and called on both the Obama and Trump Administrations to take immediate steps to stop this invasion of our Great Lakes. Tammy also stepped up and pushed Washington to act on aggressive barriers to stop the spread of Asian carp and eradicate the species from our waterways.
Reversing Cuts to Great Lakes Restoration
Tammy is a leading defender of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI), which helps Wisconsin communities clean up contaminated industrial sites, protect fragile Great Lakes habitats, combat invasive species, and improve water quality for the millions of Americans who get their drinking water from our Great Lakes. When President Trump proposed cutting GLRI funding by 97%, Tammy got to work and forged an agreement between Republicans and Democrats to save our Great Lakes restoration efforts.
Replacing Lead Pipes
Communities across Wisconsin are facing a drinking water infrastructure crisis as lead pipes threaten the health of families and children. Cities like Green Bay and Milwaukee are facing serious challenges in protecting their water supplies. In response, Tammy introduced a bold investment to build a modern, made in Wisconsin water infrastructure.
Rural communities across the state have partnered with USDA Rural Development to build clean and reliable drinking water systems. So, when President Trump made drastic cuts to Rural Development, Tammy worked on the Appropriations Committee to save these investments in Wisconsin’s rural communities and continue building the next generation of water treatment facilities.
Rebuilding Our Roads and Bridges
A Blueprint to Get Wisconsin Moving
Tammy is ready to get to work on a bipartisan plan that makes a real investment in local efforts to create jobs, rebuild Wisconsin’s roads and bridges, and drive economic growth.
The Blueprint to Rebuild America’s Infrastructure would make a much needed investment to repair roads and bridges, which could save the average American family an estimated $1,700 a year. The plan also modernizes our drinking water systems as well as our ports and waterways to help Wisconsin businesses get their goods to market. The Blueprint would additionally invest in our schools, without raising local property taxes, to help our students reach even greater heights and brighter futures.
Not only could this plan create up to an estimated 15 million jobs, it would also be fiscally responsible. It would help fund the rebuilding of Wisconsin’s infrastructure by closing tax loopholes for big corporations, millionaires and billionaires.
Putting Wisconsin First
Rebuilding our infrastructure should also mean supporting Wisconsin workers. That’s why Tammy has maintained that Buy American reforms must be at the foundation of any infrastructure plan.
Not only do we need to rebuild our roads — we need to do that with American workers and American iron and steel. Any bipartisan infrastructure plan must also strengthen worker protections and make sure our workers have a fair day’s pay for a hard day’s work of rebuilding Wisconsin.
As a member of the Senate Commerce Committee, Tammy has been working to make sure that any infrastructure plan also includes much needed investments to expand rural broadband. Following meetings with rural small business owners, health care providers, and farmers, Tammy pushed Washington to expand rural broadband to drive future Wisconsin growth.
Protecting Our Health Care
Health Care is Personal
When Tammy was nine, she came down with a serious illness similar to spinal meningitis. She spent three months in the hospital. But even after she got better, she was labeled as a child with a “pre-existing condition.”
Her grandparents were already struggling to pay out-of-pocket for Tammy’s hospitalization, but it suddenly became nearly impossible for them to find her any insurance, at any price.
Tammy took these lessons to heart and championed important reforms in the Affordable Care Act. Her push to allow kids to stay on their parents’ insurance plans until they are 26 years old has helped cover millions of young Americans. Her efforts to protect people with illnesses has made sure no one is denied care because of a pre-existing condition.
Recently, some in Washington pushed partisan repeal efforts that would have removed these protections and ripped health care away from millions of Americans. Tammy stood up and led the fight to protect our health care.
Right now, Washington is pushing to allow insurance companies to sell Wisconsinites junk plans that could deny coverage or charge more if you had a pre-existing condition. Tammy is leading the effort to stop this sabotage with new legislation that would end the concept of pre-existing conditions once and for all.
Health Care for Every Wisconsinite
Through her early life experiences, Tammy learned firsthand that no one should be denied medical care. And when it comes to providing affordable health care for every American, there is more we must do — right now — to change the status quo, improve our health care system and lower costs.
To achieve the goal of universal health care coverage, Tammy helped introduce the Medicare for All Act. Medicare for All would simplify a complicated system for families and reduce administrative costs for businesses. It would expand coverage to the uninsured, make health care more affordable for working families, and reduce growing prescription drug costs.
Tammy has also joined other efforts to expand coverage and lower health care costs for Wisconsinites. The Medicare at 55 Act would allow Americans between 55 and 64 to buy into Medicare. Tammy worked together with her colleagues on legislation to allow states to offer people the choice of buying into Medicaid, granting more Wisconsinites the opportunity to enroll in our popular BadgerCare program. Tammy is also working on a reform that would provide all Americans, individuals and companies with a public option to purchase Medicare.
While Washington is consumed by partisan squabbling and harmful efforts to take people’s health care away, Tammy has pushed to find common ground on solutions that work for the American people. It’s time to make good on the guarantee of high-quality, affordable health care coverage for every American. That is a goal worth reaching, and as Americans, we shouldn’t let anyone tell us we can’t achieve it.
Lowering Prescription Drug Prices
Holding Drug Corporations Accountable
Tammy has introduced bipartisan legislation to crack down on drug corporations that jack up the price of prescriptions.
The Baldwin-McCain FAIR Drug Pricing Act would force pharmaceutical CEOs to explain exactly what they think gives them the right to hike their prices — and make them admit if it’s to buy more TV ads, gift their shareholders more stock buybacks, raise their executives’ pay, or if it’s just simply because they can.
Whether you’re a parent of a child who needs an EpiPen, a diabetic who depends on insulin, or a first responder who carries Naloxone to reverse opioid overdoses in your community, you deserve to know why big pharmaceutical corporations with powerful Washington connections are jacking up the prices of lifesaving drugs.
Negotiating Lower Medicare Drug Prices
Right now, Washington prohibits Medicare from negotiating better prices on prescriptions for seniors. Tammy took on this broken system and introduced legislation to lower prescription drug prices for older Wisconsinites.
Instead of increasing drug company profits at the expense of seniors’ out-of-pocket costs, Tammy’s commonsense reform would allow Medicare to negotiate directly with pharmaceutical companies to get better prices.
Tammy’s plan would cut costs for more than 42 million seniors enrolled in Medicare Part D, while also safeguarding the Medicare program. And these savings will strengthen Medicare at a time when some in Washington are pushing partisan efforts to cut Medicare and end the program as we know it.
Stopping the Washington-Big Pharma Revolving Door
Wisconsinites across the state are calling for Congress to act on rising prescription drug prices, but the pharmaceutical industry has used its deep-rooted influence in Washington to continue reaping massive profits.
Tammy is putting Wisconsinites first by slowing the revolving door between pharmaceutical companies and Washington. Tammy’s legislation would force pharmaceutical regulators to recuse themselves if there are conflicts of interest, and it would tighten lobbying rules around future pharmaceutical regulations.
Wisconsin is the proud home of servicemembers, veterans, and military families who have made incredible sacrifices for our country. Tammy has worked across party lines to do right by our veterans and make sure they have the care, good paying jobs, and community support that they have earned and deserve.
Jason’s Law: A Family’s Tragedy Turned Into Hope For Others
Like too many of our veterans, U.S. Marine veteran Jason Simcakoski went to the VA to get help, but instead got hooked on prescription drugs. Tragically, Jason Simcakoski died in 2014 from mixed drug toxicity while receiving care at the Tomah Veterans Affairs Medical Center. The Simcakoski family decided to turn their tragedy into hope for other military families. Working closely with Tammy, they crafted bipartisan legislation named in honor of Jason to reform the VA and help stop the overprescribing of opioids at the VA.
Tammy and the Simcakoski family worked together to get the job done, building support for the legislation from Republicans and Democrats, veterans service organizations, and medical professionals across the country. Following Tammy and the Simcakoski family’s hard work to see the bipartisan bill passed in the Senate and House, it was then signed by President Obama to become Jason’s Law.
Jason’s Law has strengthened opioid prescribing guidelines and implemented new oversight and accountability rules at the VA. It’s also helping provide safer and more effective pain management services for veterans across the country.
Tammy introduced additional bipartisan VA prescribing reforms. Their bipartisan Veterans Overmedication Prevention Act confronts the overmedication of veterans and would help prevent suicide deaths.
Improving Veterans’ Care In The VA And Their Communities
Tammy has met with veterans across Wisconsin to hear their ideas for improving their health care. For veterans facing incredible frustrations and delays while looking for care in their own communities through the VA Choice Program, Tammy developed a three-point plan to cut bureaucratic red tape, increase oversight of contractors like HealthNet, and streamline scheduling.
In VA facilities, whistleblowers hold the system accountable to our veterans. Joining a small coalition of Republicans and Democrats, Tammy pushed to pass the Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act. Signed into law by President Trump, these VA reforms will protect future whistleblowers and allow the VA Secretary to fire bad employees who put our veterans in harm’s way.
Veterans across America are stuck in limbo after the broken VA appeals process led to a massive backlog of thousands of unresolved cases. Working with a broad group of Republicans and Democrats, Tammy passed the Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act. It was signed into law by President Trump to cut the VA’s unacceptable backlog and allow our veterans to get back to living their lives.
Creating Good Paying Jobs and Strengthening Support for Veterans
Tammy has worked across party lines to make sure that when our veterans return home, they have the good paying jobs and community support that they need. Joined by Republican Senator Thom Tillis of North Carolina, Tammy introduced the BRAVE Act — bipartisan legislation that reduces the unemployment rate for veterans and creates more full-time jobs for them.
When many veterans return home, they are targeted by shady credit card companies and financial scams that seek to cheat them. Tammy did right by our veterans and their families by pushing to create the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau, which has put millions of dollars back into the pockets of scammed servicemembers. Tammy then introduced the Military Consumer Enforcement Act to protect our active duty servicemembers from unfair eviction, exploitative debt collection practices and other fraudulent schemes.
In 2017, the State of Wisconsin failed to qualify for funding for homeless veterans programs, jeopardizing the housing of more than 50 veterans throughout Wisconsin. Tammy quickly organized a bipartisan effort to reverse the cuts. Following the coordinated effort, Tammy successfully saved the homeless veterans programs and ensured our veterans in need had the support they deserve.
Combating the Opioid Epidemic
After holding community discussions across the state with treatment providers, local law enforcement, and the families who have lost loved ones, Tammy helped lead successful efforts to push Washington to finally step-up and support Wisconsin’s fight against the opioid epidemic.
Bipartisan Action to Invest in Wisconsin’s Opioid Fight
The opioid epidemic knows no political party and it will take bipartisan action to address this crisis. That’s why Tammy worked across party lines to pass bipartisan legislation that made major investments in local treatment, recovery, and prevention efforts.
Tammy sponsored the bipartisan Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA), which was signed into law as a critical first step to promote a community-based response to opioid and heroin addiction. Tammy followed up by helping pass the bipartisan 21st Century Cures Act. During negotiations on the bill, Tammy worked with both Democrats and Republicans to secure a $1 billion emergency investment to combat the epidemic.
Working across party lines, Tammy pushed Washington to step up and made sure Wisconsin received a fair share of federal funding for our fight against this epidemic. One year after visiting the NorthLakes Community Clinic in Ashland, Tammy returned to announce new funding to expand the facility and strengthen its efforts to combat the opioid epidemic. Tammy has also helped secure investments in other communities across the state, including a grant for Kenosha County to help foster new ways to connect overdose survivors with those who can help.
Taking on Special Interests
Tammy is putting Wisconsin first and standing up to powerful special interests who want Washington to keep working for them — not Wisconsin. That’s why it’s no surprise that corporate special interests, billionaire megadonors, and shady Super PACs have made Tammy their top priority and have flooded Wisconsin with millions in outside spending against her.
No matter how much secret money these special interests spend, Tammy will continue doing right by Wisconsinites and work to reduce the influence of special interest money in our government and our elections.
Tax Reform that Works for Wisconsin
Tammy believes that Wisconsin working families need a tax cut and that we need to make our tax system simpler and fairer for Wisconsin small businesses and manufacturers. But when Washington had the opportunity to reform our complicated tax code, special interests called the shots and pushed through a partisan tax law that puts the wealthy and corporations first.
More than 80% of the new tax breaks will go to the wealthiest 1% and big corporations like Exxon, Wells Fargo and pharmaceutical corporations like Pfizer. These corporations are being gifted billions of dollars as a result of the new tax law even though they were already making massive profits. Here in Wisconsin, after Kimberly-Clark received their tax break, they announced layoffs for over 600 Wisconsin workers who created strong profits for the company.
The new tax law also adds over a trillion dollars to the national debt and cuts funding for our health care, which the AARP says will result in increased insurance premiums. This deficit is also driving some in Washington to call for deep cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and could even put nursing home care coverage at risk.
Tammy is standing up to these powerful special interests and is championing tax reforms that cut taxes for middle class Wisconsin families. Tammy has authored a tax reform that would help working families keep more of what they earn by strengthening and expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit, so more Wisconsinites can claim these tax savings. Tammy has also sponsored legislation that would allow Wisconsin manufacturers to invest more in R&D and help entrepreneurs create more start-ups in Wisconsin and drive job growth.
Slowing the Revolving Door
There is an unacceptable revolving door between Washington and Wall Street, and it’s spinning out of control as big banks rig the system to help themselves while working families get left behind. Tammy is working to slow this revolving door and hold Washington accountable to Wisconsin.
Tammy’s Financial Services Conflict of Interest Act would outlaw Wall Street insiders and corporate executives from receiving golden parachutes bonuses for taking a government job. These multi-million dollar bonuses put insiders in the pocket of powerful special interests as they make a rigged system in Washington worse.
Overturning Citizens United
The Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision allowed for special interests to give unlimited amounts of secret money to influence our government and elections. The result is that Washington is full of politicians who are bought and paid for by special interests.
Tammy is taking on these special interests and their politicians by pushing for reforms that fight against dark money and unlimited corporate donations to political campaigns. The DISCLOSE Act would require super PACs to reveal who their big donors are and also crack down on foreign interference in our elections. Tammy also joined the We The People Act, which would require disclosure of all special interest campaign donations, permanently ban lobbying by former Members of Congress, and put real limits on political campaign spending.
More Information
Source: Government page
Early life, education, and early career
Wisconsin Assembly (1993–1999)
U.S. House of Representatives (1999–2013)
U.S. Senate (2013–present)
Political positions
Personal life
Electoral history
See also
Further reading
External links
Tammy Suzanne Green Baldwin (born February 11, 1962)[1] is an American politician and lawyer serving since 2013 as the junior United States senator from Wisconsin. A member of the Democratic Party, she has also served as the Secretary of the Senate Democratic Caucus since 2017 and is the dean of the United States congressional delegation from Wisconsin.
Baldwin graduated from Smith College and the University of Wisconsin Law School, and was a lawyer in private practice before entering the Wisconsin State Assembly in 1993. She served three terms from Wisconsin’s 78th Assembly district from 1993 to 1999, and seven terms as the United States congresswoman from Wisconsin’s 2nd congressional district from 1999 to 2013. She was elected to the United States Senate in 2012, and reelected in 2018 and 2024.
Baldwin is the first openly lesbian woman elected to the Wisconsin State Assembly (1993), the first openly lesbian woman and first woman elected to the U.S. House from Wisconsin (1998), and the first openly LGBT person and first woman elected to the U.S. Senate from Wisconsin (2012).[2][3][4] She has a progressive voting record on healthcare, reproductive rights, and LGBT rights.[5]
Early life, education, and early career
Baldwin was born and grew up in Madison, Wisconsin. Her mother, who died in 2017, was 19 and going through a divorce when Baldwin was born. Baldwin was raised by her grandparents and spent Saturdays with her mother, who suffered from mental illness and opioid addiction.[6] Her maternal grandfather, biochemist David E. Green, was Jewish (the son of immigrants from Russia and Germany), and her maternal grandmother, who was Anglican, was English-born.[7] Baldwin’s aunt is biochemist Rowena Green Matthews. Through her maternal grandfather, Baldwin is a third cousin of comedian Andy Samberg.[8][9]
Baldwin graduated from Madison West High School in 1980[1] as the class valedictorian.[10] She earned a B.A. from Smith College in 1984 and a J.D. from the University of Wisconsin Law School in 1989.[1]
Before entering state politics, Baldwin first held political office at age 24 when she was elected to the Dane County Board of Supervisors in 1986. She served on the board until 1994.[10] She also served one year on the Madison Common Council to fill a vacancy.[11]
Baldwin has worked as an attorney in private practice.[1]
Wisconsin Assembly (1993–1999)
Baldwin ran to represent Wisconsin’s 78th Assembly district in central Madison in 1992. She won the Democratic primary with 43% of the vote.[12] In the general election, Baldwin defeated Labor and Farm Party nominee Mary Kay Baum and Republican nominee Patricia Hevenor, 59–23–17%.[13] She was one of just six openly gay political candidates nationwide to win a general election that year.[14]
Baldwin was reelected with 76% of the vote in 1994.[15] She was reelected to a third term with 71% of the vote in 1996.[16]
Committee assignments:
- Criminal Justice Committee[17]
- Education Committee (Chair)[18]
- Elections, Constitutional Law and Corrections Committee[19]
U.S. House of Representatives (1999–2013)

In 1998, U.S. Congressman Scott Klug of the 2nd district, based in Madison, announced he would retire, prompting Baldwin to run for the seat. Baldwin’s ads leaned into the fact that Wisconsin had never sent a woman to Congress, and many of her ads targeted younger voters.[20] She won the Democratic primary with a plurality of 37% of the vote.[21] In the general election, she defeated Republican nominee Josephine Musser, 53–47%.[22] Baldwin’s campaign drew strong turnout in Dane County, using a team of volunteers, many of whom were students. The turnout was said to have helped Russ Feingold’s reelection campaign that year, and was acknowledged by Feingold as a factor.[23]
Baldwin is the first woman elected to Congress from Wisconsin. She is also the first openly gay non-incumbent elected to the House of Representatives, and the first open lesbian elected to Congress.[24][25] She and Representative Barney Frank co-founded the Congressional LGBTQ+ Equality Caucus in 2008.[26]
In 2000, Baldwin was reelected, defeating Republican nominee John Sharpless by 8,902 votes (51%–49%). She lost eight of the district’s nine counties, but carried the largest, Dane County, with 55% of the vote.[27]
After the 2000 census the 2nd district was made significantly more Democratic in redistricting. Baldwin won reelection to a third term in the newly redrawn 2nd district with 66% of the vote against Republican Ron Greer.[28] In 2004, she beat Dave Magnum 63–37%.[29] She won a 2006 rematch against Magnum, again winning 63–37%.[30] In 2008, she defeated Peter Theron 69–31%,[31] and in 2010 she won a seventh term with 62% of the vote against Chad Lee.[32]
Committee assignments
U.S. Senate (2013–present)

Baldwin ran as the Democratic nominee against Republican nominee Tommy Thompson, who had formerly been governor and Secretary of Health and Human Services. She announced her candidacy on September 6, 2011, in a video emailed to supporters.[33] She ran uncontested in the primary election,[34] and spoke at the 2012 Democratic National Convention about tax policy, campaign finance reform, and equality in the United States.[35]
She was endorsed by Democracy for America, and she received campaign funding from EMILY’s List, the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund, and LPAC.[36] Baldwin was endorsed by the editorial board of The Capital Times, who wrote that “Baldwin’s fresh ideas on issues ranging from job creation to health care reform, along with her proven record of working across lines of partisanship and ideology, and her grace under pressure mark her as precisely the right choice to replace retiring U.S. Senator Herb Kohl“.[37]

Thompson said during the campaign that Baldwin’s “far-left approach leaves this country in jeopardy”.[38] The candidates had three debates, on September 28,[39][40] October 18,[41] and October 26.[42] According to Baldwin’s Federal Election Commission filings, she raised about $12 million, over $5 million more than Thompson.[43]
On November 6, 2012, Baldwin became the first openly gay candidate to be elected to the U.S. Senate, with 51.4% of the vote. Because of her 14 years in the House of Representatives, under Senate rules she had the highest seniority in her entering class of senators.[44] She was succeeded in Congress by State Representative Mark Pocan, who had earlier succeeded her in the state legislature.
Baldwin was featured in Time‘s November 19, 2012, edition, in the Verbatim section, where she was quoted as saying “I didn’t run to make history” on her historic election.[45] In a separate section, she was also mentioned as a new face to watch in the Senate.[46]
Baldwin won a second term in 2018 with 55.4% of the vote, defeating Republican Leah Vukmir by a margin of approximately 11%.[47]
In April 2023, Baldwin announced her intention to run for a third Senate term.[48] She narrowly defeated Republican nominee Eric Hovde even as Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump won Wisconsin.[49][50]
119th United States Congress Committee assignments[51]

- Committee on Appropriations
- Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation
- Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
Political positions

In 2003, Baldwin served on the advisory committee of the Progressive Majority, a political action committee dedicated to electing progressive candidates to public office.[52]
In 2012, Baldwin described herself as a progressive in the mold of former Wisconsin governor and U.S. senator Robert M. La Follette.[53] In 2013, she and Wisconsin’s senior U.S. Senator, Ron Johnson, split on votes more frequently than any other Senate duo from the same state.[54] She was one of 16 female Democratic senators to sign a letter in 2013 endorsing Hillary Clinton as the Democratic nominee in the 2016 presidential election.[55]
In 2023, the Lugar Center ranked Baldwin in the top third of senators for bipartisanship.[56]

In 2019, she and eight other Democratic senators sent United States Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue a letter that criticized the USDA for purchasing pork from JBS USA, an American subsidiary of a Brazilian corporation.[57]
Bush administration
Baldwin cosponsored H. Res. 333, a bill in 2007 proposing articles of impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney, and H. Res. 589, a bill proposing the impeachment of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. She wrote in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “I joined with my colleagues on the House Judiciary Committee, Reps. Robert Wexler (D-Fla.) and Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.), in urging Chairman Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) to conduct hearings on a resolution of impeachment now pending consideration in that committee.” She added that although some constituents “say I have gone too far”, others “argue I have not gone far enough” and feel “we are losing our democracy and that I should do more to hold the Bush administration accountable for its actions.”[58]
Climate change

In 2018, Baldwin was one of 25 Democratic senators to cosponsor a resolution in response to findings of the Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change report and National Climate Assessment.[59]
In 1995, Baldwin proposed the creation of a review board to investigate the deaths of prison inmates.[60] In 1997, she authored a bill changing Wisconsin’s candidate filing system to an electronic one.[61] Baldwin opposes capital punishment in Wisconsin.[62]
Drug policy

Baldwin was one of 17 senators to sign a letter to President-elect Donald Trump in 2016 asking him to fulfill a campaign pledge to bring down the cost of prescription drugs.[63]
She and 30 other senators signed a letter to Kaléo Pharmaceuticals in 2017 in response to the opioid-overdose-reversing device Evzio rising in price from $690 in 2014 to $4,500 and requested the company detail the price structure for Evzio, how many devices Kaléo Pharmaceuticals set aside for donation, and the totality of federal reimbursements Evzio received in the previous year.[64]
Baldwin was one of six senators to sign a letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer in 2017 requesting their “help in ensuring the long-term sustainability of the 340B program”, a Trump administration rule mandating that drug companies give discounts to health-care organizations presently serving large numbers of low-income patients.[65]
Economic policy

In a 2015 radio interview, Baldwin said that she, the Pope, and Donald Trump all supported repeal of the carried interest tax loophole. PolitiFact wrote that “while Pope Francis has called for helping the poor and addressing economic inequality, we could not find that [Trump] has spoken out on this particular tax break.”[66]
The editors of The Capital Times commended Baldwin for her vocal opposition to a budget resolution in 2017 that she believed would increase income inequality, calling her “one of the budget’s most ardent foes”.[67] She expressed opposition to the Trump tax-reform bill, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, saying that it was being drafted “behind closed doors” and charging that it was being “shoved through.” In its place she promoted the Stronger Way Act, a bill that she and Cory Booker co-sponsored.[68]
Baldwin sponsored the Reward Work Act of 2018, which proposed to guarantee the right of employees in listed companies to elect one-third of the board of directors.[69] She signed a letter to United States Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta in 2019 that advocated that the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) make a full investigation into a complaint filed in May by a group of Chicago-area McDonald’s employees that detailed instances of workplace violence, such as customers throwing hot coffee and threatening employees with firearms. The senators argued that McDonald’s could and should “do more to protect its employees, but employers will not take seriously their obligations to provide a safe workplace if OSHA does not enforce workers rights to a hazard-free workplace.”[70]
Baldwin supports Buy America rules and has advocated for their inclusion in federal funding bills.[71][72]

Baldwin was one of 12 senators to sign a letter to President Obama in 2016 asserting that the passage of the Trans-Pacific Partnership “in its current form will perpetuate a trade policy that advantages corporations at the expense of American workers” and that there would be an “erosion of U.S. manufacturing and middle class jobs, and accelerate the corporate race to the bottom” if provisions were not fixed.[73]
In 2024, Baldwin was one of a handful of Democrats credited with ending President Biden’s proposed Indo-Pacific trade agenda. She said, “There were some big concerns that we would be retreating back to the day where trade was a race to the bottom, especially for workers.”[74]
Antitrust, competition, and corporate regulation
Baldwin was one of six Democrats led by Amy Klobuchar to sign letters in 2019 to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Department of Justice recounting that many of them had “called on both the FTC and the Justice Department to investigate potential anticompetitive activity in these markets, particularly following the significant enforcement actions taken by foreign competition enforcers against these same companies” and requesting that each agency confirm whether it had opened antitrust investigations into each company and that each agency pledge it would publicly release any such investigations’ findings.[75]
Foreign policy
Central America
Baldwin was one of 34 senators to sign a letter to President Trump in 2019 encouraging him “to listen to members of your own Administration and reverse a decision that will damage our national security and aggravate conditions inside Central America”, asserting that Trump had “consistently expressed a flawed understanding of U.S. foreign assistance” since becoming president and that he was “personally undermining efforts to promote U.S. national security and economic prosperity” by preventing the use of Fiscal Year 2018 national security funding. The senators argued that foreign assistance to Central American countries created less migration to the U.S. by helping to improve conditions in those countries.[76]
In 2020, Baldwin voiced her opposition to Israel‘s plan to annex parts of the Israeli-occupied West Bank.[77] In March 2024, she urged the Biden administration to recognize a “nonmilitarized” Palestinian state after the end of the war in Gaza.[78] In April, she voted for a $14 billion dollar military aid package to Israel.[79] Baldwin attended Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress in July 2024 and was the only Democratic representative from Wisconsin in attendance.[80] After the address, she said she was “deeply disappointed” in the remarks, which came in the middle of the conflict in Gaza. Baldwin wrote that while she was “resolute” in her support for “Israel’s right to defend itself and the need to end Hamas’s threat… the time has come for the innocent bloodshed and the war to end”.[81] Baldwin supports a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestine conflict.[82]
Baldwin was one of 11 senators to sign a letter in 2017 to United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions expressing their concern “about credible allegations that the Trump campaign, transition team, and Administration has colluded with the Russian government, including most recently the events leading to the resignation of Lieutenant General Michael Flynn as National Security Adviser.” The senators requested the creation of “an independent Special Counsel to investigate collusion with the Russian government by General Flynn and other Trump campaign, transition and Administrative officials” in order to maintain “the confidence, credibility and impartiality of the Department of Justice”.[83]
After United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced in 2016 that the Trump administration was suspending its obligations in the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty in 60 days in the event that Russia continued to violate the treaty, Baldwin was one of 26 senators to sign a letter expressing concern over the administration “now abandoning generations of bipartisan U.S. leadership around the paired goals of reducing the global role and number of nuclear weapons and ensuring strategic stability with America’s nuclear-armed adversaries” and calling on Trump to continue arms negotiations.[84]
Opposition to Iraq War

Baldwin was a vocal critic of the Iraq War.[10][85] She was among the 133 members of the House who voted in 2002 against authorizing the invasion of Iraq. She said there would be “postwar challenges”, that “there is no history of democratic government in Iraq”, that its “economy and infrastructure are in ruins after years of war and sanctions”, and that rebuilding would take “a great deal of money”.[86] In 2005, she joined the Out of Iraq Caucus.[87] In 2023, Baldwin voted with a bipartisan majority to repeal the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) in Iraq. She also supports repealing the 2001 AUMF for the War on Terror.[88]
Saudi Arabia
Baldwin voted for a resolution by Rand Paul and Chris Murphy in 2017 that would block Trump’s $510 million sale of precision-guided munitions to Saudi Arabia that made up a portion of the $110 billion arms sale Trump announced during his visit to Saudi Arabia the previous year.[89][90]
Baldwin voted against tabling a resolution spearheaded by Bernie Sanders, Chris Murphy, and Mike Lee in 2018 that would have required Trump to withdraw American troops either in or influencing Yemen within the next 30 days unless they were combating Al-Qaeda.[91] In 2021, she voted for a resolution, opposed by a 67–30 majority, that would have blocked a $650 billion weapons sale to Saudi Arabia.[92]
Gun control
Baldwin was one of 18 senators to sign a letter to Thad Cochran and Barbara Mikulski in 2016 requesting that the Labor, Health and Education subcommittee hold a hearing on whether to allow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to fund a study of gun violence.[93]
Baldwin was a cosponsor of the Military Domestic Violence Reporting Enhancement Act in 2017, a bill to create a charge of domestic violence under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) and stipulate that convictions must be reported to federal databases to keep abusers from purchasing firearms within three days in an attempt to close a loophole in the UCMJ whereby convicted abusers retain the ability to purchase firearms.[94]
Baldwin was a cosponsor of the NICS Denial Notification Act in 2018,[95] legislation developed in the aftermath of the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting that would require federal authorities to inform states within a day after a person failing the National Instant Criminal Background Check System attempted to buy a firearm.[96]
In 2022, Baldwin voted for the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, a gun reform bill introduced after a deadly school shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. The bill enhanced background checks for firearm purchasers under age 21, provided funding for school-based mental health services, and partially closed the gun show loophole and boyfriend loophole.[97][98][99]
Health care

An outspoken advocate of single-payer, government-run universal health care since her days as a state legislator, Baldwin introduced the Health Security for All Americans Act, which would have required states to provide such a system, in 2000, 2002, 2004, and 2005.[10][85][100][101][102] The bill died each time it was introduced without a House vote.[103]
Baldwin has said that she “believes strongly that a single-payer health system is the best way to comprehensively and fairly reform our health care system.”[103] In 2009, she voted for the version of health-care reform that included a public option, a government-run health-care plan that would have competed with private insurers, but only the House passed that version. She ultimately voted for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, which became law in 2010.[10][104] Baldwin is credited with writing the ACA provision that allows Americans to stay on their parents’ health insurance until age 26.[105] She said she hoped a public option in the ACA would lead to a single-payer system. The first version of the ACA Baldwin voted for included a public option, but the final version did not.[103]
In 2009, Baldwin introduced the Ending LGBT Health Disparities Act (ELHDA), which sought to advance LGBT health priorities by promoting research, cultural competency, and non-discrimination policies. The bill did not pass.[106]
Baldwin was one of five Democratic senators to sign a letter to President Trump in 2017 warning that failure “to take immediate action to oppose the lawsuit or direct House Republicans to forgo this effort will increase instability in the insurance market, as insurers may choose not to participate in the marketplace in 2018” and that they remained concerned that his administration “has still not provided certainty to insurers and consumers that you will protect the cost-sharing subsidies provided under the law.”[107]
Also in 2017, Baldwin wrote an op-ed titled “Why I support Medicare for all and other efforts to expand health coverage.”[108] In 2018 she was one of ten senators to sponsor the Choose Medicare Act, an expanded public option for health insurance that also increased Obamacare subsidies and rendered people with higher incomes eligible for its assistance.[109]
During the 2018–19 United States federal government shutdown, Baldwin was one of 34 senators to sign a letter to Commissioner of Food and Drugs Scott Gottlieb recognizing the FDA’s efforts to address the shutdown’s effect on public health and employees while remaining alarmed “that the continued shutdown will result in increasingly harmful effects on the agency’s employees and the safety and security of the nation’s food and medical products.”[110]
In 2019, Baldwin was one of 11 senators to sign a letter to insulin manufactures Eli Lilly and Company, Novo Nordisk, and Sanofi about their increased insulin prices depriving patients of “access to the life-saving medications they need”.[111] She was one of eight senators to cosponsor the Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act (PCHETA), a bill intended to strengthen training for new and existing physicians, people who teach palliative care, and other providers on the palliative care team that grants patients and their families a voice in their care and treatment goals.[112] In 2022, Baldwin voted with Democrats to pass the Inflation Reduction Act, which capped the cost of insulin for seniors on Medicare at $35 a month. The act also allowed Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices.[113]

Baldwin was one of 41 senators to sign a bipartisan letter in 2019 to the housing subcommittee supporting the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development‘s Section 4 Capacity Building program as authorizing “HUD to partner with national nonprofit community development organizations to provide education, training, and financial support to local community development corporations (CDCs) across the country” and expressing disappointment that President Trump’s budget “has slated this program for elimination after decades of successful economic and community development.” The senators wrote of their hope that the subcommittee would support continued funding for Section 4 in Fiscal Year 2020.[114]
In 2024, Baldwin co-sponsored the Stop Predatory Investing Act to ban corporate investors that buy up more than 50 single-family homes from deducting interest or depreciation on those properties.[115]
Baldwin voted against building a fence on the U.S.–Mexico border in 2006.[116] She voted in 2013 for S. 744, the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act.[117] She voted against Kate’s Law in 2016.[118]
LGBT rights

In 1993, Baldwin became the first openly lesbian woman elected to the Wisconsin State Assembly and one of few openly LGBT people elected to political offices in the United States at the time of her election.
In 1993, she said she was disappointed by President Bill Clinton‘s support of the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, calling it “a concession to bigotry”.[119] In 1994, she proposed legalizing same-sex marriage in Wisconsin.[120] In 1995, she proposed domestic partnerships in Wisconsin.[121]
In 2018, Baldwin was one of 20 senators to sign a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo urging him to reverse the rollback of a policy that granted visas to same-sex partners of LGBTQ diplomats who had unions that were not recognized by their home countries, writing that too many places around the world had seen LGBTQ people “subjected to discrimination and unspeakable violence, and receive little or no protection from the law or local authorities” and that refusing to let LGBTQ diplomats bring their partners to the U.S. would be equivalent to upholding “the discriminatory policies of many countries around the world”.[122]
In 2019, Baldwin was one of 18 senators to sign a letter to Pompeo requesting an explanation of a State Department decision not to issue an official statement that year commemorating Pride Month or to issue the annual cable outlining activities for embassies commemorating Pride Month. They also asked why the LGBTI special envoy position remained vacant and wrote that “preventing the official flying of rainbow flags and limiting public messages celebrating Pride Month signals to the international community that the United States is abandoning the advancement of LGBTI rights as a foreign policy priority”.[123]
In 2022, Baldwin helped pass the Respect for Marriage Act.[124]
On December 16, 2024, Baldwin led over 20 Democratic senators in introducing an amendment to the Senate version of the NDAA 2025 that removed the restriction on TRICARE coverage for gender-affirming care for minors. The amendment was not brought up for a vote.[125][126][127]

Baldwin introduced a bill in 2013 that would “bring greater government transparency, oversight and due process whenever authorities use information gathered for intelligence purposes to make domestic non-terrorism cases against Americans.”[128]
She called the mass shooting in Orlando, Florida, in 2016 a “hate crime“[129] and said, “The question now for America is are we going to come together and stand united against hate, gun violence and terrorism?”[130]
Baldwin was one of 22 members of Congress to vote against a 2006 9/11 memorial bill; she said she “voted against the bill because Republicans had inserted provisions praising the Patriot Act and hard-line immigration measures”.[131][132] She voted nine times in favor of other similar bills.[133]
Her vote received renewed attention in Wisconsin’s 2012 U.S. Senate race, when Tommy Thompson‘s campaign released an ad about it that PolitiFact rated “Mostly False”.[133] Thompson said, “Wisconsin voters need to know that Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin put her extreme views above honoring the men and women who were murdered by the terrorists in the Sept. 11 attacks on our nation.”[131] PolitiFact wrote, “Thompson said his Democratic challenger voted against a resolution honoring 9/11 victims. Technically, he’s correct. Baldwin voted against the measure in 2006—and criticized Republicans for adding in references to the Patriot Act, immigration bills, and other controversial matters. But Baldwin has voted nine times in favor of similar resolutions, and the day before the vote in question supported creation of a memorial at the World Trade Center site. Thompson’s statement contains an element of truth, but leaves out critical information that would give a different impression. That’s our definition of Mostly False.”[133]
U.S. Postal Service
Baldwin was a cosponsor of a bipartisan resolution led by Gary Peters and Jerry Moran in 2019 that opposed privatization of the United States Postal Service (USPS), citing the USPS as a self-sustained establishment and noting concerns that privatization could cause higher prices and reduced services for its customers, especially in rural communities.[134]

In August 2013, Baldwin was one of 23 Democratic senators to sign a letter to the Defense Department warning that some payday lenders were “offering predatory loan products to service members at exorbitant triple digit effective interest rates and loan products that do not include the additional protections envisioned by the law” and asserting that service members and their families “deserve the strongest possible protections and swift action to ensure that all forms of credit offered to members of our armed forces are safe and sound.”[135]
In January 2015, USA Today obtained a copy of a report by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs inspector general about the Tomah, Wisconsin Veterans Affairs medical facility. The report said that two physicians at the Tomah VA were among the biggest prescribers of opioids in a multi-state region, raising “potentially serious concerns”. Baldwin’s office had received the report in August 2014 but did not take action until January 2015, when Baldwin called for an investigation after the Center for Investigative Reporting published details of the report, including information about a veteran who died from an overdose at the facility. A whistleblower and former Tomah VA employee learned that Baldwin’s office had a copy of the report, and repeatedly emailed Baldwin’s office asking that she take action on the issue. Baldwin’s office did not explain why they waited from August 2014 to January 2015 to call for an investigation. Baldwin was the only member of Congress who had a copy of the report.[136][137]
In February 2015, Baldwin fired her deputy state director over her handling of the VA report. The aide was offered but declined a severance deal that included a cash payout and a confidentiality agreement that would have required her to keep quiet. The aide filed an ethics complaint with the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. The complaint was dismissed as lacking merit.[138] Baldwin said, “we should have done a better job listening to and communicating with another constituent with whom we were working on problems at the VA”,[137] and that she had started a review of why her office had failed to act on the report. As a result of the review, Baldwin fined her chief of staff, demoted her state director, and reassigned a veterans’ outreach staffer.[139] In 2016, Baldwin introduced a bill named after the affected veteran, Jason Simcakoski, to strengthen opioid prescribing practices and guidelines at the VA.[140] In November 2017, Baldwin co-sponsored legislation designed to strengthen opioid safety in the Department of Veterans Affairs.[140]
In 2021, Baldwin co-sponsored a bill to expand VA health benefits for veterans who were exposed to burn pits at Karshi-Khanabad Air Base in Uzbekistan, also known as K2 Air Base.[141]
Personal life
Baldwin was in a relationship with Lauren Azar for 15 years; the couple registered as domestic partners in 2009.[142] They separated in 2010.[143]
Baldwin was baptized Episcopalian but considers herself “unaffiliated” with a religion.[144][145]
In 2020, in honor of the 50th anniversary of the first LGBTQ Pride parade, Queerty named Baldwin one of 50 heroes “leading the nation toward equality, acceptance, and dignity for all people”.[146][147]
Electoral history
U.S. House
Year | Election | Date | Elected | Defeated | Total | Plurality | ||||||
1998 | Primary[148] | Sep. 8 | Tammy Baldwin | Democratic | 24,227 | 37.09% | Richard J. Phelps | Dem. | 22,610 | 34.62% | 65,317 | 1,617 |
Joe Wineke | Dem. | 17,444 | 26.71% | |||||||||
Patrick J. O’Brien | Dem. | 1,036 | 1.59% | |||||||||
General[148] | Nov. 3 | Tammy Baldwin | Democratic | 116,377 | 52.87% | Josephine Musser | Rep. | 103,528 | 47.03% | 220,115 | 12,849 | |
Marc Gumz (write-in) | Rep. | 107 | 0.05% | |||||||||
John Stumpf (write-in) | Tax. | 103 | 0.05% | |||||||||
2000 | General[149] | Nov. 7 | Tammy Baldwin (inc) | Democratic | 163,534 | 51.36% | John Sharpless | Rep. | 154,632 | 48.57% | 318,380 | 8,902 |
2002 | General[150] | Nov. 5 | Tammy Baldwin (inc) | Democratic | 163,313 | 66.01% | Ron Greer | Rep. | 83,694 | 33.83% | 247,410 | 79,619 |
2004 | General[151] | Nov. 2 | Tammy Baldwin (inc) | Democratic | 251,637 | 63.27% | Dave Magnum | Rep. | 145,810 | 36.66% | 397,724 | 105,827 |
2006 | General[152] | Nov. 7 | Tammy Baldwin (inc) | Democratic | 191,414 | 62.82% | Dave Magnum | Rep. | 113,015 | 37.09% | 304,688 | 78,399 |
2008 | General[153] | Nov. 4 | Tammy Baldwin (inc) | Democratic | 277,914 | 69.33% | Peter Theron | Rep. | 122,513 | 30.56% | 400,841 | 155,401 |
2010 | General[154] | Nov. 2 | Tammy Baldwin (inc) | Democratic | 191,164 | 61.77% | Chad Lee | Rep. | 118,099 | 38.16% | 309,460 | 73,065 |
U.S. Senate
Party | Candidate | Votes | % | ±% | |
Democratic | Tammy Baldwin | 1,547,104 | 51.41% | −15.90 | |
Republican | Tommy Thompson | 1,380,126 | 45.86% | +16.38 | |
Libertarian | Joseph Kexel | 62,240 | 2.07% | N/A | |
Independent | Nimrod Allen, III | 16,455 | 0.55% | N/A | |
Write-in | 3,486 | 0.11% | +0.05 | ||
Majority | 166,978 | 5.55% | |||
Turnout | 3,009,411 | ||||
Democratic hold | Swing |
Party | Candidate | Votes | % | ±% | |
Democratic | Tammy Baldwin | 1,472,914 | 55.36% | +3.95 | |
Republican | Leah Vukmir | 1,184,885 | 44.53% | −1.33 | |
Write-in | 2,964 | 0.11% | N/A | ||
Majority | 288,029 | 10.83% | +5.25 | ||
Turnout | 2,660,763 | ||||
Democratic hold | Swing |
Party | Candidate | Votes | % | ±% | |
Democratic | Tammy Baldwin | 1,672,777 | 49.33% | −6.03 | |
Republican | Eric Hovde | 1,643,996 | 48.48% | +3.95 | |
Disrupt the Corruption | Phil Anderson | 42,315 | 1.25% | N/A | |
America First | Thomas Leager | 28,751 | 0.85% | N/A | |
Write-in | 2,948 | 0.09% | −0.02 | ||
Majority | 28,781 | 0.85% | −9.98 | ||
Turnout | 3,390,787 | ||||
Democratic hold | Swing |
See also
- List of LGBT members of the United States Congress
- Women in the United States House of Representatives
- Women in the United States Senate
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Further reading
- “Federal Politics and Medical Practices”, Presentation given by Baldwin at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, January 25, 2007
- “Health Care Reform in 2009? The View from Washington, DC”, Presentation given by Baldwin at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, February 4, 2008
External links
- Senator Tammy Baldwin official U.S. Senate website
- Tammy Baldwin for Senate campaign website
- Appearances on C-SPAN
- Biography at the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress
- Financial information (federal office) at the Federal Election Commission
- Legislation sponsored at the Library of Congress
- Profile at Vote Smart