
Alabama – US Senate 2020 Election

US Senate - AL 2020 Election


The 2020 election is a test of whether Doug Jones’s 2017 win was an aberration or a testament to newfound Democratic strength in the South. The fundamentals of the race clearly favor Republicans; Alabama loves Trump, and the president’s net approval rating has been higher there than any other state. Jones is a moderate Democrat who emphasizes his bipartisan record, but also voted to remove the president after impeachment. The GOP is clearly feeling confident now that Moore is no longer an element in the race

What are the odds? Cook Political Report rates this Lean Republican, and Sabato’s Crystal Ball rates it Likely Republican.

Vox by Elle Nielsen on June 11, 2020

OnAir Post: Alabama – US Senate 2020 Election



Democratic senator Doug Jones stakes re-election bid on threat to voting rights
The Guardian, Daniel StraussOctober 28, 2020

Amid an unprecedented number of early votes cast in the 2020 election cycle, Alabama senator Doug Jones is staking his electoral fortunes on framing his re-election campaign around the threat to voting rights, especially in his native deep south.

Jones, a rare Democratic senator in a red southern state, has been sounding the alarm on his state’s burdensome voting restrictions. He’s been dinging his opponent over comments about a landmark voting law and he’s arguing that in an age of high partisanship in America there’s a path for lawmakers to reinforce national voting laws.

Jones, the Alabama Democrat who was elected to his Senate seat in a 2017 upset race, is also calling for a new extension of the Voting Rights Act, the set of voting protections that were gutted in a ruling by the United States supreme court seven years ago. That ruling struck down a core provision of the law which required nine states to seek federal approval before changing their election laws. Those states were required to seek federal permission because of a history of enforcing voter requirements that dramatically affected minorities.

POLITICS Alabama Senate race offers GOP its best chance to gain a seat as Democrat Doug Jones battles Tommy Tuberville
CNBC, Dan ManganOctober 27, 2020

Sen. Doug Jones caught the political equivalent of lightning in a jar when he managed to win a special election as a Democrat in Alabama in 2017 despite years of Republican dominance in statewide elected offices and despite President Donald Trump’s popularity there.

But Jones now might have to snag a second bolt of lightning if the former federal prosecutor has a hope of retaining the seat that he has held for less than three years out of one of the nation’s reddest red states.

Jones, 66, is facing a tough reelection battle against former college football coach Tommy Tuberville, the Republican nominee.

In Alabama, Two Very Different Views on Climate Change Give Voters a Clear Choice
Inside Climate News, James BruggersSeptember 17, 2020
  • Democrat Doug Jones does not wear concerns about climate change on his sleeve but he also has not been afraid to tell conservative voters in his state that it’s a problem. He shook the political landscape in Republican-dominated Alabama when, in a 2017 special election, he became the first Democrat in Alabama to win a Senate seat since 1992.
  • In the Republican primary, President Donald Trump degraded his former attorney general Jeff Sessions at every turn; as a result,  retired Auburn University football coach Tommy Tuberville is now challenging Jones as an unconventional candidate with anti-science views.
  • Tuberville does not accept mainstream climate science and has espoused a conspiracy theory about the Green New Deal and the coronavirus pandemic.
Will we see a debate between Tuberville and Jones?
WVTM 13 News July 20, 2020 (02:39)
Democratic Sen. Doug Jones faces a tough reelection fight against Tommy Tuberville in Alabama
Business Insider, Grace PanettaSeptember 18, 2020
  • Sen. Doug Jones,the lone Democratic Senator from the Deep South, is running for a full term against Tommy Tuberville in Alabama.
  • Jones narrowly won a December 2017 special election to replace former Sen. Jeff Sessions, but now faces much tougher odds against Tuberville.
  • Tuberville, a former Auburn University football coach, has earned President Donald Trump’s endorsement, and easily defeated Sessions in a July runoff.
Political experts discuss Tommy Tuberville’s chances of defeating Sen. Doug Jones in November
WVTM 13 NewsSeptember 14, 2020 (04:32)

Doug Jones

Current Position: US Senator since 2018
Affiliation: Democrat
Candidate: 2020 US Senator

Doug Jones 1I ran for Senate in order to be a voice for reason in the turmoil of modern Washington. Now that I’ve been elected, I want to bring the hope of justice and fairness back to all Alabamians. Too many Alabamians don’t believe our government is serving them.

The issues that affect our daily lives – healthcare, wages, true equality for all – have become bargaining chips between parties. These common causes must not be obscured by the fog of political rhetoric. My heart has always impelled me towards public service. Whether you voted for me or not, I care about justice and progress for you and your family, and I’m in the Senate to return dignity to the citizens of Alabama.

For more information, go to the Doug Jones post.

Tommy Tubberville

Current Position: Sports broadcaster since 2016
Affiliation: Republican
Candidate: 2020 US Senator
Former Position(s): Football coach from 1976 – 2016

Tommy Tubberville believes the First Duty of Government Is to Protect Our Individual Liberty

I am running for the United States Senate because I believe liberals in Washington are out-of-control. I believe the first duty of government is to protect our individual liberty. I will be a leader in Washington fighting for smaller government, less taxes, and our national sovereignty. I am running to defend the Constitution, and I understand that the freedoms we enjoy must be protected and preserved for future generations.

For more information, see this Tommy Tubberville post.



Doug Jones 


Tommy Tubberville 

Core Values

Tommy Believes the First Duty of Government Is to Protect Our Individual Liberty

I am running for the United States Senate because I believe liberals in Washington are out-of-control. I believe the first duty of government is to protect our individual liberty. I will be a leader in Washington fighting for smaller government, less taxes, and our national sovereignty. I am running to defend the Constitution, and I understand that the freedoms we enjoy must be protected and preserved for future generations.

As a father and husband, I understand that decisions made in Washington have an immediate impact on families and shape the world we will leave to our children. I understand the profound blessing it is to be a citizen of the United States, and I will be responsible to help conserve that blessing for future generations.

Civil Rights

Doug Jones 

Civil Rights

In the United States of America, everyone should be able to live without fear of discrimination. Period. I am committed to working against all forms of discrimination, including in housing and employment. This freedom includes a guarantee of equal pay for equal work. As a former U.S. Attorney, I also know all too well that we need to make common-sense reforms to our criminal justice system.

One of the special hallmarks of our democratic society is the right to vote in free and fair elections, and I am dedicated to protecting each individual’s right to participate fully in the electoral process. That’s why I cosponsored legislation that targets practices known to suppress voting. I’m also co-sponsoring legislation to prohibit the communication of false information with the intent to prevent or interfere with another’s right to vote.

Tommy Tubberville 

Gun Rights

Defending The Second Amendment

While we are fighting out-of-touch liberals to protect life and liberty, we must also stand up for the time-honored traditions we hold dear in Alabama. Being a sportsman has always been a part of my life. That is why I will always vote to protect and preserve our Second Amendment rights.



Doug Jones 


We need to build a strong economy that attracts new businesses to Alabama, allows existing Alabama businesses to expand and provides our workers jobs that pay a living wage—not just a minimum wage—and equal pay for equal work.

I have made it a priority to ensure that Alabama is ready to compete in a 21st century economy. To do that, we must provide the necessary tools for our young people to advance their careers, including quality schools, accessible secondary education, and vocational training programs that prepare students for careers in our 21st century economy.

I understand the unique challenges that Alabama businesses face, particularly when it comes to accessing high-speed internet than can help keep them competitive. That’s why I’ve made expanding broadband access in urban and rural areas a priority. And as a member of the Senate Banking Committee, I’ve worked on common-sense reforms that allow businesses to access the capital they need and reduce overreaching regulations that limit growth.

We need to protect Alabama businesses from unfair trade practices, understanding that Alabama has become an exporting state. Whether it is automobiles or farm products, access to foreign markets is vital because the customer bases for many Alabama businesses are overseas.

These policies will benefit all Alabamians and will help build a stronger economy that keeps our state competitive for decades to come.


Alabama is fortunate to have rich and abundant farmlands. In fact, our great state has more than 43,000 farms that cover roughly 8.9 million acres. That is why I want to provide farmers with strong safety nets, preserve our lands, and maintain strong support for nutrition programs.

As the Senate prepared to pass the Farm Bill in 2018, I worked to make sure that Alabama’s farmers and producers were well-served by this important legislation. Alabama farmers deserve a bill that will protect them when commodity prices are low. I also supported efforts to help assist minority farmers, veteran farmers, and new farmers.

Broadband is equally important to farmers as a tool to innovate and work smarter. I’m proud to have supported efforts in the Farm Bill that will ease the challenges many face in that respect.

As we prepare the next generation to become producers, it is important to me that they have all the tools they need to thrive. I am committed to preserving trade policies that benefit our farmers and investing in new research so our state and nation can remain competitive.

Tommy Tubberville 


Lower Taxes and Less Spending

Thankfully we have a President who thinks like we do: lower taxes create jobs and less spending reduces the size and scope of the federal government. After eight long years of a declining economy, we are now seeing record job growth across the board and the lowest unemployment rates for Veterans and African-Americans in history. President Trump’s tax cuts and economic policies have driven this success – and I will join in the fight and support our President as we continue to grow our economy.


Doug Jones 


Every Alabamian deserves access to quality education, regardless of their ZIP code. From pre-K to college to job training, our students need to be well prepared. I am committed to working with students, teachers, parents, administrators, and school board members to find proactive solutions to improve our education systems at every level.

For those who want to attend college, that education should not come with an enormous price tag that leaves students struggling to pay off debt for years. I support finding common-sense solutions to reduce those costs and ease those burdens. I am a proponent of better funding for childcare on college campuses and an open textbook pilot that will create significant student savings.

Our Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), as well as all other minority-serving institutions, are vital to our higher education system in Alabama. Our HBCUs need to be preserved and supported, and I will continue to be a vocal advocate for them in the Senate.

I also understand that college is not for everyone. Career and technical education (CTE) programs are critical to ensure that Alabama and our country remain competitive. I believe in strengthening the CTE programs so that we have a strong workforce pipeline to support our booming industries in Alabama.

Tommy Tubberville 

Improving Education

The Federal Government Is Not the Solution to Improving Our Nation’s Education System

The best and most viable solutions come from the local level where parents, students, and local administrators can collaborate and work towards success together. And I believe that school choice, charter schools, and improving our existing public schools are all things that need to be a part of the education mix for Alabama children.


Doug Jones 


As an avid hunter and fisherman, I understand the importance of protecting our environment and preserving our natural resources for future generations. From Little River Canyon to Dauphin Island, Alabama is home to many natural wonders. We rely on our environment not just for its beauty, but also as a driver of our state’s economy. I’m fighting to preserve Alabama’s outdoor treasures by cosponsoring legislation to permanently authorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). This legislation will ensure Alabama’s rivers and wilderness can be enjoyed for generations to come.

Businesses also have a role in protecting our environment. Climate change is a scientific reality, and it is important to work with other nations to promote business practices that are environmentally friendly without burdening them with unnecessary and expensive regulations.

Tommy Tubberville 


Health Care

Doug Jones 

Health Care

Every American deserves access to high-quality, affordable health care. As a member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, I’ve been working across the aisle on policies that expand access to care, promote innovation, and reduce costs for families.

After I was sworn into the Senate in January 2018, the first bill I cosponsored was a bill to protect the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Although Congress had allowed the CHIP program to expire in 2017 and in doing so put more than 150,000 Alabama children who rely on the program at risk, I’m proud that our efforts paid off and Congress ultimately reauthorized and funded the program for the next 10 years.

In Alabama we also face significant challenges in providing health care for many of our rural communities. I am working to reverse the trend of hospital closures and ensure that rural areas have an adequate health care workforce. As a member of the Senate Special Committee on Aging, I’ve worked with my colleagues to advocate for Alabama’s seniors and will work to protect Medicare and Social Security, not only for current beneficiaries, but for generations to come.

Tommy Tubberville 


Reforming A Broken Healthcare System

Obamacare must go. This failed experiment has led to higher costs, less quality care, and a system that hurts patients and doctors more than it helps. I believe that we need a return to the free-market where companies compete for your business, while ensuring that pre-existing conditions are not a deterrent to obtaining quality insurance and care.


Doug Jones 


Businesses look at a community’s infrastructure when deciding where to locate. Unfortunately, many of our roads and bridges are badly in need of repair. In the more populous areas of the state, traffic congestion demands wider roads or new tunnels. Because Alabama cannot afford such expensive infrastructure repairs without federal assistance, I am urging my colleagues in the Senate to pass legislation that will help pave the way for Alabama’s future.

Alabama also has urgent water and sewage infrastructure needs. I have spoken directly to President Trump about how important these projects are to our state. Because every Alabamian should have access to clean drinking water and sanitary sewage systems, I sponsored two bipartisan bills that would address these challenges in rural Alabama. I am proud that one of these bills was included in the Senate’s 2018 Farm Bill.

Broadband Access

Every Alabamian should have access to high-speed broadband internet. So much in medicine, banking, and education occurs online these days, and communities without high-speed access risk being left behind. Businesses looking to open or expand in Alabama tell me that broadband access is critical to their decision about where to locate. I have fought for additional broadband funding for Alabama communities through the appropriations process and the Farm Bill, and I will continue to do so at every opportunity.

Tommy Tubberville 



Doug Jones 


Tommy Tubberville 

Immigration & Border Security

It’s Simple — A Secure Border Means a More Secure Nation

We must first secure our border as we attempt real immigration reforms that will impact our nation for decades to come. I fully support President Trump’s plan to build a wall and make our nation more secure. And I will make sure our border patrol, detention centers, and law enforcement officers along and near the border have the resources they need to fight the scourge of illegal immigration that brings drugs, terrorists, and criminals into our country on a daily basis.


Doug Jones 


Keeping Alabamians safe and secure is my first priority. As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, I am working with my colleagues to keep our communities safe from threats both at home and abroad.

I also believe in the importance of taking care of our military personnel and families, because they take care of us. This means giving our servicemen and women the resources they need while deployed and in combat and providing the tools they need to transition seamlessly into the workforce when they return home.

From Redstone Arsenal to Maxwell Air Force Base, from Ft. Rucker to Anniston Army Depot, Alabama does as much for our national defense as any state, and I will continue to fight for these brave men and women every single day.

Tommy Tubberville 



Doug Jones 


Those who served our nation in the armed forces deserve more than our thanks. Our veterans deserve full support and resources while in service and the best medical care and benefits possible when return to civilian life.

Our responsibility extends to military spouses and other family members as well. When military service members must relocate from one base to another, I believe that our government can and should ease the transition by helping their spouses find work.

Tommy Tubberville 

Serving Those Who Served

Changing The Way We Treat Our Veterans

My father was a highly decorated WWII veteran and Purple Heart recipient, and that is why I am so passionate about changing the way our nation treats its Veterans. President Trump is off to a good start – Veteran unemployment is at its lowest point in history: 2.3%. But we can and must do more to help our Veterans re-enter the workforce and society. We must provide them with high-quality care and job training, and ensure that those who need it get the psychological care and attention they need to deal with the issues they face being back home.


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