George Mason University

VA onAir Chapters


George Mason University students, faculty, staff, and alumni have been major contributors to the development of the US onAir network. The GMU onAir chapter is the first onAir chapter in Virginia.

The GMU onAir chapter is affiliated with the US onAir Network of 50 state governance and election Hubs supporting the nationwide effort by colleges and universities across the country to make democracy and civic responsibility a central aspect of higher learning.

Chapter members:

  • Curate posts and moderate forums on politicians, issues, committees, and other topics related to Virginia congressional members and US governance and elections and
  • Produce aircasts (livestreamed, zoom discussions)  this fall with congressional candidates and, after the midterms, with their representatives

Featured Videos: Sample Candidate Aircast

Students who want to start their own  onAir chaptesr at their university can contact:


Virginia Students on Air is affiliated with the US onAir Network of 50 state governance and election Hubs supporting the nationwide effort by colleges and universities across the country to  make democracy and civic responsibility a central aspect of higher learning.

Featured Interview Aircast: Don Beyer student interview

GMU onAir Chapter

Students OnAir@GMU Chapter

Students onAir@GMU

The Students onAir @GMU chapter is where GMU students can come together to strengthen our democracy.  The onAir chapter is the lead student group overseeing the Virginia onAir governance and election Hub and the national hub at:

Students onAir @GMU is open to all Mason undergrad and graduate students.  It also sponsors a Registered Student Organization. This fall’s Students onAir officer’s are:  Ani Prakash, President, Frida Cervantes, Vice President, Devin Pieczynski, Secretary, and Gabriel Yu, Treasurer.

The chapter’s currently is sponsoring an outreach effort to Northern Virginia congressional candidates to inform and engage students and NoVA residents in the 2022 midterm elections.  The chapter is supporting interview aircasts with the candidates such as this highlight video of student interview with Congressman Don Beyer.

OnAir Post: Students onAir @GMU

Student Government

GMU Student Government 1

George Mason University’s Student Government is a permanent standing entity which receives its legitimacy and authority as representatives of the entire student body. We advocate for the interests of our fellow peers, educate the university community with regard to the state of the institution, and represent the interests of each student. Our mission is to do so through serving as a liaison to the administration, faculty, and community.

GMU Student government, especially the Government and Community Relations committee, and the Students onAir @GMU chapter, are exploring ways to collaborate on the Virginia onAir Hub and the US onAir network of 50 state governance and election hubs.

Our first project is to support livestream debates between Northern Virginia congressional candidates.

Source: Student Government website

OnAir Post: GMU Student Government

Politically Active Groups @GMU

GMU Politically Active Clubs 1

George Mason has over numerous student-focused, politically active groups including Democrats at Mason, George Mason College Republicans, Roosevelt at Mason, and Students onAir @GMU.

The Students onAir @GMU chapter is exploring various ways to collaborate  with these groups especially how the chapters’ aircasts (livestream, student-led discussions) like this two minute highlight video of an interview aircast with Congressman Don Beyer.

OnAir Post: Politically Active Groups @GMU

GMU & Civic Engagement

GMU Civic Engagement Programs

George Mason has a number of academic programs and internships that promote civic engagement including Mason Impact’s Community Engagement and Civic Learning (CECL) initiative, Schar School’s Democracy Lab Living/Learning Community, and the Global Politics Fellows internship program.

The Students onAir @GMU chapter is exploring various ways to collaborate  with these groups especially how the chapters’ aircasts (livestream, student-led discussions) like this two minute highlight video of an interview aircast with Congressman Don Beyer.

The Global Politics Fellows internship program has been working with Democracy on Air and the Students onAir @GMU chapter over the past four years to develop the US onAir Network of 50 governance and elections Hubs.

OnAir Post: GMU & Civic Engagement

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