Democratic Sen. Jeff Merkley considered running for president before deciding to seek a third term.
We think the Democratic candidate will likely win the U.S. Senate race in Oregon.
Politico 11/19/19.
OnAir Post: Oregon – US Senate 2020 Election
Jeff Merkley
Current Position: US Senator since 2009
Affiliation: Democrat
Candidate: 2020 US Senator
Senator Jeff Merkley’s top priority in the Senate has been creating jobs and laying the foundation for economic growth that benefits working families, not just the stock market. He successfully led passage of the Water Infrastructure Financing Innovation Act to help local communities replace aging sewer and drinking water systems and save ratepayers money. He expanded Buy America programs so that taxpayer dollars are spent on American steel and other materials whenever possible, and wrote legislation to crack down on unfair and illegal trade practices that threaten Oregon jobs.
“The core place I come from is that ordinary people need a champion.”
For more information, see this Jeff Merkley post.
Jo Rae Perkins
Current Position: financial planning
Affiliation: Republican
Candidate: 2020 US Senator
You deserve a U.S. Senator in DC, who stands tall for their country and will deliver on their word; A “Main Street American” just like you. I am a hard-working, hard-hitting Oregonian with Heartland Values and I take my vows very, very seriously. I pledge to honor my Oath of Office and keep all of my promises.
For more information, see this Jo Rae Perkins post.
Civil Rights
Jeff is committed to protecting the rights and liberties of all Americans. Since its creation, our nation has come a long way in the march toward equality and fairness, but there is still much work to be done. All Americans deserve the opportunity to live, work, and succeed without facing discrimination.
Gun Ownership
I support the 2nd Amendment as it is written.
Nothing is more important to growing and strengthening the middle class than creating good-paying jobs. We must make smart investments in infrastructure and support Made in Oregon manufacturing in order to create the good jobs Oregon needs.
Jeff is fighting to fix our broken financial system and make it work for middle-class families and small businesses again. Jeff is passionate about consumer protection and making sure that ordinary families are protected against scams and predatory schemes that threaten their pocketbooks. He led the fight in Oregon to take on the predatory payday lenders. In the U.S. Senate, he’s fought to create and strengthen the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the first-ever federal agency with the sole mission of looking out for consumers in their everyday financial transactions.
When Jeff first took on the challenge of running for the Oregon State Legislature, one of the reasons was because he wanted to build a better education system for his young children. And as the first in his family to go to college, Jeff knows that affordable access to higher education is critical to the success of the middle class.
Education is a major factor in determining whether our children and our nation succeed in today’s increasingly competitive global economy. As a country, we need to do a better job of supporting teachers, giving them the resources they need to provide the best possible environment for teaching our children, and ensuring that no capable student has to give up his or her dreams of higher education because of a lack of affordability.
The Beaver State was built by Americans who relied on the land for their livelihood. Natural resource industries like farming, forestry, and salmon fishing remain integral to Oregon’s economy today. Our state has also long been a destination for Americans looking to experience the great outdoors. Oregon’s protected public lands provide valuable habitats, supply clean water, and generate jobs through sustainable harvests, recreation, and tourism. Preserving our natural resources and making smart decisions about economic development will help spur rural growth and ensure that future generations can enjoy Oregon’s wild places and public lands while putting people to work.
Land Management
Change Federal Land Management and regulations by allowing the State of Oregon to be in charge. Oregonians are capable of managing the land to its highest and most potential, while simultaneously, reducing the risk of wildfires, reduce pollution, save wildlife and their natural habitat.
Health Care
Jeff believes access to quality, affordable health care is not a privilege, but a human right. Jeff’s perspective on health care has been influenced by his wife, Mary, a registered nurse, who sees the world through the eyes of her patients: the people who should be at the heart of our health care system.
Throughout his career, Jeff has fought to expand access to quality, affordable health care coverage. As Speaker of the Oregon House, Jeff lowered prescription drug prices by expanding the state’s bulk purchasing program and fought to expand and improve children’s health care coverage. Jeff continues working to improve health care quality and coverage for all Oregonians in the U.S. Senate.
Medical Freedom
Jo Rae Perkins supports the right of citizens to be educated with a full understanding of what is in the recommended vaccinations and all known side effects. She also supports the rights of parents to choose to not vaccinate their children.
Jo Rae Perkins will introduce a bill that removes the protection the pharmaceutical companies have that prevents lawsuits due to damaging side effects from “required vaccinations”.
She recommends those who are wondering to watch the two documentaries Vaxxed and Vaxxed II. Link to the website:
I stand with President Trump in expanding and fortifying the border wall. Immigrants are welcome that come into our nation legally. Pass laws that limits or stops federal dollars to any state, county, city, etc., that has declared “sanctuary status” for illegal aliens. Allowing illegal aliens to enter our country contributes to sex, human and drug trafficking.
Dreamers, I would categorize as age 18 and over, who were brought to the US by their parents, have lived here for years, and consider the United States to be their home country.
Minors, I would categorize as having been brought to the US by their parents, but are under the age of 18
Parent-Adults would be labeled as the adults who entered the US illegally with minor children.
Non-Parent Adults: Those who entered the US as either single or married adults and no children. Or whose children have reached the age of Majority (age 18) Dreamers would have six months to register with the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and declare their intention to become US citizens. They would then have six years to become citizens. During this time, they would be required to undergo thorough background checks to verify they are eligible for citizenship. This would verify that they:
• Have not been convicted of a felony
• Have not been charged with a felony
• Have not participated in protests against the United States of America
• Are not members of a gang or a terrorist organization
• Are employed and have proof of employment, or
• Is a student, or
• Is serving in the US Military
Once the Dreamer has registered with USCIS, they would not be eligible to receive any federal assistance, such as:
federal food stamps
federal student loans
HUD housing subsidies
welfare assistance
States and counties would have the option to provide assistance to the Dreamers. However, those funds cannot come from any federal grants or other federal funds, such as:
Student Loans
Housing Subsidies
Food Stamps (SNAP)
Other financial assistance
Marriage to a US citizen would not negate any of the above requirements.
Children in the US, to parents who are not in the US legally are not automatically US Citizens, unless the father is a US Citizen at the time of the child’s birth. This follows the intent of our Founding Fathers, under Natural Born Citizen, as well as the intent of the 14th Amendment.
Joining the US Military does not waive any of the citizenship requirements
Toll Roads
I will pressure the Department of Transportation to not allow tolling on Federal Roads. You already pay for the maintenance of all federal highways and freeways, through federal gas taxes.
Jeff is committed to protecting America from those who would do us harm, and to making sure we do so in a way that is consistent with American values and our Constitutional rights. Indeed, Jeff firmly believes that the measure of our strength isn’t just the power of our military, but that the United States is safer and stronger when we honor our fundamental American values like respect for the rule of law and invest in the hard work of working with our allies. In a dangerous world, with global threats ranging from terrorism to global warming to nuclear weapons proliferation, Jeff understands that we need to be able to work with other nations to confront these challenges together.
Having worked as a national security analyst at the Pentagon and at the Congressional Budget Office, Jeff has a unique understanding of national security policy. In both positions, he was immersed in the national dialogue on responsible management of nuclear weapons. Jeff also remained actively engaged in foreign policy issues as President of the World Affairs Council of Oregon.
Social Security
Our veterans have served their country with honor and deserve the utmost respect from our nation for their sacrifice. Veterans and their families have put America’s security before their own, and we have a responsibility to ensure that our service members have the tools and training to complete their missions when they leave our shores for duty, as well as the resources they need to stay healthy and financially secure when they return home.
Jeff has been a leader in Oregon to expand educational opportunities and improve medical services for our veterans. He is dedicated to working in the U.S. Senate on behalf of brave men and women who have given so much to serve their country. They have stood up for us, and now we must stand up for them.
Our US Armed Forces have earned the right to choose and receive the best medical care possible.
Women’s Rights and Health
Jeff is committed to protecting the health, rights, and liberties of all women. Throughout his career, Jeff has fought for equal pay, working to restore the balance of power between workers and employees by providing legal protections to women who face pay discrimination. He believes that millions of hardworking American women should have the ability to properly care for themselves and their families, without worrying about their economic security. Jeff also led the successful fight that created the first set of national rights for new mothers who want to continue to breastfeed after returning to work, and he continues to push to expand those rights.
Jeff has fought to protect a woman’s constitutional right to the full scope of comprehensive reproductive health care, including abortion, and will continue to stand up against efforts that would allow the government to make personal health care decisions for a woman and her family. He has worked to create a society that is safe for women—one that is free of violence and harassment—and continues to speak out against those who use their positions of power to victimize individuals and silence women.
Jo Rae Perkins has received the endorsement of Oregon Right to Life PAC. She is pro-life all the way; a fighter who defends life from “womb to the tomb.” Jo Rae believes “A society that embraces and celebrates debauchery, abortion, euthanasia, is not enlightened. It’s depraved.
Agriculture has long been a staple of Oregon’s economy, providing the nation and the world with a wide variety of products including onions, wheat, and cattle from Eastern Oregon; salmon and cranberries from the Oregon Coast; berries, hazelnuts, and nursery products from Willamette Valley; and pears and apples from the Columbia Gorge. Our state’s farms provide good jobs and drive the rural economy.
We have made promises to our seniors that they have honored through decades of hard work, and that we must keep to seniors today and tomorrow. Jeff believes that Social Security and Medicare are a covenant with our seniors, and has fought against efforts to privatize or weaken these essential programs.