
New Mexico – US Senate 2020 Election

US Senate - NM 2020 Election


On March 25, 2019, incumbent Democratic Senator Tom Udall announced that he would retire and not seek reelection. Udall is the only incumbent Democratic senator who is not running for reelection in 2020. Rep. Ben Ray Luján has emerged as the favorite to replace him.

OnAir Post: New Mexico – US Senate 2020 Election



New Mexicans watching television recently have been hit with attack ads on the issue of healthcare by the U.S. Senate candidates, with one even accusing the other of lying. While they may appear to be mean-spirited, University of New Mexico Political Science Professor Lonna Atkeson said she believes voters can use the ads to compare and contrast visions on a topic of great importance. “Contrast ads are actually helpful to voters because they are delineating differences in positions between candidates,” Atkeson said. In a recent ad that is paid for by Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Ben Ray Lujan, a health care professional claims Republican candidate Mark Ronchetti’s plan would gut pre-existing protections in insurance plans.
KOB 4, Chris RamirezSeptember 17, 2020

New Mexicans watching television recently have been hit with attack ads on the issue of healthcare by the U.S. Senate candidates, with one even accusing the other of lying. While they may appear to be mean-spirited, University of New Mexico Political Science Professor Lonna Atkeson said she believes voters can use the ads to compare and contrast visions on a topic of great importance.

“Contrast ads are actually helpful to voters because they are delineating differences in positions between candidates,” Atkeson said.

In a recent ad that is paid for by Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Ben Ray Lujan, a health care professional claims Republican candidate Mark Ronchetti’s plan would gut pre-existing protections in insurance plans.


Luján, Ronchetti take off gloves in U.S. Senate race
Santa Fe New Mexican, Jens Gould September 15, 2020

With fewer than 50 days to go until the general election, the race for New Mexico’s open U.S. Senate seat is heating up.

Over the course of just two days, the race’s two major-party candidates have turned up the dial on their attacks, hurling so many accusations at each other it’s been hard to keep up — focusing on issues ranging from climate change to health care to the pandemic.

U.S. Rep. Ben Ray Luján, a Democrat, kicked off this week accusing his Republican opponent, Mark Ronchetti, of having engaged in “irresponsible and dangerous climate denialism” that “puts New Mexicans at risk” at a time when wildfires are ravaging the American West.

Luján: Virus bill may keep me away from more Senate debates
AP News, Russell ContrerasSeptember 14, 2020

Democratic U.S. Rep. Ben Ray Luján said Sunday that work on a COVID-19 relief bill and other pressing Congressional business might keep him away from an early October U.S. Senate debate against Republican challenger Mark Ronchetti.

Luján’s campaign told The Associated Press that his duties in Congress to pass a coronavirus relief package and rescue the U.S. Postal Service may prevent him from joining a scheduled October 5th debate on KOB-TV.

“That’s why the Luján campaign had decided that an early October debate would detract from his work on behalf of New Mexicans,” Travis Brimm, Luján’s U.S. Senate campaign manager, said in a statement. “That being said, if the Congressional schedule wraps up by October 5th and responsibilities shift to allow Ben Ray to attend the KOB/Santa Fe New Mexican debate, he will be there.”

Congressman Luján Holds Facebook Live on PPP Flexibility Act and Small Business Resources
Rep. Ben Ray LujánJune 9, 2020 (39:19)

Ben Ray Luján

Current Position: US Representative for US House NM District 3 since 2008
Affiliation: Democrat
Candidate: 2020 US Senator

A passionate supporter of the Equality Act, Ben Ray Lujan believes that all individuals, regardless of how they identify or who they love, should be protected from discrimination under the law. Ben Ray has also worked to combat the opioid epidemic in New Mexico by securing millions of dollars in treatment, education, and prevention funds for rural communities plagued by addiction.

A staunch advocate of campaign finance reform, Ben Ray has refused to accept corporate PAC money for his U.S. Senate campaign. He is proud to be endorsed by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, End Citizens United, and Giffords: Courage to Fight Gun Violence.

For more information, see this Ben Ray Luján post.

Mark Ronchetti

Current Position: Chief Meteorologist
Affiliation: Republican
Candidate: 2020 US Senator

Mark Ronchetti is a conservative who also believes that taxes should be low and 2nd amendment rights should be protected.  As a proud political outsider, he says New Mexico deserves a senator who has not been part of the problem in Washington, but a senator who will represent true New Mexican values.

Mark is ready to bring new leadership to Washington.

He supports all the President has done to energize America’s economy (driving unemployment to record lows), invest in our national laboratories and military bases, secure the border, and bring federal muscle into Albuquerque to tackle serious crime.  And, he believes our state’s senators should work with the President – and with Republicans and Democrats alike in Congress – to build on these efforts, and stop obsessing over party politics.

or more information, see this Mark Ronchetti post.


Civil Rights


My Record on Equality

Proudly voted for the Equality Act to ban discrimination based on sex, gender, orientation, and identity in the workforce, housing, and education.

I voted for the Violence Against Women Act to expand protections for all women who face violence.

I support the Restore Honor to Service Members Act, which would mandate reviews of the status of any former United States Armed Service members who were discharged because of their sexual orientation.

I support the LGBT Equality Day Resolution, which designates June 26 as a moment to honor the anniversary of 3 significant victories won at the Supreme Court for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans.

When the Trump administration sought to ban transgender individuals from serving in the United States Armed Forces, I joined with colleagues to demand a reversal of this bigoted and hateful policy that put our national security at risk.

I’ve co-sponsored the Student Non-Discrimination Act and signed onto a congressional amicus brief to prevent the bullying of students based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
President Trump’s right-wing judges have continued to rule against the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals.

When in the U.S. Senate, I will vote against any judicial nominee who does not believe in the equal rights for the LGBTQ+ community.




Mark is a gun owner and a strong supporter of the Second Amendment.

Hunting, sport shooting, and gun collecting have all long been part of the New Mexico way of life and culture. And, for so many, gun ownership is a key way to protect themselves and their property from harm.

As Senator, Mark will always fight to protect our constitutional right to bear arms.



My Record on Creating Economic Opportunities

Women should earn equal pay for equal work. I was proud to cast a vote for the Paycheck Fairness Act to close the persistent wage gap between men and women – a wage gap that is significantly wider for women of color.

I introduced the DOE National Laboratory Jobs ACCESS Act to expand training programs for technician positions at National Labs, including Los Alamos National Labs and Sandia National Labs.

I support the Protecting the Right to Organize Act to strengthen protections for workers’ right to organize and bargain for higher wages, better benefits, and safer working conditions.

Voted for the Raise the Wage Act to increase the federal minimum wage for the first time in more than a decade. Individuals who work hard deserve wages that reflect the value of their contributions to our economy and society, which we accomplish by paying workers a salary they can live off of.

Along with Sen. Elizabeth Warren, I introduced the Accountable Capitalism Act to correct harmful trends that have left the American worker struggling with stagnant wages and decreased opportunities as corporate profits continue to rise.

Proudly support the Social Security 2100 Act to protect our Social Security system and improve the benefits for current and future generations.


We live in a global economy and Mark believes we must create an environment where New Mexico businesses and workers can compete around the world.

Mark is a strong supporter of local small businesses, understanding they are the backbone of our local economy. Mark will fight for job-creating policies, such as lowering taxes for small businesses and eliminating senseless red-tape.

Mark is also a strong supporter of our energy economy in New Mexico. Unlike Ben Ray Lujan who is the highest-ranking co-sponsor of the Green New Deal that would destroy New Mexico’s economy, Mark understands that a responsible energy economy in New Mexico creates thousands of good-paying jobs and funds 40% of our school funding.

Covid-19 Response

During this unprecedented time, Mark believes we must protect the health and livelihoods of all New Mexicans. It’s up to each one of us to act responsibly and protect our shared public health.

We also must fight to help families recover economically from this devastating virus. Too many in our state have lost their jobs and been hurt financially, and Mark will fight to give small businesses and struggling workers the support they need.  We must responsibly re-open our economy and help small businesses get back on their feet.



My Record on Energy and the Environment

Highest-ranking co-sponsor of the Green New Deal – a bold legislative effort to transition the United States to a clean energy future, take decisive actions to combat the climate crisis, and promote a platform of environmental justice.

Championed the Clean Energy Standard Act, legislation that will put the United States on a path toward net-zero emissions by the 2050s, increase the production of renewable resources by more than 25 percentage points, and prevent 30,000 premature deaths from air pollution in the U.S.

I authored the IMPACT for Energy Act to establish a nonprofit foundation that will channel investments to support the creation, development, and commercialization of innovative technologies that address our energy challenges.


Mark believes a quality education is one of the most important factors in helping every child chase his or her dreams. For too long, our leaders have let our education system fall behind all of our neighboring states. In 2018, New Mexico was ranked 49th in the nation for education, with just 36% of the population having college education.

Mark will fight for public charter schools in New Mexico and the value they bring to underserved communities. Giving parents the opportunity to choose the right public school for their child should be a freedom that is accessible to all New Mexicans.



My Record for Conservation and Public Lands

I led 200 Members of Congress in introducing the ANTIQUITIES Act to protect America’s treasured national monuments against the Trump administration’s relentless attacks on public lands.

In a significant win for sacred land in New Mexico, I secured a one-year moratorium on oil and gas drilling in the greater Chaco Cultural Heritage Area to protect that sacred land from desecration. This will build on the momentum to pass the Chaco Cultural Heritage Protection Act to withdraw the federal lands around Chaco Canyon from further mineral development permanently.

I worked closely with the Obama administration to designate the Rio Grande del Norte National Conservation Area as a national monument – protecting this beautiful region for future generations.

The Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks Conservation Act, legislation I championed in the House, established 10 permanent wilderness areas within the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument.

I helped pass the permanent reauthorization of the Land and Water Conservation Fund, which invested more than $312 million in New Mexico to protect public lands and open spaces and increase recreational opportunities across the state.

My Record on Energy and the Environment

Highest-ranking co-sponsor of the Green New Deal – a bold legislative effort to transition the United States to a clean energy future, take decisive actions to combat the climate crisis, and promote a platform of environmental justice.

Championed the Clean Energy Standard Act, legislation that will put the United States on a path toward net-zero emissions by the 2050s, increase the production of renewable resources by more than 25 percentage points, and prevent 30,000 premature deaths from air pollution in the U.S.

I authored the IMPACT for Energy Act to establish a nonprofit foundation that will channel investments to support the creation, development, and commercialization of innovative technologies that address our energy challenges.


Mark opposes the so-called “Green New Deal,” believing it would destroy New Mexico’s energy economy, cause massive state budget cuts to education and health care spending, make the U.S. less competitive economically, and drive up the cost of living, working, farming, and running a business in America.

​Climate change can and must be addressed, but Mark is tired of those who believe that dismantling our energy economy is the only way to do so. Mark is opposed to policies or agreements that put the U.S. economy at a disadvantage globally, while the world’s largest polluters – India and China – sit idly by and refuse to engage in meaningful environmental impact reduction.

Health Care


My Record on Substance Use Disorder/Behavioral Health

Authored the Opioid and Heroin Abuse Crisis Investment Act, President Obama’s $1.1 billion proposals to address the opioid abuse and heroin use epidemic

Supported Medicaid substance use disorder treatment via telehealth options

Pushed the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to identify beneficiaries enrolled in Medicare Part D with a history of opioid-related overdose and include them in its system for monitoring those potentially at-risk for substance use disorder

Expanded the number of patients providers are allowed to treat for opioid use disorder

Allowed clinical physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurse specialists, certified nurse midwives, and certified registered nurse anesthetists to prescribe buprenorphine

Extended the Residential Treatment for Pregnant and Postpartum Women grants which help new moms struggling with a substance use disorder

Supported the Comprehensive Addiction Resources Emergency Act of 2019 and the Maternal Opioid Treatment, Health, Education, and Recovery Act of 2018.

My Record on Child & Family Wellness

Authored legislation to provide funding for educational materials and training for pregnant women making pain management decisions during pregnancy.

Secured more than $100 million to expand enrollment in the Children’s Health Insurance Program.
Proudly supported the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid Expansion, which helped New Mexico’s uninsured rate go from the highest in the nation to one of the lowest.

My Record on Health Care

Highest-ranking co-sponsor of Medicare for All in the U.S. House of Representatives

Author of the State Public Option Act, the only universal health care coverage legislation that explicitly repeals the anti-choice Hyde Amendment

Proud supporter of the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid Expansion

Demanded accountability from corporations to put an end to surprise medical billing
Cosponsored the Medicare Prescription Drug Price Negotiation Act of 2017 to allow the Secretary of Health and Human Services to negotiate covered part D drug prices on behalf of Medicare beneficiaries.

Voted to bring more generics to market to lower costs of life-saving prescription drugs for families.

Lead author of the Opioid and Heroin Abuse Crisis Investment Act of 2016, which authorized $1.5 billion in federal funds that have been distributed to all 50 states to address addiction. New Mexico has been able to use this money to reach approximately 10,000 individuals struggling with opioid use disorder per year.


Mark opposes government-run Medicare for All. Bernie Sanders and Ben Ray Lujan’s socialist health care ideas do not work and do not represent New Mexico.

Mark supports protecting coverage for those who have pre-existing conditions and making sure they have the care they need.

Increasing and improving access to healthcare is possible by supporting policies that lower costs while protecting quality and choice. Every American should be able to pick the healthcare plan that they want, not one the government picks for them.



Voted for the Humanitarian Standards Act to force the Trump administration to fund basic humanitarian standards of care for refugees and migrants, including regular and quality health care, access to legal counsel, adequate living conditions, regular showers, hygiene products, and nutritious meals.

Introduced legislation, along with Sen. Cory Booker, that would remove non-violent marijuana convictions as grounds for deportation for immigrants living in the United States.

I proudly voted to pass the American Dream and Promise Act, which protects DREAMers and Temporary Protected Status and Deferred Enforced Departure recipients.

To address President Trump’s immoral policies toward migrants and refugees, I called for a full Congressional investigation into the deaths of the children in federal custody at the border, demanded an immediate end to policies that separate families, voted against funding for President Trump’s border wall, and voted to support legislation demanding individuals in CBP, ICE, and U.S. government care receive medical, legal, and humanitarian care.


Mark opposes amnesty and believes our first objective in solving the immigration crisis is to secure our border.

The border crisis continues to have a huge impact on New Mexico. Our border counties have borne the brunt of a failed political process in Washington that prioritizes political infighting over common sense solutions.  We must secure our southern border through a wide variety of methods from barriers, to drones, to additional border staff. The flow of illegal drugs from Mexico is fueling crime across the state. Right now, New Mexico acts as the superhighway for America’s drug addiction. Meanwhile, inaction in Washington continues putting New Mexico at risk. The political bickering must stop. This will not be easy to accomplish especially with the partisanship in Washington, but the cost of doing nothing becomes more devastating every day.

Mark believes we must have a multi-faceted approach to tackling this problem.

First, we must secure the border with physical barriers, technology and an increased number of border patrol agents. Next, we must close the asylum-loophole that is creating a crisis at the border by encouraging migrants to come to the United States and claim asylum when they do not qualify.

Mark supports legal immigration but opposes amnesty. Those seeking citizenship should do so the right way, and those who break the law to come here shouldn’t be allowed to “jump the line” ahead of those who have been waiting.



A sweeping infrastructure package will boost the middle-class while repairing our country’s crumbling roads, schools, hospitals, and electric systems and jumpstarting our transition to a green energy economy. As a core component of any infrastructure package, I’ve championed legislation to invest in broadband infrastructure to connect rural communities with high-speed Internet. Democrats’ LIFT America Act – legislation I’ve advocated for in Congress – will invest more than $17 billion for energy infrastructure.


Mark believes in an all-of-the-above approach to developing energy resources in New Mexico and the United States.

​Energy independence is vital to our national security, and New Mexico must always be at the forefront of providing energy to the world. It’s in our DNA as a state. New Mexico must continue to be aggressive and focused on producing oil and gas, wind, solar, geothermal, and other forms of energy. Fortunately, President Trump is helping grow new energy jobs in New Mexico – and creating a massive state budget surplus in the process.

​Mark believes that it’s possible – and necessary – to both develop our energy resources and protect our environment. These goals do not have to compete with one another.



My Record on Criminal Justice

I strongly support legislation from House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler and Sen. Kamala Harris to bar the denial of federal public benefits for marijuana use and says that immigrants cannot be deported or have their citizenship denied solely for a marijuana infraction. This legislation would also decriminalize marijuana at the federal level.

I support legislation to vacate minor marijuana convictions nationwide, which will give young people and minor offenders new opportunities to work and contribute to their communities.
Introduced legislation, along with Sen. Cory Booker, that would remove non-violent marijuana convictions as grounds for deportation for immigrants living legally in the United States.

Was a supporter of Congressman Hakeem Jeffries’ bill, the Formerly Incarcerated Reenter Society Transformed, Safely Transitioning Every Person Act, which propels formerly incarcerated individuals toward success, while enacting reforms to improve public safety and reduce recidivism rates. The legislation authorizes $375 million over five years to develop new education, vocational training, and mental health counseling programs.

The FIRST STEP Act also modifies the three strikes law to make it more humane, increases judicial discretion to reduce sentences for low-level, nonviolent drug offenders, and provides retroactive relief for thousands unjustly sentenced during the crack-cocaine era.

Gun laws

Keeping our kids healthy means stopping senseless mass shootings that are taking the lives of individuals of all ages, but disproportionately impacting young people. Two of the proudest votes I’ve taken in the U.S. House were to close dangerous loopholes that allowed criminals or individuals intent on doing harm to access machine guns designed to take life. We need gun comprehensive gun safety laws that get weapons of war off the street and keep us all safe in our communities.


Support for Law Enforcement

As Mark has stated clearly, we must fight racism and police brutality, but defunding the police is a reckless and irresponsible scheme that will make our communities less safe. Mark believes the vast majority of police officers are good people risking their lives to protect our community and have earned our support.

Mark strongly opposes efforts to defund the police.

Mark will fight every day in Washington to bring more federal help back to New Mexico to fight crime and make our streets safer. New Mexican families deserve nothing less.



Championed the Wage Adjustment For Veterans Enrolled in School Act to ensure that veterans using the GI Bill to fund continuing education receive the minimum wage of the locality where they work.

Co-sponsored the Manufacturing Jobs for Veterans Act to improve skill training for veterans seeking manufacturing jobs and to encourage manufacturers to hire returning veterans.

Co-sponsored the Clay Hunt Suicide Prevention for American Veterans Act, a bill that assists veterans suffering from depression and behavioral health concerns.

Championed passage of the Veterans’ Access to Care through Choice, Accountability, and Transparency Act, which addressed failures that left veterans without adequate health care by providing new resources to Veteran’s Affairs to hire additional medical personnel and reduce the backlog of patients.

Introduced legislation to support veterans who are experiencing homeless on Tribal lands by providing rental assistance.

Secured funding for the Veteran’s Cemetery in Angel Fire.


Military & Veterans

The federal government has increased defense spending and brought thousands of jobs to New Mexico, and Mark will fight to continue investing in the state.

​Mark supports a strong national defense and understands the important role our labs and bases play in New Mexico. Mark supports increasing pay for those who serve in the military, because he wants to put those who defend America first. Additionally, Mark will fight to protect the benefits our veterans have earned and create an environment where it is easier for veterans to get access to the care that they need. Veterans should have access to a wider array of services to guarantee their needs are met and that they are able to receive the care they deserve.

Putting New Mexico First


In Congress, it has been my mission to help foster new opportunities for New Mexicans that support the unique needs of our communities. I am proud to support policies that strengthen unions, support farmers, increase production in our renewable energy sector, and invest in our national labs and bases. Together, we can ensure that New Mexico is a state that offers its residents a robust economy that supports the middle-class.

I was born into a proud union household – one that always understood that working people and unions built the middle class in our country. Throughout my tenure in Congress, and if elected to the U.S. Senate, I will pursue policies that support working people by directing investments into New Mexico and finding new ways to grow our state’s economy.


Mark will support leaders from either party who have an idea or policy that can benefit the people of New Mexico. That’s why he has supported President Trump’s efforts to rebuild our military bases in New Mexico, grow our energy economy that has led to more funding for our schools, and bring federal muscle to fight crime in Albuquerque.   Unfortunately, Ben Ray Lujan is so blinded by partisanship he refuses to work across the aisle, even when doing so would benefit New Mexicans.

Mark believes you should never hate your political opponents more than you love New Mexico. We must elect a U.S. Senator who will always put the people of New Mexico first.



Abortion is a key part of women’s health, equality, and economic security. But politicians continue to pass laws with the goal of making it more difficult ― if not impossible ― for women to get an abortion.

With increased threats to abortion care, we need to protect women’s health and ensure that abortion remains safe and legal. Medical decisions should be made by patients and doctors, not politicians. This is why I am a proud cosponsor of the Women’s Health Protection Act which would prohibit states from imposing medically unnecessary on safe, legal abortion care. I’m proud that New Mexico does not have any of the major types of abortion restrictions—such as waiting periods, mandated parental involvement or limitations on publicly funded abortions—often found in other states.

For too long, politicians have interfered in women’s health decisions by banning insurance coverage for abortion and creating medically unnecessary regulation. I am committed to taking bold action against federal and state abortion restrictions. This is why I am a cosponsor of the Equal Access for Abortion Coverage in Health Insurance Woman Act. This bill would repeal the Hyde Amendment and requires health insurance plans to include coverage of safe, legal abortion care.


Mark believes life is a gift from God and every person has dignity and worth. Life should be protected – at all stages. With respect to abortion, he is strongly pro-life.

Mark is appalled by the insistence of so many on the left that abortion should be allowed up to the very point of birth. He believes unborn babies have souls, can feel emotions, and are every bit a human being; they just happen to be living inside their mother.

In our state especially, those who believe in the sanctity of life come from all sorts of backgrounds, religions, and political affiliations. Valuing and protecting the lives of the unborn should be an issue that brings us together, and it’s absolutely a worthy and important cause to fight for.


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