Challenge: How to create a contiguous Palestinian state where both the Palestinians, Israelis, and the Arab states win?
A Possible Solution:
- LAND AREA: Have all the West Bank become Israeli territory. Create a new Palestinian state starting with Gaza in the north and extending south to just East of Mitzpe Ramon … with approximately the same amount of territory as the West BankĀ (select feature image in post view to enlarge).
- SECURITY: Demilitarize the new Palestine with a Pan-Arab and UN peacekeeping force.
- DEVELOPMENT: Have a UN created organization funded 50% by Arab states and 50% by the rest of the world. Provide massive financial and technical support towards building the new communities and urban areas enabling all the Palestinians who want to relocate with many more incentives to relocate vs. staying in the West Bank.
- ECONOMICS: Focus on sustainability… innovate and model how to transform the desert into green communities.
- EAST JERUSALEM: Create an International Trusteeship placing East Jerusalem under international control.