Current Position: US Representative of NC 9th District since 2013
Affiliation: Republican
Former Position: Congressional staffer from 1999 – 2011
District: Union, Chatham, Anson, Richmond, Scotland, and Robeson counties; a southeast portion of Mecklenburg County; and parts of Cumberland, Moore and Bladen counties.
Upcoming Election:
Hudson served as district director for 8th District Congressman Robin Hayes from 1999 to 2005. At various times, he served on the staffs of Republicans Virginia Foxx, John Carter and Mike Conaway. He also served as communications director for the North Carolina Republican Party in the mid-1990s. In 1996 he worked on Richard Vinroot’s campaign for governor, and in 2008 as campaign manager for Pat McCrory’s run for governor. Hudson was the president of Cabarrus Marketing Group, a small business consulting and marketing company he started in 2011.
Featured Quote:
140 Members & I are calling on the ATF to withdraw its rule on stabilizing braces. This rule jeopardizes #2A rights of law-abiding gun owners & disabled veterans across the country, and could make millions of citizens felons overnight.
Full interview with Rep. Richard Hudson (R), candidate for NC’s 8th District
OnAir Post: Richard Hudson NC-09
Source: Government page
Richard Hudson is serving his fourth term in the United States Congress representing North Carolina’s 8th Congressional District. Richard graduated from Myers Park High School in Charlotte and earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in History and Political Science from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte while serving as Student Body President.
In Congress, Richard is committed to working across the aisle to find solutions to create jobs, cut spending and keep our homeland secure, and he has demonstrated that can be done without compromising core principles.
Richard is the most effective legislator from North Carolina according to the Center for Effective Lawmaking, he was named the 12th most conservative Member of the House in the 113th Congress by National Journal, and he has an A+ rating from the National Rifle Association (NRA) for his unwavering defense of our 2nd Amendment rights.
Additionally, Richard has consistently been awarded the “True Blue” award from the Family Research Council Action for his leadership and commitment to the defense of family, faith and freedom and a 100% rating from National Right to Life. As a Christian and a father, Richard firmly believes that family is the foundation of American life, and the defense of these values is imperative for the future of our nation.
Richard serves on the powerful House Energy and Commerce Committee, a position he uses to make health care more affordable and accessible, to improve health care for our veterans and address the tragedy of veteran suicide, and to go after all sources of American energy to lower costs for everyone and create jobs in North Carolina.
An outspoken supporter of our nation’s military and veterans, Richard is committed to caring for our veterans and has introduced bipartisan legislation to improve veterans’ access to health care and break up the bureaucracy at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Richard has also received national recognition for his work to reunite military working dogs with their handlers. Due to his work on veterans issues, Richard is known as “a voice for veterans” in Congress.
Richard has the privilege of representing Fort Bragg – the largest U.S. Army installation in the world known as “the epicenter of the universe.” As the voice for this critical installation in Congress, Richard is committed to ensuring our service members are prepared for the battlefield and their families are cared for at home. In the 115th Congress, he introduced legislation to ensure special operators who are serving in combat receive the tax relief they deserve no matter where they see combat, and his legislation to increase funding for our Special Forces and to ensure soldier pay adequately relects modern warfare demands was signed into law.
As Chairman of the bipartisan Agriculture and Rural America Task Force, Richard focuses on reforms that rein in government overreach and empower North Carolina’s growers, producers and agribusiness leaders to thrive.
Richard has made a name for himself as a leader who can work across the aisle to affect needed change in Washington. Despite an unprecedented level of partisan gridlock, he has had several bipartisan bills signed into law, demonstrating that hard work and bipartisan outreach can lead to results. In fact, a local paper applauded the bipartisan law Rep. Hudson wrote with a Democrat Congressman from Wilson, North Carolina, saying “…there are thoughtful, hardworking lawmakers on both sides of the aisle working mightily to fix what’s broken.”
Richard previously served as Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee’s Subcommittee on Transportation Security where he championed a major acquisition reform bill to save taxpayer dollars and keep the American people safe.
Richard is an avid hunter and outdoorsman. He is a member of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus and the reigning congressional sporting clays, trap and skeet champion. His past volunteer leadership service includes membership on the Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Board of Trustees, Board of Governors of the UNC Charlotte Alumni Association, Board of Managers of the West Cabarrus YMCA and Board of Directors of the Cabarrus Jaycees.
He and his wife Renee and their son Lane live in Concord and attend Crossroads Church.
Full Name: Richard Lane Hudson, Jr.
Gender: Male
Family: Wife: Renee; 1 Child: Lane
Birth Date: 11/04/1971
Birth Place: Franklin, VA
Home City: Concord, NC
Religion: Christian
Source: Vote Smart
BA, History/Political Science, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, 1996
Political Experience
Chair, National Republican Campaign Committee Chair, 2023-present
Representative, United States House of Representatives, North Carolina, District 9, 2023-present
Candidate, United States House of Representatives, North Carolina, District 9, 2022, 2024
Representative, United States House of Representatives, North Carolina, District 8, 2013-2023
Professional Experience
President, Cabarrus Marketing Group
Former Communications Director, North Carolina Republican Party
Deputy Campaign Manager, Steve Arnold for Lieutenant Governor
Chief of Staff, Congressman Mike Conaway, 2009-2011
Staff, Congressman John R. Carter, 2006-2009
Campaign Manager, Pat McCrory for Governor, 2008
Chief of Staff, Congresswoman Virginia Foxx, 2005-2006
District Director, Congressman Robin Hayes, 2000-2005
Field Director, Richard Vinroot for Governor Campaign, 1996
Washington D.C.
2112 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-3715
Fax: (202) 225-4036
Concord Office
325 McGill Avenue, NW
Suite 500
Concord, NC 28027
Phone: (704) 786-1612
Fax: (704) 782-1004
Fayetteville Office
225 Green Street, Suite 202
Fayetteville, NC 28301
Phone: (910) 997-2070
Fax: (910) 817-7202
Pinehurst Office
Sandhills Community College
Logan Building, Room 221
3395 Airport Road
Pinehurst, NC 28374
Phone: (910) 246-5374
Albemarle Office
Stanly County Commissioner’s Office, Suite 9
1000 N. First Street
Albemarle, NC 28001
Phone: (704) 786-1612
Email: Government
Web Links
Source: none
Source: Open Secrets
Committee on Energy and Commerce
- Subcommittee on Health
Congressman Hudson’s Caucus Affiliations:
Agriculture Policy Group, Chairman
Agriculture and Rural America Task Force, Co-Chair
Atlantic Offshore Energy Caucus, Co-Chair
Carbonated and Non-alcoholic (CAN) Caucus, Co-Chair
Congressional Biodefense Caucus, Co-Chair
Congressional NextGen 9-1-1 Caucus, Co-Chair
Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus, Co-Chair
Congressional Tire Caucus, Co-Chair
Direct Selling Caucus, Co-Chair
EMS Caucus, Co-Chair
Global Road Safety Caucus, Co-Chair
Pediatric Trauma Caucus, Co-Chair
Rural Broadband Caucus, Co-Chair
Special Operations Forces Caucus, Co-Chair
Auto Care Caucus
Boating Caucus
Border Security Caucus
Coal Caucus
Congressional Army Aviation Caucus
Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth
Congressional Caucus on U.S. – Turkey Relations
Congressional Chicken Caucus
Congressional Cystic Fibrosis Caucus
Congressional Fire Services Caucus
Congressional Fraternal Caucus
Congressional Friends of Scotland Caucus
Congressional General Aviation Caucus
Congressional German-American Caucus
Congressional Internet of Things Working Group
Congressional Motorsports Caucus
Congressional Paper Caucus
Congressional Peanut Caucus
Congressional Prayer Caucus
Congressional Pro-Life Caucus
Congressional Propane Caucus
Congressional Recycling Caucus
Congressional Steel Caucus
Congressional Term Limits Caucus
Congressional Textile Caucus
Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus
Congressional 4-H Caucus
CSIS Commission on Strengthening America’s Health Security
Energy Savings Performance Caucus
High-Performance Building Caucus
Historically Black Colleges and Universities Caucus
House Army Caucus
House Energy Action Team
House General Aviation Caucus
House Manufacturing Caucus
House National Guard and Reserve Components Caucus
House Republican Israel Caucus
House Small Brewers Caucus
House Special Operations Forces Caucus
Rare Disease Caucus
Republican Policy Committee
Republican Study Committee
Republican Women’s Policy Committee
Rugby Caucus
Rural Broadband Caucus
United Service Organization Caucus
Youth ChalleNGe Caucus
Zoo Caucus
5G Caucus
New Legislation
Source: Government page
Agriculture remains a top industry in our state, and we must make sure that we advance initiatives that strike the right balance between ensuring fiscal responsibility, providing certainty to our farmers and maintaining the strength of our agribusinesses. As former Chairman of the Agriculture Policy Group under the Republican Policy Committee and Co-Chairman and founder of the bipartisan Agriculture and Rural America Task Force, I am working daily to effectively and efficiently streamline our federal government to empower our farmers and entrepreneurs and get our economy back on track.
Providing Certainty for Our Farmers
Through the years, the tools our farmers use to harvest their crops have drastically transformed and expanded to accommodate America’s growing demand for food, forest products and livestock. As the ways we harvest our lands and provide for our nutrition needs have changed, so should the policies that govern them. We owe it to our farmers to equip them with the tools and certainty they need to produce an affordable and stable food supply.
This is why I supported the 2018 Farm Bill. This bipartisan, bicameral bill saves taxpayers’ money, reduces spending, improves farm policy, and replaces wasteful government programs with common-sense reforms. While I had hoped the Conference Committee would maintain all reforms and savings found in the House-passed bill, specifically regarding the reforms to food stamps, the status quo is simply unacceptable.
This important legislation is a comprehensive response that gives aid to our farmers and rural communities who have been hit hard by natural disasters and retaliatory tariffs.
Commodity Programs: The 2018 Farm Bill reauthorized and strengthened crop commodity programs such as the Agriculture Risk Coverage and Price Loss Coverage. These important programs provide our farmers the certainty they need when securing operating loans and the security in times of low prices and poor harvests. Our growers need an appropriate safety net to ensure that American agriculture will remain the most abundant and safest food supply in the world.
Rural Broadband: As I speak with farmers and rural constituents in the 8th District, one of the biggest concerns discussed is access to rural broadband. The 2018 Farm Bill made substantial improvements giving UDSA the authority to make grants to bring broadband access and higher speeds to rural America.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Policy
While the food stamp program serves a noble purpose to provide support for many Americans who have hit bottom, it is not meant to keep them there.
We need to equip these citizens with the tools they need to participate in our workforce and become self-sufficient, and this bill took significant steps to do just that. I will continue to support responsible reforms to eliminate fraud, waste, and abuse in these programs while ensuring those who truly need help can get it.
There are several programs important to North Carolina’s farmers and producers that we must still address leading up to the next Farm Bill. I look forward to working on these issues with my colleagues and continuing my work on behalf of our growers, producers and agriculture community.
To learn more about the 2018 Farm Conference Report, click here.
Repealing the Unfair Death Tax
The biggest concern amongst our farmers is how to keep future generations on the farm and how to pass down the benefits of years of labor to their children and grandchildren. The “death tax” (also known as the estate tax) is bad Washington policy that crushes the profitability of farming and drives farmers out of the industry. The death tax is a tax imposed on the transfer of the taxable estate of a deceased person.
You will be pleased to know changes to the death tax were included in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that was signed into law by President Donald Trump on December 22, 2017. This legislation doubled the exemption for taxes on the transfer of the estate of a diseased person starting in 2017 and repeals the tax all together starting in 2025.
Previously, I have introduced legislation to prevent family farms from paying this immoral estate tax. My bill, the Farmers Against Crippling Taxes Act (H.R. 30), would permanently repeal the federal estate tax and end the double taxation that threatens the existence of family farms, small businesses and jobs.
In addition, I have voted to repeal the death tax and have been awarded the Benjamin Franklin Award by the 60 Plus Association, a national non-partisan senior citizen’s organization, for my work to eliminate the death tax.
Reducing Bureaucratic Regulations
The Trump Administration has made it a priority to reduce unnecessary and burdensome regulations across the federal government.
Back in February of 2017, President Donald Trump signed an executive order on reducing regulation and controlling regulatory costs and enforcing the regulatory reform agenda. This executive order has given agencies the direction to save taxpayer dollars and alleviate Americans from burdensome Obama era regulations.
Every day, new businesses struggle as they are forced to comply with rules that even go so far as to tell them what type of light bulbs to use or whether their own children can work on the family farm. We must do everything we can to reduce the burdensome regulations..
As your Congressman with oversight over our federal agencies, I have sought out several policies that I believe are negatively affecting our farmers and rural Americans. I’ve voted to reduce funding for the EPA and decrease its staff to the lowest levels since 1989. I also voted to block many harmful regulations, including the EPA’s outrageous “Waters of the United States” rule to regulate irrigation ditches and ponds on our farms through redefining navigable waters under the Clean Water Act. This misguided power grab would give limitless federal control over nearly all state and local waters and have devastating economic consequences for farmers, property owners and communities in North Carolina. I will continue to do all that I can to protect our agriculture community from bureaucratic overreach.
Protecting the Tobacco Transition Payment Program (TTPP)
In November of 2013, I joined a bipartisan group of my colleagues in a letter urging Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack and Budget Director Sylvia Burwell to take necessary steps to ensure that the Tobacco Transition Payment Program (TTPP) is not subject to FY2014 sequestration cuts.
Tobacco is an integral part of North Carolina’s agriculture and economy, and its growers are some of the hardest working producers in our state. TTPP helped move this important crop into the free market and provided certainty to stakeholders when they needed it most. Moreover, this program is entirely funded by fees assessed on tobacco product manufacturers and importers, and therefore should not be subject to sequestration to make up for fiscal mismanagement elsewhere.
I am pleased that we were successful in convincing USDA and OMB to protect this user-funded program from sequestration cuts. (Tobacco Farmer payments not subjected to sequestration, Raleigh News & Observer)
Defense & National Security
The most important role of the federal government is protecting our citizens from national security threats. This means creating a strong system for defense both at home and abroad. The United States should continue to act as a defender of freedom and a staunch supporter of our allies worldwide.
As the representative of Fort Bragg, the epicenter of the universe, I know how important a properly funded and functioning military is to our nation. It is Congress’s responsibility to ensure the Pentagon’s budget reflects the threats we face. We must be prepared to fight threats not only from traditional nation-states, but also determined groups of terrorists, like ISIS, al-Shabaab, and al-Qaeda, who seek to wreak havoc on the American dream. It is vitally important that Congress continue to protect American citizens and interests both at home and abroad.
Under President Donald Trump’s leadership, we have taken steps to rebuild our military, given our troops a well-deserved pay raise and bolstered border security. I introduced legislation to ensure special operators who are serving in combat receive the same tax relief as other service members, and my legislation to increase funding for our Special Forces and to ensure soldier pay adequately reflects modern warfare demands was signed into law.
As your Congressman, I will work every day to ensure the United States sustains a world-class force that can operate wherever threats arise and is capable of taking the fight to the enemy and winning. In order to do so, it is necessary that we continue to provide the funding and tools our men and women in uniform need to do their jobs and safely return home to their families. I applaud the bravery and sacrifice our military men and women make each and every day.
Economy & Jobs
Job creation is my top priority. The formula for job creation includes a strong education system that empowers a skilled workforce and a common sense tax and regulatory environment that gets Washington out of the way of small businesses so they can do what they do best – hire people and make a positive impact on our community. Working with President Donald Trump, we were successful in getting the most comprehensive tax reform in over 30 years signed into law. We have seen incredible results in more jobs, higher wages and more money in your pocket. Because we doubled the standard deduction and lowered tax rates, 90% of Americans saw bigger paychecks. Our new opportunity zones will help boost struggling rural areas and inner cities alike. And we overhauled our career and technical education system so our workers have the skills for long-lasting careers.
Continuing to foster this pro-growth environment will continue to unleash the potential of American workers and will create incredible opportunities for individuals and small businesses to succeed.
We must also restore fiscal sanity to Washington. Years of reckless spending has led our country into a dire economic situation overtaken by mountains of debt. I’m committed to working with my House colleagues to find common-sense solutions to halt the wasteful spending, make middle class tax cuts permanent, and dramatically decrease the size of government.
It is immoral for us to borrow from others to pay for things we don’t need and can’t afford. It is certainly not an American value to force tough economic choices onto future generations. We have tough choices ahead. As your elected representative, I am committed to prioritizing spending and getting us back on the right track to an economic recovery. Our children and grandchildren are counting on us to get this country back on the right track.
As the son of a North Carolina public school teacher, I strongly believe an excellent education is the right of every child. One of the main reasons I ran for Congress was to advance fiscally responsible reforms that would improve educational opportunities for students in pre-K to higher education and beyond. This must be the cornerstone in our fight to create a more prosperous America.
Excessive intervention by the federal government has made it much harder for teachers to help students reach their full potential. This has left us with an education system that is broken, but thankfully, not beyond repair. We can commit to improving education by moving from the bureaucratic-dominated status quo to a reformed system that includes accountability and increased parent choice.
For far too long, Washington has dictated what happens in our classrooms through programs like “Common Core.” Unfortunately, the problems in our education system cannot be fixed with our federal government’s one size fits all solution.
I believe we must champion an approach that will return responsibility back to the states, locally elected school boards and parents, the entities that best know what it takes to provide quality education to our children. This is the only way we can equip our young people to succeed in the highly competitive 21st Century economy and become virtuous citizens who will ensure America’s future.
In the 114th Congress , I was proud to support the Every Student Succeeds Act (S. 1177), which President Obama signed into law in December 2015. This legislation ended Washington’s mandate on “Common Core” and ended No Child Left Behind. According to the Wall Street Journal, this was the largest return of control to the states and localities from the federal government in a quarter-century. I believe this is a positive first step and will allow us to continue to fight to get the federal government out of our classrooms and ensure our schools can continue to build an environment where every student has the opportunity to succeed.
I was honored to be a member of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce during my first term. I used my position there to ensure that we prioritize our spending on programs that effectively educate our children. During my time on the Education and Workforce Committee, I was proud to cosponsor the House-passed version of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (H.R. 803) which the President signed into law. This legislation consolidates and streamlines workforce development programs, protects taxpayer dollars, and ensures that workers have the skills they need to get the jobs that are out there. I look forward to continuing my work to help unemployed North Carolinians access the skills needed to get back to work and for more comprehensive solutions our education system so desperately needs.
Working with President Donald Trump, we’ve made incredible progress to transform our career and technical education (CTE) system. I was proud to support the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (H.R. 2353) which President Trump signed into law to help more than 11 million students across America who utilize CTE programs to gain the skills and knowledge needed for rewarding careers.
As I’ve traveled across our district, I’ve seen firsthand just how effective local high-skilled job-training programs can be. In Kannapolis, Rowan-Cabarrus Community College has partnered with A.L. Brown High School on a welding program that will open doors for countless students. At both Stanly Community College and Sandhills Community College, the advanced manufacturing programs are the critical training grounds for high-skilled manufacturing workers. And at Fayetteville Tech, veterans get the support and the skills they need to seamlessly transition from military service to the civilian world. I’ll continue to work to ensure our local students, community colleges, high schools and small business owners have the access and flexibility to implement programs that work in our district.
North Carolinians are reliant on dependable sources of energy in nearly every aspect of our lives. But all too often, families are struggling with high gas prices and electricity bills because government continues to stand in the way of domestic energy exploration and production.
A balanced and responsible approach is the solution. This means developing more of America’s own energy resources, including wind, solar, clean coal, hydropower, biofuels, nuclear energy, as well as oil and natural gas, which will reduce our dependence on Middle Eastern oil and create thousands of jobs here at home. The stringent regulation of our own untapped energy reserves constricts available supply and only compounds the global demand for energy. By safely harnessing these resources we can foster the creation of good paying jobs for Americans, while also decreasing our reliance on energy from hostile regions of the world which would make America energy secure.
As co-Chairman of the Atlantic Offshore Energy Caucus, I have worked hard to get North Carolina into the energy business to lower costs, boost our economy and create jobs. I believe that by adopting a market-led approach we can create a more abundant, affordable, and sustainable energy supply that will unlock the potential for a more prosperous America. This is a simple way to relieve our fiscal burdens now, and ensure we remain the world’s most dynamic economy in the future. I stand in firm support of increasing our domestic energy supply.
As one of the few Members of Congress who serves as a Commissioner of the Helsinki Commission, I have proudly stood up to Vladmir Putin and Russian aggression when it comes to European energy supplies. I led the charge to pass a resolution of more than 57 nations from around the world condemning the Nord Stream 2 pipeline from Russia to Germany. I believe America should be the largest exporter of natural gas to Europe, not Vladmir Putin and his cronies in Moscow.
Here in North Carolina, there are potentially vast energy resources off our coast. The challenge does not lie in finding these resources, but in man-made government regulatory hurdles that prohibit us from allocating the time and investment needed to capitalize on them. That’s why I’ve been a proponent of opening our state to energy exploration and have introduced legislation to put North Carolinians to work by safely unlocking our offshore resources.
I have also introduced the bipartisan Blue Collar and Green Collar Jobs Development Act (H.R. 4061). This legislation will foster a 21st century workforce by promoting education and training for manufacturing and energy jobs. It will help connect individuals with job-training programs while also making current programs more efficient. And, it takes important steps to increase opportunities for women, veterans and minorities.
As a leader on the Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Health – the committee in Congress responsible for writing the majority of our nation’s health care laws – I have worked with my colleagues to provide patients with the best possible health care system, encourage medical innovation and advanced research, support our medical practitioners, and create better pathways for new cures to find their way to patients.
I believe the best health care is provided when doctors and patients decide on a health care plan, not when a government bureaucrat in Washington sets care standards. That is why I have worked tirelessly to deliver a better health care system for you.
We have the highest quality health care in the world, but our health care – from insurance to prescription drugs – costs way too much. That’s why I’ve spent so much time and effort working on and finding solutions for you and your family to make health care more affordable in part by bringing down your prescription drug costs and out-of-pocket expenses. I am working with my colleagues every day to find bipartisan solutions that will bring down the cost of health care.
This Congress, I have championed legislation to:
Lower drug costs at the pharmacy counter;
Encourage the development of treatments and cures for rare pediatric diseases and cancers;
Improve and expand newborn screening panels to focus on rare diseases;
Protect pre-existing conditions;
Reauthorize our public health programs in a fiscally responsible way;
Improve Alzheimer’s care and research;
Repeal onerous health care taxes that drive up costs;
Encourage more active households through tax credits;
In the 114th Congress, an Energy and Commerce led health initiative called the 21st Century Cures Act was signed into law. This innovative and bipartisan package of health care legislation advances the discovery, development, and delivery of life-saving treatments and cures. It is an excellent example of what can happen when Republicans and Democrats come together for a common goal.
I cannot and will not support any type of reform until we secure the border first. Border security is the key to effective immigration policy. With more than 11.5 million undocumented immigrants living and working in the United States, it’s obvious that our current system is broken and in need of reform. And with the wave of caravans attempting to cross our border every day, I stand in firm agreement with President Donald Trump that we have an absolute crisis at our Southern border that has to be addressed. Now.
During any consideration of immigration legislation, I have three key principles that I plan to stick to:
Any effort to fix our immigration system must first start with securing our borders. Enforcement and border security need to be addressed first as part of a common-sense, step-by-step approach that focuses on a long-term solution.
Any reforms must contribute to the American economy and enrich hard-working Americans. Part of staying competitive is making sure that we’re attracting the best and brightest people from around the world. That’s the American tradition, and it’s why we need immigration reform that reflects the needs of our employers and job creators.
Any reforms must recognize that we are a nation of immigrants, but we are also a nation of laws. Granting amnesty to illegal immigrants would be an affront to the millions of legal immigrants and to the citizens of our great country. We cannot continue to have an immigration system that rewards people who break our laws while punishing those who want to follow them.
Unfortunately, the federal government has not only been unwilling to adequately secure the border, but it has failed in its responsibility to establish and carry out a comprehensive plan to do so. I have long supported measures to strengthen our border security:
I’ve cosponsored legislation to force the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to establish a plan that demands results verified by metrics to hold the administration accountable.
This plan mandates a comprehensive strategy to gain and maintain situational awareness and operational control of the border and is fully supported by the National Sheriffs’ Association.
DHS must report these results to independent agencies to be verified and to ensure that the plan is feasible and fully secures the border.
But the buck stops with Congress – DHS must report to Congress every step of the way to verify the plan’s strategy, implementation, metrics and mandated results.
I’ve also voted to:
Increase funding for Customs and Border Protection (CBP) by $110.6 Million
Authorize the highest number of CBP and Border Security Officers in history
Fully fund the mandated detention beds required by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
Authorize and fund President Donald Trump’s request for border wall construction
Provide additional technology, roads and other tactical infrastructure while increasing boots on the ground and border patrol
Require full implementation at all air, land and sea ports of entry
This is not just an immigration issue – it is a national security and a humanitarian crisis. We must be able to make intelligent decisions about who and what crosses our borders. Establishing a plan that demands results will help keep us safe and will prevent criminals, drug cartels and terrorists from exploiting our porous borders.
A reform to our system without this critical component is a non-starter for me. While I can’t predict what the outcome of the immigration debate will be, I can assure you that I’m listening to your priorities at home and sharing them with my colleagues in Washington.
Preventing Gun Violence
From my first days in office, I have worked tirelessly to address the root causes of gun violence. Enough is enough. The horror and shock we all feel every time we see an instance of gun violence makes us ask why this happens and what we can do to stop it from happening again.
Unfortunately, some believe more gun control is the only solution. However, the truth is this is a complicated problem that requires comprehensive solutions. We must strengthen background checks and close loopholes, make our schools safer, help law enforcement with better training and better coordination, and improve mental health resources so that individuals who need intervention don’t keep slipping through the cracks in the system.
A few of the notable actions I’ve taken include:
Strengthening Background Checks and Closing Loopholes
I helped craft the Fix NICS Act to improve reporting to the National Instant Background Check System (NICS) while also strengthening Second Amendment protections for law-abiding gun owners. This legislation was included in my bill, H.R. 38, the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act, when it passed the House in December of 2017. The Fix NICS Act was signed into law by President Donald Trump in March 2018.
The point of Fix NICS is simple – we don’t want anyone who shouldn’t possess a firearm getting their hands on one.
Bump Stocks
I included tough language in my legislation, H.R. 38, to force the Attorney General to examine how and when bump stocks have been used in crimes and report back to Congress.
In December 2018, the Trump Administration officially banned bump stocks.
Securing Our Schools
Last year, Congress passed and President Donald Trump signed the Student, Teachers, and Officers Preventing (STOP) School Violence Act of 2018 as part of the omnibus bill. This law will make our schools safer by providing resources to train students, teachers, and local law enforcement so they can help stop school violence before it happens.
It also encourages state and local officials to share best practices for preventing school violence with federal law enforcement and their counterparts in other states.
In addition, it provides funding for technology and equipment to improve school security and stop attacks. This funding may be used for metal detectors, locks, lighting, and other technologies to keep schools safe.
With the 21st Century Cures Act, I helped permanently authorized the VALOR initiative at the Department of Justice, which trains law enforcement on appropriate actions to take in an active shooter scenario.
The law also improved the National Violent Death Reporting System at the CDC to help track violent deaths and illuminate ways they can be prevented.
In addition, the House recently passed a spending bill with my amendment to double the money available for research to study the root causes of gun violence, including the impact and effectiveness of grants authorized under the STOP School Violence Act.
Adding Desperately-Needed Resources for Mental Health
Addressing the root cause of violence in our society and improving our mental health system has been and will continue to be a priority. It is clear that Congress needs to continue examining and improving mental health care.
The mental health reforms included in the 21st Century Cures Act represented the most significant reforms to the mental health system in more than a decade.
There are many policies aimed at preventing an individual from reaching a point of crisis, including:
Allowing more compassionate communication under HIPAA so family members can help individuals going through severe mental illness and facilitate treatment;
Providing increased grant funding for training so teachers, EMS and other professionals can appropriately intervene before someone with mental illness experiences a crisis; and
Reauthorizing programs that focus on helping treat children early on with severe emotional disturbances.
2nd Amendment
As a lifelong hunter and sportsman, I am a strong and vocal defender of our Second Amendment rights. I’m proud to have an A+ rating from the National Rifle Association (NRA), and I will always defend the rights of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms.
I believe the plain language of the Second Amendment guarantees the right of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms. This is the right that guarantees we can defend our other rights, and it is a fundamental freedom that must be protected.
I’m proud to lead the charge to advance national concealed carry reciprocity. I introduced the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act (H.R. 38) to guarantee our Second Amendment rights don’t disappear when we cross state lines. This important bill passed the House on December 6, 2017. It provides law-abiding citizens the right to carry concealed and travel freely between states without worrying about conflicting concealed carry state codes or onerous civil suits.
H.R. 38 has been described as the “biggest guns rights boost since the ratification of the Second Amendment.” It will ensure law-abiding citizens can protect their families across state lines. While I’m disappointed the Senate failed to act on this important legislation in 2018, I will continue to fight to get it signed into law.
In addition, my amendment to stop President Obama’s “green-tip” bullet ban passed the House in the 114th Congress and helped put intense pressure on the administration to abandon its unilateral attempt to restrict our Second Amendment rights.
With Democrats now in the Majority in the House of Representatives for the 116th Congress, we have already seen legislation introduced that threatens the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens. Congressional Democrats recently introduced H.R. 8, legislation to require a background check for every firearm sale. This legislation might sound common sense, but current law already requires a background check on every commercial gun purchase in America. Current law also prohibits what’s known as “straw purchases.”
This legislation does nothing to prevent gun violence, yet threatens the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens. Instead of working on common sense solutions that can actually help prevent tragedies—like supporting local law enforcement, ensuring laws and protocols are followed to spot warning signs and improving mental health care—Democrats are targeting law-abiding gun owners. I will continue to stand up against these attempts to restrict our Second Amendment rights.
Social Security
As a nation, we’ve made many promises to our fellow citizens. Through our entitlement programs, retirees are guaranteed a pension through Social Security and access to health care through Medicare, as well as support for the poor and disabled. My mother, a former public school teacher, relies on this support in her retirement. I’m proud we have a safety net that shelters all Americans from true poverty, however, these programs are rapidly growing beyond our ability to pay for them. To be blunt, Social Security and Medicare are going bankrupt.
Social Security now pays out more than it collects, slowly consuming the funds that have built up over time from contributions by hard working Americans. Numerous independent financial and economic analysts agree that Social Security as currently structured is fiscally unsustainable. Additionally, according to the most recent Medicare trustee’s report, Medicare’s hospital insurance trust fund will become insolvent in 2028.If we fail to fix entitlement spending today, we will be forced to break our contract in the future.
For many Americans who need help staying afloat in times of hardship, any changes to the social safety net can seem daunting, and I share these concerns. As the son of a retired school teacher whose livelihood depends on these programs, I understand the need to keep them intact now and strengthen them for the future. I believe this issue must be given greater attention, and I am dedicated to using my position in Congress to fight for sensible, long-term solutions that strengthen this program for current seniors and also future generations.
North Carolina is fortunate to be called home by thousands of veterans. As representative of the fastest growing veteran population in Fayetteville, I’m committed to getting our veterans the care they deserve. Caring for these heroes and their families is of the utmost importance, and I will continue to fight for those who have given so much for this nation. They made a promise to defend our country from enemies, and we must ensure that we keep every promise made to them for their service. I truly consider this my most sacred honor as your voice in Congress.
Willingness to serve in the future is directly related to the treatment and quality of care that veterans receive today. As a new generation of veterans return from over a decade of war, it should be this nation’s top priority to ensure that they have access to top-notch facilities and care. In many cases, this means restructuring the existing facilities and practices to focus on the medical issues that veterans face today. Today’s veterans often face bureaucratic obstacles at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) that hamper their access to care instead of expediting it.
I have been determined during my time in Congress to break this bureaucracy and ensure veterans have access to timely and quality care, and I will continue working until we reach that goal. I introduced the bipartisan Care Veterans Deserve Act to expand access to care while enhancing choice, flexibility and quality in veterans’ health care.
As long as I am your elected Representative, I will work tirelessly to ensure every veteran’s need is met both in casework and in legislation pending before Congress. In the 115th Congress, I worked to make sure we provided the highest funding level in history for the VA while also strengthening oversight and holding bureaucrats responsible. And we passed critical measures to address the tragedy of veteran suicide and improve mental health services.
Further, I helped get the largest expansion of GI Bill benefits in a decade signed into law. All of this is progress, but there is still so much more work to do to fulfill our promise to our nation’s heroes. I give you my commitment that I’ll do just that each and every day I have the privilege of being your voice in Congress.
As a member of the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health, I am closely monitoring all available information regarding COVID-19 (coronavirus) and doing everything I can to 1) make sure our local health care providers and public health officials have all the resources they need, 2) increase the availability of tests in our community, 3) help make treatments and vaccines available as soon as possible, and 4) mitigate as many of the impacts on you, your family and our small businesses as possible.
Small Business Administration Disaster Declaration: All 100 counties in North Carolina are eligible for Small Business Administration (SBA) Economic Injury Disaster Loans caused by Coronavirus. Learn more: Small Business Administration Emergency Loans What You Need to Know.
Office Policy: At this time, my offices are open and fully staffed to take phone calls and answer emails. Out of an abundance of caution and out of concern for the safety of all citizens of the 8th District, we will not be hosting in-person meetings at any of our offices in Albemarle, Concord, Fayetteville, Pinehurst or Washington, D.C. However, my staff and I will be available by phone and through our website to assist you as always. Feel free to contact us and find the closest office to you here.
U.S. Capitol Policy: The Sergeant at Arms has temporarily suspended all U.S. Capitol tours. The suspension is currently anticipated to remain in effect until April 1, 2020. The White House and Bureau of Engraving and Printing have also temporarily suspended all tours. Guidelines for constituents who have already booked tours or are considering a trip to Washington, D.C. can be found here: U.S. Capitol Tours to be Suspended.
Below, you will find useful information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) regarding the virus, as well as travel information and useful safety precautions. To receive regular updates regarding the virus and other important issues impacting our district, please sign up for my newsletter.
More Information
Source: Government page
Source: Wikipedia
North Carolina’s 9th congressional district is a congressional district in south-central North Carolina. The district’s current boundaries were redrawn in February 2016 after a U.S. District Court overturned the existing boundaries because of politically directed gerrymandering that suppressed minority representation. The new congressional district consists of Union, Chatham, Anson, Richmond, Scotland, and Robeson counties; a southeast portion of Mecklenburg County; and parts of Cumberland, Moore and Bladen counties.
Republicans have held this district since 1963. Republican Robert Pittenger had represented the district since January 2013. In 2018, Pittenger was defeated by challenger Mark Harris in the Republican primary. The latter faced Democrat Dan McCready in the general election.
Harris was initially called as the winner by several hundred votes, but the result was not certified, pending a statewide investigation into allegations of absentee ballot fraud.[5][6] On February 21, the bipartisan State Election Board unanimously voted to call for a new election for the 9th district, because of ballot fraud by Republican operatives. A special election was held September 10, 2019, with Democrat Dan McCready running against Republican Dan Bishop, a state senator who won the Republican primary.[8] Bishop won the 2019 special election to the U.S. House of Representatives with 50.7% of the vote to McCready’s 48.7%.
Candidate filing began February 24, 2022 after the North Carolina Supreme Court approved a new map which changed the 9th district boundaries to include Chatham, Hoke, Lee, Moore, Randolph and Scotland Counties and parts of Cumberland, Harnett and Richmond Counties.
The ninth district is currently represented by Richard Huds
Richard Lane Hudson Jr. (born November 4, 1971) is an American politician serving as the U.S. representative for North Carolina’s 9th congressional district since 2013 (previously numbered the 8th district). A member of the Republican Party, his district covers a large part of the southern Piedmont area from Concord to Spring Lake.
Early life and education
Hudson was born in Franklin, Virginia,[1] but has lived in the Charlotte area since childhood. He graduated from Myers Park High School in 1990. He attended the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and graduated Omicron Delta Kappa in 1996 with a bachelor’s degree in political science and history.[1] He also served as student body president and president of the College Republicans[2] and was a member of the Kappa Alpha Order social fraternity.[3]
Early career
Active in politics for many years, Hudson served as district director for 8th District Congressman Robin Hayes[4] from 1999 to 2005.[5] At various times, he served on the staffs of Republicans Virginia Foxx, John Carter and Mike Conaway.[5] He also served as communications director for the North Carolina Republican Party in the mid-1990s.[1] In 1996 he worked on Richard Vinroot‘s campaign for governor, and in 2008 as campaign manager for Pat McCrory‘s run for governor.[1] Hudson was the president of Cabarrus Marketing Group, a small business consulting and marketing company he started in 2011 and dissolved upon his election to Congress.[6]
U.S. House of Representatives
- 2012
Hudson ran for Congress in North Carolina’s 8th congressional district. He won the July 17 Republican primary runoff with 64% of the vote against Scott Keadle[7] and faced Democratic incumbent Larry Kissell in November. The district had been made significantly more Republican in redistricting, losing most of its share of Charlotte and picking up several heavily Republican areas northeast of the city.
At a primary campaign event in April 2012, Hudson told a Tea Party group, “there’s no question President Obama is hiding something on his citizenship.”[8] He later apologized for his comments and said he accepted that Obama was born in the United States.[9]
Hudson spoke at the 2012 Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida, on August 28, 2012.[10] He was elected with 54% of the vote to Kissell’s 46% and took office in January 2013.
Party | Candidate | Votes | % | |
Republican | Richard Hudson | 160,695 | 53.2 | |
Democratic | Larry Kissell (incumbent) | 137,139 | 45.4 | |
Independent | Antonio Blue (write-in) | 3,990 | 1.3 | |
n/a | Write-ins | 456 | 0.1 | |
Total votes | 302,280 | 100.0 | ||
Republican gain from Democratic |
- 2014
Hudson was opposed by Antonio Blue in the general election and won 64.9% to 35.1%.[12]
- 2016
In 2016, Hudson was challenged by Tim D’Annunzio in the primary election. He won with 64.6% of the vote to D’Annunzio’s 35.4%. In the general election, Hudson defeated Democrat Thomas Mills 58.8%–41.2%.
- 2018
Party | Candidate | Votes | % | |
Republican | Richard Hudson (incumbent) | 141,402 | 55.3 | |
Democratic | Frank McNeill | 114,119 | 44.7 | |
Total votes | 255,521 | 100.0 | ||
Republican hold |
- 2020
Hudson defeated Democrat Patricia Timmons-Goodson in the November 3 general election.[14]
- 2022
Party | Candidate | Votes | % | |
Republican | Richard Hudson (incumbent) | 131,453 | 56.50 | |
Democratic | Ben Clark | 101,202 | 43.50 | |
Total votes | 232,655 | 100.0 | ||
Republican hold |
- 2024
Party | Candidate | Votes | % | |
Republican | Richard Hudson (incumbent) | 210,042 | 56.3 | |
Democratic | Nigel William Bristow | 140,852 | 37.8 | |
Independent | Shelane Etchison | 22,183 | 5.9 | |
Total votes | 373,077 | 100.0 | ||
Republican hold |
Committee assignments
At the beginning of the 116th Congress, Hudson was assigned to the Committee on Energy and Commerce,[17] Subcommittee on Energy,[18] Subcommittee on Health[19] and Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Commerce.[20]
Caucus membership
According to The Sandhills Sentinel, Hudson holds a conservative position on gun control, opposes abortion, and has been “a leading advocate of opioid reform.”[23]
Hudson sponsored a bill to improve airport security in reaction to the 2013 Los Angeles International Airport shooting.[24] Representative John Katko reintroduced the bill, which became law in the 114th Congress.[citation needed]
In 2014, Hudson proposed prohibiting EPA officials from using airplane travel for official travel.[25]
In December 2020, Hudson was one of 126 Republican members of the House of Representatives to sign an amicus brief in support of Texas v. Pennsylvania,[citation needed][26] a lawsuit filed at the United States Supreme Court contesting the results of the 2020 presidential election, in which Joe Biden defeated Trump.[27] The Supreme Court declined to hear the case on the basis that Texas lacked standing under Article III of the Constitution to challenge the results of an election held by another state.[28][29][30]
On January 6, 2021, Hudson was one of 147 Republican lawmakers who objected to the certification of electoral votes from the 2020 presidential election after a crowd of Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol and forced an emergency recess of Congress.[31] On May 19, 2021, Hudson and all seven other House Republican leaders voted against establishing a national commission to investigate the January 6, 2021, attack on the United States Capitol Complex.[32] Thirty-five Republican House members and all 217 Democrats present voted to establish such a commission.[33]
In March 2025, amid public opposition to the Elon Musk-led Department of Government Efficiency’s sweeping spending cuts and other Trump administration policies, Hudson instructed fellow Republican members of Congress to stop holding town halls.[34]
Policy positions
In 2015, Hudson cosponsored a resolution to amend the Constitution to ban same-sex marriage.[35]
Hudson supported President Donald Trump‘s 2017 executive order to impose a temporary ban on entry to the U.S. to citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries, saying, “At a time of grave security threats, President Trump is right to pause the flow of refugees from countries where terrorism is rampant until we can properly vet them and implement additional screening for individuals traveling to and from these countries.”[36]
Hudson favors repealing the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and has voted to repeal it.[37][23]
Hudson supports Israel’s right to defend itself. In 2023, he voted with an overwhelming bipartisan majority to provide Israel with whatever support is necessary in the “barbaric war” in Gaza started by Hamas and other organization following the 2023 Hamas-led attack on Israel on October 7.[38][39]
Hudson supported President Trump’s proposal from 2025 to send U.S. troops to take control of Gaza and remove the Gazans from the territory.[40]
Hudson voted in favor of S.5, the Laken Riley Act.[41] The bill would require the Secretary of Homeland Security to detain illegal immigrants who are charged with theft, burglary, or shoplifting.[42]
Hudson opposes red flag laws, which allow courts to remove firearms from individuals deemed a threat to themselves or others.[43]
Personal life
Hudson’s wife, Renee, was chief of staff for Kellyanne Conway.[23] Hudson attends Crossroads Church (Concord, North Carolina),[44] which is a Global Methodist Church congregation.[45]
- ^ a b c d “Richard Hudson – Candidate for U.S. President, Republican Nomination – Election 2012”. Retrieved 2017-12-07.
- ^ “HUDSON, Richard – Biographical Information”. Retrieved 2017-12-07.
- ^ “Congressman Richard Hudson”. Kappa Alpha Order. Retrieved 7 January 2014.
- ^ “Congressman Richard Hudson | North Carolina Heroes’ Fund”. 13 June 2013. Retrieved 2017-12-07.
- ^ a b Sinclair, David. “Hudson, Mills Vie for Congressional Seat”. The Pilot Newspaper. Retrieved 2017-12-07.
- ^ Neilson, Madison Hall, Grace Panetta, Susie. “GOP Rep. Richard Hudson is projected to win North Carolina’s 8th Congressional District against Democrat Patricia Timmons-Goodson”. Business Insider. Retrieved 2021-07-29.
{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) - ^ Perlmutt, David; Johnson, Lukas (18 July 2012). “Hudson to take on Kissell in U.S. District 8”. Charlotte Observer. Archived from the original on 19 January 2013. Retrieved 1 September 2012.
- ^ Lavender, Paige (2012-05-05). “More GOP Candidates Make Birther Claims”. HuffPost. Retrieved 2020-04-29.
- ^ Ordonez, Franco (2012). “GOP candidates from N.C. back down from questioning Obama’s birthplace”. Honolulu Star-Advertiser. Retrieved 2020-04-29.
- ^ Ordoñez, Franco (28 August 2012). “Concord hopeful Hudson speaks role at Republican National Convention”. Charlotte Observer. Archived from the original on 19 January 2013. Retrieved 1 September 2012.
- ^ “North Carolina General Elections Results 2012”. North Carolina State Board of Elections. Retrieved January 22, 2013.
- ^ “Richard Hudson”. Ballotpedia.
- ^ “District 8, North Carolina State Board of Elections & Ethics Enforcement”. North Carolina State Board of Elections & Ethics Enforcement. Retrieved November 10, 2018.
- ^ “Article”. July 17, 2020. Retrieved 2020-12-14.(subscription required)
- ^ “District 9, North Carolina State Board of Elections & Ethics Enforcement”. North Carolina State Board of Elections & Ethics Enforcement. Retrieved November 8, 2022.
- ^ “11/05/2024 OFFICIAL GENERAL ELECTION RESULTS – STATEWIDE”. North Carolina State Board of Elections. Archived from the original on January 26, 2025. Retrieved February 2, 2025.
- ^ Energy and Commerce Committee, U.S. House of Representatives. “E&C GOP”. E&C GOP.
- ^ Energy Subcommittee. “E&C GOP”. E&C Republicans. E&C GOP.
- ^ E&C GOP. “Energy and Commerce Republicans”. E&C GOP. Retrieved April 1, 2020.
- ^ E&C GOP. “ENERGY AND COMMERCE COMMITTEE Consumer Protection and Commerce”. republicans-energy commerce.
- ^ “Membership”. Republican Study Committee. 2017-12-06. Retrieved 2021-03-28.
- ^ “Rare Disease Congressional Caucus”. Every Life Foundation for Rare Diseases. Retrieved 4 December 2024.
- ^ a b c McFarland, Lori (2018-11-07). “Rep. Richard Hudson wins fourth term”. Sandhills Sentinel. Retrieved 2020-04-29.
- ^ Weikel, Dan (22 July 2014). “House passes bill to improve airport security in wake of LAX shooting”. LA Times. Retrieved 23 July 2014.
- ^ Wolff, Eric (8 July 2016). “Let the WOTUS court fights commence!”. POLITICO.
- ^ “Texas v. Pennsylvania Amicus Brief of 126 Representatives” (PDF). December 10, 2020. Retrieved April 18, 2024.
- ^ Blood, Michael R.; Riccardi, Nicholas (December 5, 2020). “Biden officially secures enough electors to become president”. AP News. Archived from the original on December 8, 2020. Retrieved December 12, 2020.
- ^ Liptak, Adam (2020-12-11). “Supreme Court Rejects Texas Suit Seeking to Subvert Election”. The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Archived from the original on December 11, 2020. Retrieved 2020-12-12.
- ^ “Order in Pending Case” (PDF). Supreme Court of the United States. 2020-12-11. Archived (PDF) from the original on December 11, 2020. Retrieved December 11, 2020.
- ^ Diaz, Daniella. “Brief from 126 Republicans supporting Texas lawsuit in Supreme Court”. CNN. Archived from the original on December 12, 2020. Retrieved December 11, 2020.
- ^ Yourish, Karen; Buchanan, Larry; Lu, Denise (January 7, 2021). “The 147 Republicans Who Voted to Overturn Election Results”. The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 2021-01-10.
- ^ How Republicans voted on a commission to investigate the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, Washington Post, May 19, 2021. Retrieved May 20, 2021.
- ^ Roll Call 154 Bill Number: H. R. 3233 117th Congress, 1st Session, United States House of Representatives, May 19, 2021. Retrieved May 20, 2021.
- ^ “No more in-person town halls, NRCC chief tells House Republicans”. POLITICO. 2025-03-04.
- ^ Huelskamp, Tim (2015-02-12). “Cosponsors – H.J.Res.32 – 114th Congress (2015-2016): Marriage Protection Amendment”. Retrieved 2022-04-10.
- ^ Blake, Aaron (29 January 2017). “Coffman, Gardner join Republicans against President Trump’s travel ban; here’s where the rest stand”. Denver Post. Retrieved 30 January 2017.
- ^ “NC House Republicans split on GOP Obamacare repeal bill”.
- ^ Demirjian, Karoun (2023-10-25). “House Declares Solidarity With Israel in First Legislation Under New Speaker”. The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 2023-10-30.
- ^ Washington, U. S. Capitol Room H154; p:225-7000, DC 20515-6601 (2023-10-25). “Roll Call 528 Roll Call 528, Bill Number: H. Res. 771, 118th Congress, 1st Session”. Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives. Retrieved 2023-10-30.
{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link) - ^ Thorp, Frank; Coronell, Raquel (February 4, 2025). “‘Deranged’ and ‘problematic’: Bipartisan lawmakers bash Trump’s Gaza proposal”. NBC News.
- ^ “Roll Call 23 Roll Call 23, Bill Number: S. 5, 119th Congress, 1st Session”. Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives. 2025-01-22. Archived from the original on 2025-01-23. Retrieved 2025-01-23.
- ^ Sen. Britt, Katie Boyd [R-AL (2025-01-22). “Text – S.5 – 119th Congress (2025-2026): Laken Riley Act”. Retrieved 2025-01-23.
- ^ “Bice, Hudson Urge Removal of Red Flag Law from National Defense Bill | Congressman Richard Hudson”. 2021-09-30. Retrieved 2025-01-24.
- ^ “Meet Richard Hudson”. Richard Hudson for Congress. Retrieved December 4, 2020.
- ^ “Crossroads Concord — Who We Are”. Retrieved December 4, 2020.
External links
- Congressman Richard Hudson official U.S. House website
- Richard Hudson for Congress
- Biography at the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress
- Financial information (federal office) at the Federal Election Commission
- Legislation sponsored at the Library of Congress
- Profile at Vote Smart
- Appearances on C-SPAN