Don’t Let the Enemies of Truth Ruin Wikipedia
Elon Musk and other reactionary liars hate the “last good website” because it won’t go along with their distortions
Nicholas Grossman, Dec 27
Wikipedia is a fortress that anchors truth’s broader defense, and we must not let it fall.
I’ll Say It Again: The Numbers Don’t Add Up…
Need to Know , David Rothkopf – December 25, 2024
The Religion of Capitalism
Like most religions, there are extremists, moderates, and non-believers
Dr Dan Goyal
On optimism
Lessons from Venezuela
Anne Applebaum, Dec 25
Best of The Free Press: It’s Okay to Change Your Mind
In the latest installment of our holiday series, Joe Nocera celebrates the stories that caused him to rethink some deeply held beliefs.
Joe Nocera
An AI system has reached human level on a test for ‘general intelligence’. Here’s what that means
Michael Timothy Bennett, Australian National University and Elija Perrier, Stanford University
Language AIs in 2024: Size, guardrails and steps toward AI agents
John Licato, University of South Florida
Whales can live way longer than scientists had thought, with potential lifespans as much as double previous estimates
Greg Breed, University of Alaska Fairbanks and Peter Corkeron, Griffith University
3D-printed guns, like the one allegedly used to kill a health care CEO, are a growing threat in the US and around the world
Nir Kshetri, University of North Carolina – Greensboro