
James Lillard

James Lillard


I am Operations Director for Democracy onAir.

I am a 2022 graduate of George Mason University, majoring in Global Affairs with a concentration in Global Governance. In the Fall of 2021,  I was a Global Politics Fellow at the Schar School of Policy and Government. I completed a six credit  internship with Democracy onAir as part of the GPF program.

I am a member of Democracy onAir because I believe strongly in the necessity of comprehensive and accurate information being readily available to voters, especially concerning elections and aspects of governance that may not be adequately covered in traditional media.

OnAir Post: James Lillard



  • Bachelor of Arts in Global Affairs
    George Mason University
    2020 to 2021Currently pursuing my Bachelor of Arts in Global Affairs at George Mason University.
  • Associate of Arts
    Northern Virginia Community College
  • High School Diploma
    Gonzaga College High School
    1999 to 2003

Work Experience

  • Senior Veterinary Assistant
    Nova Mobile Vet
    2013 to 2020– Responsible for primary assistance in outpatient appointments, anesthetic procedures (surgery and dentistry), and diagnostics (radiography and ultrasound).
    – Additional responsibilities included travel logistics and maintenance of the mobile unit.
  • Veterinary Assistant
    McLean Animal Hospital
    2005 to 2013– Responsible for the primary care of hospitalized patients, assisting with out-patient appointments and procedures, running in-clinic lab work and diagnostics (blood work, radiography), medication of animals in boarding facility.

Papers and Projects

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