
Idaho – US Senate 2020 Election

US Senate - ID 2020 Election


Two-term incumbent Jim Risch, a Republican is running for a third term. Risch chairs the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and has been an avid supporter of President Donald Trump.

Paulette Jordan won the Democratic primary. The former Idaho lawmaker and 2018 gubernatorial nominee will face incumbent Sen. Jim Risch, who ran unopposed in the Republican primary and will be heavily favored in November in conservative Idaho.

OnAir Post: Idaho – US Senate 2020 Election



Viewpoint: Idaho’s U.S. Senate candidates lay out their stances on key issues
KTVB 7, Doug PetcashOctober 16, 2020

We are in the thick of a contentious and captivating election season. There is high passion for politics this year driven by the presidential race, but there are very important races in Idaho, too.

One of the biggest, if not the biggest, is the race to represent Idaho in the U.S. Senate.

Republican Senator Jim Risch is running for a third six-year term.

His challenger is former Idaho State Representative and 2018 Democratic gubernatorial nominee Paulette Jordan.

Jordan calls out Risch for declining debate invitation
KTVB September 21, 2020 (01:20)
Idaho Senate candidates weigh in on Supreme Court justice nomination
KTVB September 20, 2020 (04:02)
Paulette Jordan on Sen. Jim Risch, COVID-19, and bipartisanship
Idaho Mountain Express, Gretel KauffmanSeptember 11, 2020

Paulette Jordan, current candidate for the U.S. Senate and former candidate for governor of Idaho, stopped in the Wood River Valley last weekend for a town hall event in Ketchum’s town square.

Jordan, a Democrat who is challenging longtime Republican incumbent Sen. Jim Risch for his seat, spoke to the Idaho Mountain Express about campaigning in the time of COVID-19, her opponent and her 2018 gubernatorial campaign against Gov. Brad Little.

A member of the Coeur d’Alene Tribe and a native of north Idaho, Jordan served on the Coeur d’Alene Tribal Council before running for the Idaho House of Representatives in 2014. She served one term and was elected to another before leaving the Legislature in 2018 to run for governor. Jordan won the Democratic nomination in 2018, but ultimately lost to Little in the general election.

Jim Risch

Current Position: US Senator since 2009
Affiliation: Republican
Candidate: 2020 US Senator

Jim Risch, currently serving as Idaho’s 28th Senator, holds a longstanding commitment to public service and a passion for good government. Known for “pragmatic decision-making,” Risch is what his peers call a “no-nonsense, get-the-job-done leader” with more than four decades of experience in elected office. He has been recognized by the National Journal as the “Most Conservative” Senator in the United States Senate for two years in a row.

Senator Risch was elected to the United States Senate in November of 2008, after serving as Idaho State senator, lieutenant governor and governor. He serves on five Senate Committees, including the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, giving Idaho a continued voice in legislation that dramatically shapes the West. Risch’s other committee assignments include the Committee on Foreign Relations, Select Committee on Intelligence, Select Committee on Ethics, and ranking member of the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship.

For more information, see this Jim Risch post.

Paulette Jordan

Current Position: Business development
Affiliation: Democrat
Candidate: 2020 US Senator

Paulette Jordan 1Why I’m running for the U.S. Senate?
We Need To Focus On People First

In this election, the stakes have never been higher. Idahoans are fed up. People from all walks of life are frustrated with the partisan gridlock in Washington. They are hoping and calling for a leader who represents them and not the interests of the elite. Join the Paulette for Senate 2020 Volunteer team and fight for the future of Idaho.

For more information, see this Paulette Jordan post.



Jim Risch

Constitution, Crime and Judiciary

The U.S. is a society of laws and without consistent interpretation of these laws by an impartial judiciary our freedoms will be diminished. I therefore support judicial nominees who believe the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land, who have an established record of judicial restraint and who do not see the judicial branch as a lawmaking body.

Paulette Jordan 

Fiscal Responsibility

Being fiscally conservative means cutting unnecessary spending and making the right investments at the right time to make things cost less for taxpayers. For example, while interest rates are low, we need to invest in our infrastructure now before it’s too late and our roads and bridges collapse. It means working hard to balance the budget and finding ways to pay for priority projects with existing resources, not having to borrow the money down the road during a crisis, which would make taxpayers foot a much higher bill.

Here’s The Problem

the debt is out of control and Senator Risch is making it worse, not better.

Here’s how I’ll lead differently on fiscal accountability:

  • We need a fiscally conservative Senator who will not just talk the talk, but will walk the walk. Our country’s next chapter of economic policy must be people-focused and fight the corporate influence that leads to government corruption. The new generation of leadership knows this.

  • I have learned a lot about economic d

    Every penny of government spending matters. We have an obligation to spend your tax dollars wisely.

    It’s simply hypocritical that our current elected leaders in Washington D.C. promote being fiscally conservative, but then sleep on the job while our national debt explodes. They voted for tax cuts that only benefit the rich and make things more expensive for the rest of usMeanwhile, Senator Risch’s own net worth has increased by millions while he’s been in office. Do you really think he cares that you are living paycheck to paycheck? Do you really think he cares that if someone in your family gets sick that you could go into serious debt? Senator Risch’s actions speak louder than words. His votes are increasing the federal deficit, not reducing it, and unless we put a stop to this, we’ll have to hand off this monumental national debt to our children.

    It’s time to call these guys to the carpet and show them what it means to actually be a fiscal conservative.

    I’ll give you an example of how Senator Risch has been asleep on the economy and is the opposite of the fiscal conservative he claims to be. In 2017, Senator Risch voted for the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and claimed it would somehow “reduce the debt and the deficit.” Needless to say, he was wrong. The proof is everywhere: the national debt, federal deficit and government spending have continued to skyrocket.

    Risch took his seat in the Senate in 2009. According to the Congressional Budget Office:

    • The national debt nearly doubled under Risch. At the end of 2008, the federal debt was $10.7 trillion dollars. At the end of January 2020, the national debt stands at $23.2 trillion dollars.
    • While Risch has been our Senator, the federal budget deficit increased to $1.0 trillion in 2020 from $98 billion at the end of 2008.
    • As a measure of gross domestic product, the budget deficit was 0.7% of GDP at the end of 2008. Today, it is an astonishing 4.6%.

    It’s time to see past his rhetoric. Risch is not a fiscal conservative.

    evelopment and responsible spending during my time as an elected leader and nationally- recognized businesswoman. I have a plan to cut spending in areas where our dollars have a low rate of return and a plan to make smart investments in places we really need it, such as infrastructure, while interest rates are low. We can make our tax dollars work for us, Idaho. I will fight to address the national debt through fiscal accountability and fiscally responsible policy.



Jim Risch 

Business/ Commerce

Our free market system has produced the greatest, most affluent culture the world has ever seen. Any legislation Congress enacts involving this system must be limited and carefully considered.

Paulette Jordan 




Jim Risch 


A strong educational system is the foundation of a prosperous future for Idaho and our nation. I have long believed that the responsibility of educating our youth lies first with parents and also with teachers and local school officials chosen by parents.

Paulette Jordan 




Jim Risch 

Environment & Natural Resources

Idaho and the rest of America have a rich supply of natural resources. I support legislation that protects our environment for future generations, while maintaining private property rights and keeping in mind the needs of local communities and industry.

Paulette Jordan 

Our Land

Farmers and ranchers are central to Idaho’s economy. In 2019, more than half of Idaho’s agriculture revenues, about $4.8 billion, came from milk and livestock, according to a University of Idaho analysis. But trade wars led to losses for many of Idaho’s farmers and ranchers.

Here’s The Problem

Idaho agriculture industry is hanging by a thread

Here’s how I’ll lead differently on agriculture and land issues:

  • Idaho has a unique opportunity to become a national leader in the Ag-tech industry, and I have a blueprint to help us not only keep our agriculture economy booming, but to move it ahead. Our focus should shift dramatically to open doors to this economic development activity.
  • Funding and coordination of programs to focus attention on Idaho’s natural role as a leader in Ag-tech will produce high paying jobs, increased revenue, increased business generating activity in rural areas and support our love of land and soil. I have a successful track record in creating national coalitions and I look forward to leading this national effort and to make Idaho the shining example of success in Ag-tech.

Risch is not awake to the issue of climate change, dismissing it as “secret science.” I am a nationally-recognized leader on environmental protection issues and will continue to lead the way in balanced policymaking for our future generations. I’ve worked hard for years, both in government and in the private sector, to protect our public lands, work toward proper management of our forests, and protect our national resources and wildlife in Idaho. Like many Idahoans, I was raised on the land and I realize how incredibly important it is to remain connected to it. I watched my family toil on the farm and I respect the Idaho families who do the same. We need leaders who respect our land and who are willing to combat corporate greed in order to address climate change. We need policy which both protects our environment and contributes to economic prosperity.

The backbone and pride of Idaho is our land.

Risch has completely failed our farmers, doing nothing about significant multi-year losses. Idaho’s agriculture industry, the backbone of our state economy, has quietly tanked as a result of retaliatory tariffs and poor trade deals.

Our own Senator Risch holds a top position on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, a position where he had the power to prevent these gouges to Idaho farming, but instead, he swept things under the rug and has made farming dependent on federal USDA bailouts, which haven’t even begun to cover the losses our farmers suffered from U.S. trade wars with countries like Mexico and China.

If you don’t believe me, take it from Idaho agricultural leaders, who explained that “some Idaho farmers and dairies lost thousands of dollars a day,” despite the federal subsidies.

The CEO of the Idaho Dairyman Association, Rick Naerebout told the Idaho Statesman, “We don’t want to get USDA payments. We don’t want to get stuck in the middle of trade disputes. We want to stand on our own two feet and have the industry be successful on its own two merits, not based on politics.”

And it’s not just Idaho. The USDA Economic Research Service, reported that “the agriculture sector had record levels of debt in 2019 and the highest number of bankruptcies since 2011.” They also explained that Idaho agriculture is only surviving because it is dependent on U.S. government aid.

Risch’s policy has devastated Idaho’s agricultural economy and has made us dependent on federal aid.

It’s time to wake up and realize that Idaho farmers are suffering, and without better foreign policy, they stand to lose everything.


Our so-called foreign policy leader is failing miserably and is covering up his mistakes by throwing money our country doesn’t have at Idaho farmers.

Instead of working on solutions, Senator Risch introduced legislation to stop almond milk and coconut milk from being called “milk.” He failed to advance the same effort in 2017. We don’t need silly PR stunts about almond milk. We need a Senator who actually cares about Idaho agriculture. We need farmer-focused policy that creates revenue for Idahoans.

Risch must be called to account not only for what he does, but for what he has failed to do. The failure to lead also has consequences.


Health Care

Jim Risch 

Health Care

Ensuring that all Americans have access to quality, affordable healthcare is among the greatest challenges our nation faces. Our current healthcare system is too expensive and inaccessible to far too many.

Paulette Jordan 

Our Health

Our voices are not being heard on healthcare. Idaho’s residents are crippled by the cost of medications. When a health issue strikes, it creates debilitating stress. We Google the symptoms on WebMD because we are afraid of the costs (never a great idea!). We don’t always know if we can find quality care, and even if we do, we don’t know if we will get well. We don’t have any idea how much it’ll cost or if we can even pay for it. We risk losing our jobs because we have to miss work. Then, we often stand to lose the health insurance we had through our employers.

Here’s The Problem:

our healthcare system cannot be fixed. It must be completely rebuilt.

Here’s how I’ll lead differently on healthcare:

  • We need a healthcare system which puts data on the center stage of the effort. We need to incentivize practices, procedures and medications that work. This is how we achieve the savings.  This is how we tackle the burden of chronic disease. This is how we make healthcare a patient centered activity instead of a profit or revenue centered activity.

  • We need to prioritize our people’s health over the profits of pharmaceutical companies. The great news is I have a plan to lead the way. We must create new frameworks to measure the effectiveness of treatment options and cost-effectiveness. Most importantly, we must amend our payment apparatus to reward effectiveness over profit.


  • If a new data framework is fully implemented, we stand to save between $1 – $2 trillion. This is a critical step toward bringing our nation to firm fiscal footing. Until we shift the focus of healthcare policy and entirely reconstruct the system, all attempts to legislate meaningful change will prove deficient.

  • I’m fortunate to have some of the most intelligent healthcare experts in the nation working with me to make this lasting change. I hope to lead that effort for all Idahoans.

The notion that Americans want to choose their healthcare plans for themselves is wrong.
They just want the best healthcare. They want to get well. And they hope they won’t go bankrupt in the process.

For nearly two decades, policymakers have ignored this fundamental problem. In 2001, the Institute of Medicine concluded that America’s healthcare system was so fragmented it could not be fixed incrementally. It must be re-designed from the ground up. Obamacare failed to do that.

Our people-last healthcare policy fails to prioritize, or even measure, effectiveness of patient care. Instead, our policy and system incentivizes an unchecked level of profit for pharmaceutical and private insurance companies through clinical ineffectiveness, human suffering and financial waste.

A shift to people-first healthcare policy means entirely rebuilding our healthcare system and shifting the financial rewards to patient well-being and effectiveness of treatment.

Many people, including policymakers, think that American healthcare already works this way – BUT IT DOESN’T. Not at all.



Jim Risch 


I believe there is a three-pronged approach to immigration reform.   First and foremost, we need to secure our borders.  We cannot begin to solve this problem until we can control the borders.  Second, we need to reform our current immigration laws making a practical and workable program for legal immigration and workers.  Finally, there should be no amnesty.  No one should be rewarded for breaking the law.

Paulette Jordan 




Jim Risch 


Transportation literally drives the American economy.  I support pro-growth policies that connect our cities and towns.  Mass transit is an important element of this infrastructure, but should not overshadow the surface transportation needs of our rural areas.

Paulette Jordan 




Jim Risch


Our veterans sacrificed much to protect our nation and freedom.  We have a moral and legal obligation to provide them with everything they were promised by the federal government.  Any new legislation or modification of existing law should reflect that commitment and duty.

Paulette Jordan 




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