
House Administration Committee

House Administration Committee


The Committee on House Administration deals with the general administration matters of the United States House of Representatives.

Senate CounterpartCommittee on Rules and Administration


  • Elections
  • Modernization

Chair: Bryan Steil, Wisconsin
Ranking Member: Joseph Morelle, New York

Majority Staff Director: Tim Monahan
Minority Staff Director: Jamie Fleet
Meeting Location1309 Longworth House Office Building, Washington D.C. 20515; Phone: 202-225-8281

Featured Video: Press Conference on Report: “Voting in America: Ensuring Free and Fair Access to the Ballot” – August 6, 2021
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Committee Press Releases and News

Press Releases and news can be found here at the committee website.

Lofgren Statement On Senate Introduction Of Freedom To Vote Act
Government WebsiteSeptember 14, 2021

Washington, D.C. – Committee on House Administration Chairperson Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) issued the following statement today regarding the Senate introduction of the Freedom to Vote Act:

“The Senate has now put forward important legislation to protect our freedom to vote by making sure voting options are equally accessible across all 50 states, reducing the scourge of dark money in our politics, and prohibiting partisan gerrymandering.  Republican-led state legislatures across the nation are rushing to enact anti-voter bills to deny Americans their freedom to vote and create deliberate barriers to the ballot.  I commend Majority Leader Schumer, Senator Manchin, Senator Klobuchar, Senator Merkley and the rest of the Senate working group for their efforts.  It is more urgent now than ever that the Senate move to swiftly pass the Freedom to Vote Act so that every voice is heard, and our elections reflect the will of the people.”


Source: Committee website

The Committee on House Administration is charged with the oversight of federal elections and the day-to-day operations of the House of Representatives.

Election Reform

The Committee’s jurisdiction over federal elections requires it to consider proposals to amend federal election law and to monitor congressional elections across the United States. The Committee was instrumental in the passage of the Help America Vote Act of 2002, which former Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter called the most meaningful improvement in election laws and voting safeguards in a generation. This law provided more than $3 billion dollars for the upgrades of voting equipment and procedures to make the voting process more accessible and to guard against fraud.

Read more here

House Operations

House Administration manages the daily operations that keep the House of Representatives running smoothly. The budget authorizations for expenses of House committees, and those for expenses of Members of Congress, are set by the Committee. Additionally, the Committee is responsible for oversight of House officers, including the administrative and technical functions of the House.

House Oversight

The Committee oversees the management of the Library of CongressSmithsonian Institution (including the National Zoo), Chief Administrative OfficerClerk of the HouseSergeant at ArmsHouse Inspector GeneralUnited States Capitol PoliceGovernment Publishing OfficeArchitect of the Capitol, and the Office of Congressional Accessibility Services

Capitol Security

The security of the Capitol Complex has become an even higher priority since the devastating attacks of September 11, 2001. The House Administration Committee, which oversees security on the House side of the Capitol Complex, works closely with the Capitol Police to ensure that every effort is made to keep the Capitol Complex extremely secure while maintaining accessibility for the millions of constituents who visit every year.


The Committee on House Administration is a standing committee of the United States House of Representatives. The powers and duties of the Committee include the statutory responsibilities of the Committee on House Administration, as determined primarily by the Legislative Reorganization Acts of 1946 and 1970; the House of Representatives Administrative Reform Technical Corrections Act of 1996; and the Rules of the House of Representatives adopted on January 6, 1999.

The Committee on House Administration, which consists of nine members, has jurisdiction over all legislation and other matters relating to the House of Representatives, such as:

  • Appropriations from accounts (and the expenditure, auditing and settling thereof) for committee salaries and expenses, except for the Committee on Appropriations; House Information Resources; and allowances and expenses of Members, Delegates, the Resident Commissioner, Officers, and administrative offices of the House.
  • Employment of persons by the House, including staff for Members, Delegates, the Resident Commissioner, and Committees; and reporters of debates.
  • The Library of Congress, including management thereof.
  • The House Library.
  • Statuary and pictures.
  • Acceptance or purchase of works of art for the Capitol.
  • United States Botanic Garden.
  • Purchase of books and manuscripts.
  • The Smithsonian Institution and the incorporation of similar institutions .
  • The Commission on Congressional Mailing Standards (Franking Commission).
  • Printing and correction of the Congressional Record.
  • Accounts of the House generally.
  • Assignment of office space for Members, Delegates, the Resident Commissioner, and Committees.
  • Disposition of useless executive papers.
  • Election of the President, Vice President, Members, Senators, Delegates, or the Resident Commissioner; corrupt practices; contested elections; credentials and qualifications; and Federal elections generally.
  • Services to the House, including House food services, parking facilities, and administration of the House Office Buildings and of the House wing of the Capitol.
  • Travel of Members, Delegates, and the Resident Commissioner.
  • Raising, reporting, and use of campaign contributions for candidates for office of Representative, of Delegate, and of Resident Commissioner.
  • Compensation, retirement, and other benefits of the Members, Delegates, the Resident Commissioner, Officers, and employees of Congress.

Additionally, the Committee:

  • Provides policy direction for the Inspector General and oversight of the Clerk, Sergeant at Arms, Chief Administrative Officer, and Inspector General.
  • Has the function of accepting on behalf of the House of Representatives a gift, except as otherwise provided by law, if the gift does not involve a duty, burden, or condition, or is not made dependent on some future performance by the House; and promulgating regulations under which to do so.
  • Is responsible for considering amounts of payments of funds resulting from settlements of complaints under the Congressional Accountability Act of 1995.
  • Membership on the Joint Committee on Printing and the Joint Committee on the Library are drawn from House Administration along with Members from the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration. The Chairman of the Appropriation Committee’s Legislative Branch Subcommittee is also a member of the Joint Committee on the Library.


Republican Members (Majority)
Chair: Bryan Steil, Wisconsin
Barry Loudermilk, Georgia
Morgan Griffith, Virginia
Greg Murphy, North Carolina
Stephanie Bice, Oklahoma
Mike Carey, Ohio
Laurel Lee, Florida
Anthony D’Esposito, New York

Democratic Members (Minority)
Ranking Member: Joseph Morelle, New York
Terri Sewell, Alabama
Derek Kilmer, Washington
Norma Torres, California



Committee on House Administration
1309 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone: 202) 225-2061
Fax: (202) 226-2774





Source: Wikipedia


The Subcommittee on Elections handles Federal election-related issues. One of the major functions of the subcommittee is its oversight of the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) and the Elections Assistance Commission (EAC). The subcommittee’s jurisdiction also extends to the Help America Vote Act (HAVA), the Federal Election Campaign Act, the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act, and the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA).
In addition to these policy areas the Subcommittee on Elections is also responsible for contested elections under the Federal Contested Elections Act.

Republican Members (Majority)
Chair: G. K. Butterfield, North Carolina
Pete Aguilar, California
Teresa Leger Fernandez, New Mexico

Democratic Members (Minority)
Ranking Member: Bryan Steil, Wisconsin


Source: Wikipedia

The House Administration Subcommittee on Modernization, formerly the House Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress, was a select committee that was established by H.Res. 6 on January 4, 2019, and was tasked to investigate, study, make findings, hold public hearings, and develop recommendations to make Congress more effective, efficient, and transparent.

Republican Members (Majority)
Chair: Stephanie Bice, Oklahoma
Mike Carey (politician), Ohio

Democratic Members (Minority)
Ranking Member: Derek Kilmer, Washington
Joseph Morelle, New York

More Information

Committee Activity

Campaign Finance


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