Green Party

Green Party


The Green Party of the United States (GPUS) is a federation of Green state political parties in the United States. The party promotes green politics, specifically environmentalism; nonviolence; social justice; participatory democracy; grassroots democracy; anti-war; anti-racism. As of 2023, it is the fourth-largest political party in the United States by voter registration, behind the Libertarian Party.

The Greens (as ASGP) first gained widespread public attention during the 2000 presidential election, when the ticket composed of Ralph Nader and Winona LaDuke won 2.7% of the popular vote, raising questions as to whether they spoiled the election in favor of George W. Bush. Nader has dismissed the notion that he and other Green candidates are spoilers.

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The Green Party of the United States (GPUS) is a federation of Green state political parties in the United States.[8] The party promotes green politics, specifically environmentalism; nonviolence; social justice; participatory democracy; anti-war; anti-racism. As of 2023, it is the fourth-largest political party in the United States by voter registration, behind the Libertarian Party.[9]

The direct predecessor of the GPUS was the Association of State Green Parties (ASGP). In the late 1990s, the ASGP, which formed in 1996,[10] had increasingly distanced itself from the Greens/Green Party USA (G/GPUSA),[11] America’s then-primary green organization which had formed in 1991 out of the Green Committees of Correspondence, a collection of local green groups active since 1984.[12] In 2001, the GPUS was officially founded as the ASGP split from the G/GPUSA. After its founding, the GPUS soon became the primary national green organization in the country, surpassing the G/GPUSA. John Rensenbrink and Howie Hawkins were co-founders of the Green Party.[13]

The Greens (as ASGP) first gained widespread public attention during the 2000 presidential election, when the ticket composed of Ralph Nader and Winona LaDuke won 2.7% of the popular vote, raising questions as to whether they spoiled the election in favor of George W. Bush.[14][15][16][17] Nader has dismissed the notion that he and other Green candidates are spoilers.[18]


Early years

The political movement that began in 1985 as the decentralized Committees of Correspondence[19][20] evolved into a more centralized structure by 1990, opening a national clearinghouse and forming governing bodies, bylaws and a platform as the Green Committees of Correspondence[20] and by 1990 simply The Greens. The organization conducted grassroots organizing efforts, educational activities and electoral campaigns.

Internal divisions arose between members who saw electoral politics as ultimately corrupting and supported the notion of an “anti-party party” formed by Petra Kelly and other leaders of the Greens in Germany[21] vs. those who saw electoral strategies as a crucial engine of social change. A struggle for the direction of the organization culminated in a “compromise agreement”, ratified in 1990 at the Greens National Congress in Elkins, West Virginia and in which both strategies would be accommodated within the same 527 political organization renamed the Greens/Green Party USA (G/GPUSA). It was recognized by the FEC as a national political party in 1991.

The compromise agreement subsequently collapsed and two Green Party organizations co-existed in the United States until 2019 when the Greens/Green Party USA was dissolved. The Green Politics Network was organized in 1990 and the National Association of Statewide Green Parties formed by 1994. Divisions between those pressing to break onto the national political stage and those aiming to grow roots at the local level continued to widen during the 1990s. The Association of State Green Parties (ASGP) encouraged and backed Nader’s presidential runs in 1996 and 2000. By 2001, the push to separate electoral activity from the G/GPUSA issue-based organizing led to the Boston Proposal and the subsequent rise of the Green Party of the United States. The G/GPUSA lost most of its affiliates in the next few months and dropped its FEC national party status in the year 2005.

Structure and composition


The Green Party has two national committees recognized by the Federal Election Commission (FEC):

Green National Committee

The GNC is composed of delegates elected by affiliated state parties. The state parties also appoint delegates to serve on the various standing committees of the GNC. The National Committee elects a steering committee of seven co-chairs, a secretary and a treasurer to oversee daily operations. The National Committee performs most of its business online, but it also holds an annual national meeting to conduct business in person.[23]


Five Identity Caucuses have achieved representation on the GNC:

Other caucuses have worked toward formal recognition by the GNC:



The Green Party of the United States follows the ideals of green politics, which are based on the Four Pillars, namely:[33][20]

  1. Ecological wisdom,
  2. Social justice,
  3. Grassroots democracy, and
  4. Nonviolence.

The Ten Key Values, which expand upon the Four Pillars, are as follows:[34][20]

  1. Grassroots democracy,
  2. Social justice and equal opportunity,
  3. Ecological wisdom,
  4. Nonviolence,
  5. Decentralization,
  6. Community-based economics,
  7. Feminism and gender equity,
  8. Respect for diversity,
  9. Personal and global responsibility, and
  10. Future focus and sustainability.

The Green Party doesn’t accept donations from corporations, political action committees (PACs), 527(c) organizations or soft money. The party’s platforms and rhetoric harshly criticize corporate influence and control over government, media, and society at large.[35]


In 2016, the Green Party passed a motion in favor of rejecting both capitalism and state socialism, supporting instead an “alternative economic system based on ecology and decentralization of power”.[36] The motion states the change that the party says could be described as promoting “ecological socialism“, “communalism“, or perhaps the “cooperative commonwealth”.[36] The Green Party rejection of both state socialism and capitalism and their promotion of communalism which was created by libertarian socialist Murray Bookchin places the Green Party into the ideology of libertarian socialism.[37] The eco-socialist economy the Green Party of the United States wants to create is similar to the market socialist mutualist economics of Proudhon which consists of a large sector of democratically controlled public enterprises, a large sector of cooperative enterprises, and a smaller sector of small businesses and self-employed.[38][39] Consumer goods and services would be sold to consumers in the market by cooperatives, public enterprises, and small businesses.[38] Services that would be for free include health care, education, child care, and urban mass transit. Goods and services that would be available at low cost would include public housing, power, broadband, and water.[38] Howie Hawkins who was nominated by the Green Party to run for president of the United States in 2020 identifies as a libertarian socialist.[40]

Political positions

Economic and social issues


The Green Party supports the implementation of a single-payer healthcare system and the abolition of private health insurance in the United States.[41] They have also called for contraception and abortion procedures to be available on demand.[42] The Green Party has called for the repeal of the Hyde Amendment, an act that prohibits the use of federal taxpayer funds for abortions, unless in the cases of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother.[41]


The Green Party calls for providing tuition-free college at public universities and vocational schools, increasing funding for after-school and daycare programs, cancelling all student loan debt, and repealing the No Child Left Behind Act. They are strongly against the dissolution of public schools and the privatization of education.[43]

Green New Deal

In 2006, the Green Party developed a Green New Deal that would ultimately serve as a transitional plan to a 100% clean, renewable energy including solar and wind energy by 2030 utilizing a carbon tax, jobs guarantee, tuition-free college, single-payer healthcare and a focus on using public programs.[44][45]

Howie Hawkins focused his gubernatorial campaign on the Green New Deal, which was the first time the policy was introduced.[46] Jill Stein also developed her presidential campaign based on the Green New Deal.[47]

Criminal justice

The Green Party favors the abolition of the death penalty, repeal of three-strikes laws, banning of private prisons, legalization of marijuana, and decriminalization of other drugs.[48]

Racial justice

The Green Party advocates for “complete and full” reparations to the African American community, as well the removal of the Confederate flag from all government buildings.[49]

LGBT+ rights

The party supports same-sex marriage, the right of access to medical and surgical treatment for transgender and gender-nonconforming people, and withdrawing foreign aid to countries with poor LGBT+ rights records. The party opposes gender-critical feminism.[49]

Youth rights

The party supports youth rights. They reject the idea that young people are property of their parents or guardians. They support providing mothers with prenatal care. They oppose child abuse and neglect and support young people’s rights to food, shelter, healthcare, and education. They support greater student input into their education and sex education and oppose advertisements in schools. They support lowering the voting age to 18.[49]

Fundraising and position on Super PACs

In the early decades of Green organizing in the United States, the prevailing American system of money-dominated elections was universally rejected by Greens, so that some Greens were reluctant to have Greens participate in the election system at all because they deemed the campaign finance system inherently corrupt. Other Greens felt strongly that the Green Party should develop in the electoral arena and many of these Greens felt that adopting an alternative model of campaign finance, emphasizing self-imposed contribution limits, would present a wholesome and attractive contrast to the odious campaign finance practices of the money-dominated major parties.[citation needed]

Over the years, some state Green parties have come to place less emphasis on the principle of self-imposed limits than they did in the past. Nevertheless, it is safe to say that Green Party fundraising (for candidates’ campaigns and for the party itself) still tends to rely on relatively small contributions and that Greens generally decry not only the rise of the Super PACs, but also the big-money system, which some Greens criticize as plutocracy.[citation needed]

Some Greens feel that the Green Party’s position should be simply to follow the laws and regulations of campaign finance.[50] Other Greens argue that it would injure the Green Party not to practice a principled stand against the anti-democratic influence of money in the political process. Candidates for office, like Jill Stein, the 2012[51] and 2016 Green Party nominee for the President of the United States, typically rely on smaller donations to fund their campaigns.[citation needed]

Foreign policy

The Green Party calls on the United States to join the International Criminal Court, and sign the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty and Non-Proliferation Treaty. Additionally, it supports cutting the defense budget in half, as well as prohibiting all arms sales to foreign countries.[52]

The Green Party supports the 2015 Iran nuclear deal to decrease sanctions while limiting Iran‘s capacity to make nuclear weapons.[53]

The Green Party advocates for the Palestinian right of return and cutting all U.S. aid to Israel. It has also expressed support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.[54] The Green Party supports “…the creation of one secular, democratic state for Palestinians and Israelis on the land between the Mediterranean Sea and the River Jordan as the national home of both peoples, with Jerusalem as its capital.”[55]

The Green Party called for a ceasefire in the Israel–Hamas war and condemned Israeli war crimes in the Gaza Strip.[56][57]


Registered voters
PartyPercentage (2022)[58]

The Green Party’s membership encompasses the fourth-highest percentage of registered voters in the United States, with a total membership of 234,120.[58]
The Green Party has its strongest popular support on the Pacific Coast, Upper Great Lakes, and Northeast, as reflected in the geographical distribution of Green candidates elected.[59] As of June 2007, Californians have elected 55 of the 226 office-holding Greens nationwide. Other states with high numbers of Green elected officials include Pennsylvania (31), Wisconsin (23), Massachusetts (18) and Maine (17). Maine has the highest per capita number of Green elected officials in the country and the largest Green registration percentage with more than 29,273 Greens comprising 2.95% of the electorate as of November 2006.[60] Madison, Wisconsin is the city with the most Green elected officials (8), followed by Portland, Maine (7).

Membership in the Green Party of the United States by year (1986–2020)

The 2016 presidential campaign of Jill Stein got substantive support from counties and precincts with a high percentage of Native American population. For instance, in Sioux County (North Dakota, 84.1% Native American), Stein gained her best county-wide result: 10.4% of the votes. In Rolette County (also North Dakota, 77% Native American), she got 4.7% of the votes. Other majority Native American counties where Stein did above state average are Menominee (WI), Roosevelt (MT) and several precincts in Alaska.[61][62]

At its peak in 2004, the Green Party had 319,000 registered members in states allowing party registration and tens of thousands of members and contributors in the rest of the country.[63][64]

State and territorial parties

The following is a list of accredited state parties which comprise the Green Party of the United States.[65]

List of national conventions and annual meetings

The Green National Convention is scheduled in presidential election years and the Annual National Meeting is scheduled in other years.[67] The Green National Committee conducts business online between these in-person meetings.


Musician Jello Biafra ran for the Green Party’s presidential nomination in 2000, and has run for other offices with the Green Party
Malik Rahim, former Black Panther Party activist, ran for Congress in 2008 with the Green Party
2012, 2016 and 2024 Green presidential nominee, Jill Stein, served from 2005 to 2010 as a member of Lexington’s Town Meeting

As of July 2024, 143 officeholders in the United States were affiliated with the Green Party.[6] The party has not had any representation in federal or statewide offices.[68]

Previously in 2016, the majority of them were in California, several in Illinois, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, with five or fewer in ten other states. These included one mayor and one deputy mayor and fourteen county or city commissioners (or equivalent). The remainder were members of school boards, clerks and other local administrative bodies and positions.[69]

Several Green Party members have been elected to state-level office, though not always as affiliates of the party. John Eder was elected to the Maine House of Representatives, re-elected in 2004, but defeated in 2006. Audie Bock was elected to the California State Assembly in 1999, but switched her registration to independent seven months later[70] running as such in the 2000 election.[71] Richard Carroll was elected to the Arkansas House of Representatives in 2008, but switched parties to become a Democrat five months after his election.[72] Fred Smith was elected to the Arkansas House of Representatives in 2012,[73] but re-registered as a Democrat in 2014.[74] In 2010, former Green Party leader Ben Chipman was elected to the Maine House of Representatives as an unenrolled candidate and was re-elected in 2012 and 2014. He has since registered as a Democrat, and is serving in the Maine Senate.[75][76]

Gayle McLaughlin was twice elected mayor of Richmond, California, defeating two Democrats in 2006[77] and then reelected in 2010; and elected to City Council in 2014 after completing her second term as mayor.[78] With a population of over 100,000 people, it was the largest American city with a Green mayor. Fairfax, California; Arcata, California; Sebastopol, California; and New Paltz, New York are the only towns in the United States to have had a Green Party majority in their town councils. Twin Ridges Elementary in Nevada County, California held the first Green Party majority school board in the United States.[79]

On September 21, 2017, Ralph Chapman, a member of the Maine House of Representatives, switched his party registration from unaffiliated to Green, providing the Green Party with their first state-level representative since 2014.[80] Henry John Bear became a member of the Green Party in the same year as Chapman, giving the Maine Green Independent Party and GPUS its second currently-serving state representative, though Bear is a nonvoting tribal member of the Maine House of Representatives.

Though several Green congressional candidates have topped 20%, no nominee of the Green Party has been elected to office in the federal government. In 2016, Mark Salazar set a new record for a Green Party nominee for Congress. Running in the Arizona 8th district against incumbent Republican Congressman Trent Franks, Salazar received 93,954 votes or 31.43%.[81]

Legislative caucuses

With exception to state legislatures and major city councils, all other legislative bodies included in the following chronological table had/have more than two affiliated members simultaneously serving in office.[82][83]

YearsGovernment positionJurisdictionStateNotes
(1/13 seats)
2001–2005: (2/13 seats)
Minneapolis City Council Minnesota
(1/141 seats)
Maryland House of Delegates Maryland
(2/154* seats)[a]
Maine House of Representatives Maine
(1/151 seats)
(2/5 seats)
Anoka Water Conservation District Minnesota
(1/100 seats)
Arkansas House of Representatives Arkansas
(1/100 seats)
(3–4 out of 9 seats)
Berkeley Rent Stabilization Board California
(3/5 seats)
Fairfax Town Council California
(2/5 seats)
(2–5 out of 30 seats)
Douglas County Board of Supervisors Wisconsin
(2–4 out of 20 seats)
Madison Common Council Wisconsin
(2–4 out of 39 seats)
Dane County Board of Supervisors Wisconsin
(3–4 out of 29 seats)
Portage County Board of Supervisors Wisconsin
(3/5 seats)
Sebastopol City Council California
(2–4 out of 9 seats)
Portland Board of Education Maine
(2/7 seats)
Kalamazoo City Commission Michigan
(3/5 seats)
Arcata City Council California
(2/5 seats)
(3/5 seats)
School Board of Twin Ridges Elementary California
(3/5 seats)
New Paltz Village Council New York
(1/80 seats)
New Jersey General Assembly New Jersey
(2/7 seats)
Santa Monica City Council California
(2/30 seats)
New Haven Board of Aldermen Connecticut
(2/8 seats)
Salem City Council Oregon
(2/8 seats)
Santa Fe City Council New Mexico
(2/5 seats)
Point Arena Town Council California
(1/80 seats)
California State Assembly California
(2/8 seats)
Fayetteville City Council Arkansas
  1. ^ Includes the three non-voting elected members to the Maine House of Representatives. Henry John Bear, a non-voting member, joined the Green Party along with Representative Ralph Chapman.

Other notable people

Presidential ballot access

2004 to present

Ballot Access of the Green Party of the United States
Number of states + D.C.
(number of write-in states)
Possible electoral votes
(possible write-in electoral votes)
AlabamaNot on ballotOn ballot(write-in)On ballot
AlaskaOn ballotNot on ballotOn ballot(write-in)[d]On ballot
Arizona(write-in)On ballot(write-in)On ballot[96]
ArkansasOn ballot
CaliforniaOn ballot
ColoradoOn ballot
ConnecticutOn ballot(write-in)On ballot
DelawareOn ballot
District of ColumbiaOn ballot
FloridaOn ballot
Georgia(write-in)On ballot
HawaiiOn ballot
Idaho(write-in)On ballot(write-in)
Illinois(write-in)On ballot(write-in)
IowaOn ballotTBD
Kansas(write-in)On ballot[97](write-in)TBD
KentuckyNot on ballotOn ballot(write-in)On ballot
LouisianaOn ballotNot on ballotOn ballot
MaineOn ballot
MarylandOn ballot
MassachusettsOn ballotTBD
MichiganOn ballot
MinnesotaOn ballot
MississippiOn ballot
MissouriNot on ballot(write-in)Not on ballotOn ballot
MontanaOn ballot(write-in)Not on ballotOn ballot(write-in)On ballot
NebraskaOn ballotNot on ballotOn ballot(write-in)TBD
NevadaOn ballotNot on ballotTBD[98]
New HampshireNot on ballot(write-in)On ballot(write-in)On ballot
New JerseyOn ballot
New MexicoOn ballot
New York(write-in)On ballotTBD
North Carolina(write-in)Not on ballot(write-in)On ballot
North DakotaNot on ballotOn ballot(write-in)TBD
Ohio(write-in)On ballot
OklahomaNot on ballotTBD
OregonOn ballot
PennsylvaniaOn ballotNot on ballotOn ballot(write-in)On ballot
Rhode IslandOn ballot[99](write-in)TBD
South CarolinaOn ballot
South DakotaNot on ballotTBD
Tennessee(write-in)On ballot
Texas(write-in)On ballot
Utah(write-in)On ballot
VermontNot on ballot(write-in)On ballotTBD
Virginia(write-in)On ballot(write-in)On ballot
WashingtonOn ballot
West Virginia(write-in)On ballot
WisconsinOn ballot(write-in)On ballot
WyomingNot on ballotOn ballot(write-in)TBD
  1. ^ Electoral vote allocation for 2004 and 2008 based on 2000 census.[94]
  2. ^ Electoral vote allocation for 2012, 2016 and 2020 based on 2010 census.[95]
  3. ^ Electoral vote allocation for 2024 based on 2020 census
  4. ^ Green Party of Alaska, despite having ballot access, did not place the GPUS nominee Howie Hawkins on the ballot.

1996 and 2000

Ballot Access of the Association of State Green Parties[a]
Number of states + D.C.
(number of write-in states)
Possible electoral votes
(possible write-in electoral votes)
AlabamaNot on ballotOn ballot
AlaskaOn ballot
Arizona(write-in)On ballot
ArkansasOn ballot
CaliforniaOn ballot
ColoradoOn ballot
ConnecticutOn ballot
Delaware(write-in)On ballot
District of ColumbiaOn ballot
FloridaOn ballot
GeorgiaNot on ballot(write-in)
HawaiiOn ballot
IdahoNot on ballot(write-in)
Illinois(write-in)On ballot
IowaOn ballot
Kansas(write-in)On ballot
Kentucky(write-in)On ballot
LouisianaOn ballot
MaineOn ballot
Maryland(write-in)On ballot
Massachusetts(write-in)On ballot
Michigan(write-in)On ballot
MinnesotaOn ballot
MississippiNot on ballotOn ballot
Missouri(write-in)On ballot
MontanaNot on ballotOn ballot
NebraskaNot on ballotOn ballot
NevadaOn ballot
New HampshireNot on ballotOn ballot
New JerseyOn ballot
New MexicoOn ballot
New YorkOn ballot
North Carolina(write-in)Not on ballot
North DakotaNot on ballotOn ballot
Ohio(write-in)On ballot
OklahomaNot on ballot
OregonOn ballot
Pennsylvania(write-in)On ballot
Rhode IslandOn ballot
South CarolinaNot on ballotOn ballot
South DakotaNot on ballot
TennesseeNot on ballotOn ballot
Texas(write-in)On ballot
UtahOn ballot
VermontOn ballot
VirginiaNot on ballotOn ballot
WashingtonOn ballot
West VirginiaNot on ballotOn ballot
WisconsinOn ballot
WyomingNot on ballot(write-in)
  1. ^ 1996 and 2000 presidential campaigns were prior to formation of GPUS but campaign was endorsed by existing state Green Parties and predecessors ASGP and G/GPUSA.
  2. ^ Electoral vote allocation for 1996 and 2000 based on 1990 census.[104]

Electoral results

This map shows the percentage of the popular vote Jill Stein received in each county (2016) (with a max vote share of 4.5%)

Presidential elections

YearPresidential/vice presidential candidatePopular votesPercentageElectoral votesImage
2024Jill Stein/Butch Ware
0 EV
2020Howie Hawkins/Angela Walker
0 EV
2016Jill Stein/Ajamu Baraka
0 EV[a]
2012Jill Stein/Cheri Honkala
0 EV
2008Cynthia McKinney/Rosa Clemente
0 EV
2004David Cobb/Pat LaMarche
0 EV
2000Ralph Nader/Winona LaDuke
0 EV
1996Ralph Nader/Winona LaDuke
0 EV
  1. ^ While Stein and Baraka did not receive any electoral votes, Green Winona LaDuke received one vote for Vice President from a Washington faithless elector; the presidential vote went to Faith Spotted Eagle, a Democrat.
  2. ^ Ralph Nader and Matt Gonzalez, a Green, ran an independent campaign and received 0.6% of the vote, but they were not affiliated with the Green Party.
  3. ^ Ralph Nader and Peter Camejo, a Green, ran an independent campaign and received 0.4% of the vote; however, they were not affiliated with the Green Party.
  4. ^ Nader was not formally nominated by the party itself, but he did receive the endorsement of a large number of state parties and is considered as the de facto Green Party candidate.
  5. ^ In Iowa and Vermont, Anne Goeke was Nader’s running mate, in New Jersey it was Madelyn Hoffman and in New York it was Muriel Tillinghast.


House of Representatives

Election yearNo. of overall general
election votes
% of overall voteNo. of overall seats won+/-
0 / 435

0 / 435

0 / 435

0 / 435

0 / 435

0 / 435

0 / 435

0 / 435

0 / 435

0 / 435

0 / 435

0 / 435

0 / 435

0 / 435

0 / 435


Election yearNo. of overall general
election votes
% of overall voteNo. of overall seats won+/-
0 / 34

0 / 34

0 / 34

0 / 33

0 / 33

0 / 37

0 / 33

0 / 33

0 / 33

0 / 33

0 / 33

Best results in major races

Bold indicates race where Green candidate was elected to office

President10.07%Alaska2000Ralph Nader
US Senate20.5%Arkansas2008Rebekah Kennedy
15.4%District of Columbia2018[b]Eleanor Ory
14.3%District of Columbia2006[c]Joyce Robinson-Paul
US House31.5%Arizona District 82016Mark Salazar
27.5%California District 342018Kenneth Mejia
23.2%Arkansas District 22008Deb McFarland
Governor10.4%Illinois2006Rich Whitney
10.3%New Mexico1994Roberto Mondragón
9.5%Maine2006Pat LaMarche
Other statewide32.7%New Mexico State Treasurer1994Lorenzo Garcia
32.4%Arkansas State Treasurer2010Bobby Tullis
26.7%Arkansas Attorney General2010Rebekah Kennedy
State Legislature67.1%Maine District 382002John Eder
50.9%Maine District 1182004
48.4%Maine District 1182006

Criticism and controversies

Spoiler campaigns

Campaigns run by the Green Party have been seen by some analysts and academics as tossing the election outcomes in favor of Republican candidates – most notably George W. Bush in 2000[14][15][16][17] and Donald Trump in 2016.[107] In 2019, former Green presidential candidate Ralph Nader told the Washingtonian that, while he still does not consider himself a spoiler, he regretted not entering the 2000 Democratic primary.[108]

A 2020 New York Times article highlighted instances where supporters of a Republican candidate worked to get the Green Party on ballots in close races hoping that it would split votes away from Democratic candidate, including during the 2020 presidential election.[109]

In September 2024, Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez criticized the Green Party’s political strategy as “predatory”, alleging that they have failed to build political power at the local level while only “show[ing] up every four years” to run presidential candidates. She contrasted their approach with that of the Working Families Party.[110]

On November 1, 2024, Green parties across Europe urged Stein to drop out and endorse Kamala Harris, arguing that Stein risked electing Donald Trump by staying in the race.[111]

On December 27, 2024, James Skoufis accused the Green Party of spoiling the 2024 United States Senate election in Pennsylvania in favor of Dave McCormick.[112]


The United States Senate‘s probe into Russian election interference investigated Jill Stein and the Green Party for potential collusion and looked to better understand why and how Russia was promoting the party.[113] Politico and Newsweek reported that Russian state actors covertly promoted Stein and other Green Party candidates on Facebook prior to the 2016 elections.[107][114] NBC News reported that a “growing body of evidence [exists] that [shows] the Russians worked to boost the Stein campaign as part of the effort to siphon support away from Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and tilt the election to Trump.”[113] NBC News additionally documented over 100 instances where Stein appeared on Russian state media, receiving favorable coverage.[113] In 2015, Stein was photographed dining at the same table as Russian president Vladimir Putin at the RT 10th anniversary gala in Moscow, leading to further controversy.[113] Stein contended that she had no contact with Putin at the dinner and described the situation as a “non-event”.[115] One of the possible Green Party 2016 VP candidates worked for RT while the VP candidate Stein ultimately chose also often appeared on the network criticizing NATO as ‘Gangster states’.[116] Stein also met with Sergey Lavrov at an RT Gala in New York.[116]

Stein’s 2016 foreign policy positions regarding Russian topics have been considered by some to have mirrored those of the Russian government, in some instances, including concerning the annexation of Crimea.[113][114] Stein condemned Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine, but claimed that Russia was provoked by NATO‘s eastward expansion.[117]

Allegations of irregularities in primary elections

On October 16, 2019, a joint candidate letter called for reform in the Green Party’s presidential primary process in response to the party’s announcement that it would remove unrecognized candidates from its website list that November, an effort which Green candidates claimed was being to done to help the Hawkins campaign secure the party’s nomination.[118] This was followed by allegations of conflicts of interest among the party’s leadership, members of which the candidates believed were helping party co-founder Howie Hawkins, and of an alleged overlooking of a violation of Green Party rules that would have disqualified Hawkins from running as a Green, due to him also seeking the Socialist Party‘s nomination.[118]

After the 2020 Green Party Nominating Convention named Hawkins as their presidential candidate, runner-up Dario Hunter announced that he would run as an independent candidate. Hunter cited alleged irregularities and undemocratic processes throughout the primary, arguing that party leaders had committed “ethical lapses” to ensure Hawkins’ nomination, and criticizing Hawkins for what he saw as his “imperialist perspective” and “CIA talking points.”[119]

See also


  1. ^ Does not include 30,992 votes from 2018 United States Shadow Senator election in the District of Columbia
  2. ^ Not recognized as a Senate election by the federal government, and shadow senators do not serve in Congress in any capacity.
  3. ^ Not recognized as a Senate election by the federal government, and shadow senators do not serve in Congress in any capacity.


  1. ^ “Green Party Voter Registration Statistics”. October 21, 2024. Retrieved January 5, 2024.
  2. ^ Tait, Robert (November 22, 2023). “Jill Stein formally launches 2024 White House bid as Green party candidate”. The Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077. Retrieved June 18, 2024.
  3. ^ Atkin, Emily (February 22, 2019). “The Democrats Stole the Green Party’s Best Idea”. The New Republic. Retrieved August 30, 2024.
  4. ^ Hawkins, Howie (February 18, 2024). “Cornel West, Jill Stein, and the Green Party”. New Politics. NewPolitics. Retrieved August 30, 2024.
  5. ^ Resnikoff, Ned (June 23, 2015). “Green Party’s Jill Stein Running for President”. Al Jazeera. Archived from the original on June 26, 2015. Retrieved August 14, 2019.
  6. ^ a b “Greens in Office”. Green Party of the United States. July 2024. Retrieved August 25, 2024.
  7. ^ “How many politicians are there in the USA? (Infographic)”. PoliEngine. Retrieved June 2, 2024.
  8. ^ “Green Party”. Retrieved August 14, 2019.
  9. ^ Winger, Richard (March 28, 2021). “March 2021 Ballot Access News Print Edition”. Ballot Access News. Retrieved April 1, 2021.
  10. ^ “AOR 2011–13: Advisory Opinion Request (AOR) Seeking Recognition of the Coordinating Committee of the Green Party of the United States as the National Committee of the Green Party” (PDF). Federal Election Commission. August 9, 2001. Retrieved August 14, 2019.
  11. ^ “Coordinating Committee for the Greens/Green Party USA National Committee Governing Body of the “Green Party”, Greens/Green Party USA” (PDF). Federal Election Commission. September 7, 2001. Retrieved August 14, 2019.
  12. ^ “Advisory Opinion 2001–13” (PDF). Federal Election Commission. November 8, 2001. Retrieved August 14, 2019.
  13. ^ “Green Party convention-goers are ready to take on President Obama, Mitt Romney”. The Washington Post. July 15, 2012. Retrieved May 26, 2022.
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