David Harold McCormick (born August 17, 1965) is an American businessman and politician. McCormick served as the CEO of Bridgewater Associates, one of the world’s largest hedge funds, from 2020 to 2022. He is the husband of former Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategy, Dina Powell.
A member of the Republican Party, McCormick served as Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs during the George W. Bush administration. In January 2022, McCormick announced his candidacy for the U.S. Senate seat held by retiring incumbent Pat Toomey. He lost to surgeon Mehmet Oz in the Republican primary by fewer than 1,000 votes
OnAir Post: David McCormick – PA
Source: Campaign Site
Dave McCormick has a battle plan for America’s renewal — and he’s ready to bring it and his leadership to the United States Senate on behalf of Pennsylvania.

Dave is a 7th generation Pennsylvanian. He’s a West Point graduate, combat veteran and Bronze star recipient. He’s a Pennsylvania job creator and a business leader. He’s a national security expert and a strong and experienced voice for how to overcome the threat from China. And, most important, he is a devoted husband and father of six bright young women for whom he wants to preserve the American dream.
A trusted, thoughtful leader, Dave will fight for all Pennsylvanians.
Dave was born in Washington, Pennsylvania, and raised in Bloomsburg. The son of two lifelong teachers and prominent educators and the oldest of two boys, Dave was raised to understand the value of hard work. Growing up, Dave played football and wrestled, trimmed Christmas trees, delivered newspapers, and bused tables at the Magee Hotel.

Dave was nominated to the United States Military Academy by a Pennsylvania Senator, and became the first kid from Bloomsburg to attend West Point in decades. After graduating, Dave went on to serve in the 82nd Airborne Division as a paratrooper. He was deployed to the Middle East during the First Gulf War and received the Bronze Star for his service in Iraq before retiring as a Captain.

After the Army, Dave earned his Ph.D. in international relations from Princeton University before moving to Pittsburgh to start a career in business. He worked his way up to become the CEO of FreeMarkets, a successful tech startup that employed hundreds in Western Pennsylvania.
In 2005, Dave was called to service again, this time in the highest levels of government, including as Under Secretary of Treasury and as Deputy National Security Advisor. For four years, Dave spearheaded the fight to protect American technology from Chinese theft, advised the President on key national security issues, and helped negotiate the global response to the 2008 financial crisis.

Following the administration, Dave joined Bridgewater Associates, one of the largest, most successful investment firms in the world. He served as CEO until he resigned to run for Senate in Pennsylvania in 2022.
Dave and Dina are proud to support organizations that work with veterans and their families.
Dave is committed to using his unique leadership experiences over the last four decades to deliver results for the Keystone State. He isn’t afraid to stand up to both parties to do what’s right, and he’ll do whatever it takes to fix our broken economy and restore the American Dream for all Pennsylvanians and future generations.
Web Links
Bush administration
Source: Wikipedia
McCormick’s career in government began in 2005 when he was nominated and confirmed as the Commerce Department’s Under Secretary of Commerce for Industry and Security. In this role, he oversaw export controls and was part of negotiations that led to the India–United States Civil Nuclear Agreement.[28] Later he became the Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economic Policy and was George W. Bush’s personal representative and negotiator to the Group of 8 (G8) industrialized countries before moving to the Treasury Department in 2007.
McCormick was Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs from 2007 to 2009, serving as the United States’s leading international economic diplomat.[29] In this role, he was the principal adviser to Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson on international economic issues and oversaw policies in the areas of international finance, trade in financial services, investment, economic development and international debt policy.
McCormick coordinated financial market policy with the Group of Seven (G7) industrialized countries and the Group of Twenty (G20) global economies, working with finance ministers as well as their deputies.[10] He served as Secretary Paulson’s point person on the international response to the 2008 financial crisis.[30] McCormick was credited with using his relationships with top executives and policy makers around the world to help coordinate the Treasury Department’s response.[14]
Under Joe Biden, everything costs more, and Bob Casey has blindly supported every disastrous Bidenomics policy that has crushed Pennsylvania families and contributed to our debt spiraling out of control. He even voted to raise taxes on hard working Pennsylvanians while voting to give massive tax breaks to millionaires in California and New York. As a former CEO, Dave has experience creating hundreds of Western Pennsylvania jobs and eliminating wasteful spending. He knows what it’s like to be responsible for the bottom line, and in the Senate he’ll work to rein in government spending, oppose tax increases, and exercise fiscal responsibility to lessen the burden on the people of the commonwealth. As a father to six daughters, Dave knows this is essential for creating opportunities for the next generation entering the workforce.
Joe Biden and Bob Casey’s failed border policies have created an enormous economic and national security threat for America and Pennsylvania. Casey has regularly voted against tougher border security measures, has supported sanctuary cities and voted to give illegal immigrants taxpayer-funded federal benefits. He even voted against Kate’s law, which set a mandatory imprisonment minimum for deported felons who illegally enter the U.S. Now, Pennsylvanians are paying for healthcare, schooling, housing, food, you name it, for people who don’t pay taxes as dangerous drugs cross our border and women and children become victims to trafficking. As Senator, Dave will fight to secure the border, put an end to drug and human trafficking, and support our border patrol agents with the resources they need to do their jobs.
Under the Biden administration, our adversaries see a weakening America. We saw it first in the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. Then through an emboldened Russia waging war on Ukraine. And most recently in Israel, where Hamas launched an assault on the Israeli people with the support of Iran. Bob Casey has consistently been a rubber stamp for weak and harmful foreign policy decisions — including casting the deciding vote to pass the Iran deal, which gave them billions to fund terrorism. As a combat veteran and a former deputy national security adviser, Dave knows we need a robust defense budget focused on equipping us for next generation warfare. As Senator, he’ll work to restore America’s military might, strengthen our defense industrial base, reestablish deterrence of our adversaries, and make sure the world knows we’re not planning to relinquish our superpower status anytime soon. We must show peace through strength.
Every American deserves to feel safe where they live and work, but dangerous rhetoric and lax law enforcement policies have led to an increase in crime. Urban decay and skyrocketing murder rates are making sections of our great cities a terrifying place to raise children. Fentanyl is killing Americans in every community. As a father, Dave knows firsthand the heightened concern parents have for their children’s safety. Defunding the police, which Bob Casey supported, and declining respect for our law enforcement is diminishing the ability to keep communities safe. And Soros-funded prosecutors in cities like Philadelphia are undermining rule of law, allowing violent criminals to return to the streets. Bob Casey and Joe Biden’s approach isn’t working. That’s why 47 sheriffs from across the commonwealth have endorsed Dave. They know they can trust him to advocate for the needs of law enforcement in Washington.
If Pennsylvania were a country, we would have the fourth largest natural gas reserves in the world. But under Biden’s anti-American energy policies rubberstamped by Bob Casey, we haven’t been able to access clean natural gas, including from the Marcellus Shale. Casey supports policies that are costing us jobs and driving up energy prices even more. He championed a radical cap-and-trade policy, which would have cost Pennsylvania tens of billions of dollars and half a million jobs. The commonwealth used to be an energy exporter, and now we’re an importer. Dave is a conservationist who believes we don’t have to choose between clean energy and economic development – that’s a false tradeoff. Our leaders must mitigate the risk of climate change through adaptation and energy policies that do not impose significant damage on our society, our economy, and our security, and policymakers must reckon with the reality that China and India combined are responsible for a third of global emissions and growing rapidly. America must be energy independent — it’s good for our economy and our national security — and we can do that while simultaneously supporting Pennsylvania’s position as a leader in reducing emissions. We need market-driven solutions and an “all of the above” energy agenda, not government spending that drives inflation.
Dave is the proud son of two Pennsylvania teachers, so he’s spent much of his life hearing about how we as a country can deliver the best possible education for America’s children. Jim and Maryan McCormick saw the education and development of the next generation as the most important thing we must do as a country. Unfortunately, our education system is currently failing America’s children, and the numbers are staggering. Only 25 percent of graduating seniors could keep up with a college‐level math class, and 37 percent were ready for college‐level reading. The average high school graduate today is no better educated than she would have been twenty‐five years ago, and neither poor nor rich students are doing better. As a result, American students are falling behind the rest of the world.
Dave has a plan to revamp our education system with a talent strategy that revives and unlocks the courageous, entrepreneurial American spirit. This starts by improving the quality of our schools by expanding school choice, committing to free expression, and valuing civics and the formation of good citizens. We must also create new workforce training programs and accord job training and community colleges the same respect—and financial support—our country directs toward a four‐year college education. Equipping America’s next generation with the skills they need to succeed in the workforce is essential to the prosperity of our country and our people.
Fentanyl is pouring across our southern border and ravaging communities, killing over 4,000 Pennsylvanians a year — and Bob Casey has been a rubber stamp for the horrendous border policies that enabled this crisis. As a father, Dave is extremely concerned about fentanyl falling into the hands of our children, and at the end of the day, he knows this crisis will not get better until we have operational control of the southern border and stop the unabated flow of Chinese fentanyl ingredients and drug money into the Western Hemisphere. He believes the federal government needs to go after the suppliers and traffickers that produce and bring fentanyl into the United States and sanction the financial flows that facilitate it. We must use sanctions, intelligence resources, military interdictions at sea, and all other tools at our disposal to make it as difficult as possible for drug cartels to produce fentanyl with ingredients originating in China.
From its beginning, America has been a cauldron of invention and innovation. The steel Pennsylvanians produced built cities and the coal and oil they extracted powered cars, factories, and people’s homes. Innovation likewise turned America into a military juggernaut and eventually a superpower after World War II. While CEO of FreeMarkets, a technology software company in Pittsburgh, Dave had a front row seat to the information revolution and saw how the flurry of technological adoption overhauled entire industries. It had a tremendously positive effect on American businesses and, more importantly, American workers. Today, we need to re-energize innovation, including through improving education in math, science, and engineering as well as technical skills training, and driving technological and data leadership which would in turn boost productivity and economic dynamism. Together, they would reverse the cycle of stagnation that holds our country back and form the foundation of the great American renewal.
China poses the gravest threat to our security and well-being since the end of World War II, and career politicians like Bob Casey have gotten China wrong for more than two decades. Dave believes our prosperity, our security, and our values are at risk. Senator Casey has been in Washington since 2007 and has failed to exercise leadership on behalf of Pennsylvanians to address this significant and growing threat. Instead, he has been a rubber stamp for policies that have weakened America and made us more dependent on China, including growing reliance on lithium batteries and solar panels. That’s why Dave introduced a plan to fortify American military and economic strength, thwart China’s aggressive ambitions and protect the homeland through six bans to end China’s free ride. You can read his plan here.
As a combat veteran, Dave knows that serving your country involves personal sacrifice. Too many of our nation’s veterans don’t get the care they deserve after coming home, and as a result, many struggle with their mental health, with a devastating twenty-two veterans a day taking their own lives. Dave knows that we need to equip our veterans with not just quality health care, but mental health care. That’s why he’s met with both veterans and officials to discuss ways to help those who are struggling after their service. We have an obligation to protect those who protected us. Dave also believes that most veterans excel in civilian society, which is why he always made a point to hire them while leading teams at both FreeMarkets and Bridgewater. Veterans are well‐trained young men and women with unlimited potential, and they often have incredible leadership experience and technical skills from their service. As Pennsylvania’s Senator, Dave will work to connect veterans with job opportunities in the private and public sector to help them succeed following their service to our country.
Joe Biden and Bob Casey’s failed agenda is wreaking havoc on our country, both at home and abroad. Democrats are trying to enact a sweeping, federal takeover of elections that erases common sense requirements like presenting a photo ID to vote, requiring that ballots be in by Election Day, and ensuring adequate observers and oversight before and during the election. We need to beat our Democratic opponents in November by mobilizing every Pennsylvanian who wants better leadership in Washington and ensuring they vote, whether that be by mail or on Election Day. Every Pennsylvanian needs to be able to have faith and confidence in our elections.
Dave recognizes that this is an incredibly polarizing issue and we need to seek policies that unify the country. Dave is pro-life, is opposed to a national abortion ban, and supports exceptions in the cases of rape, incest, and saving the life of the mother. In Pennsylvania, the current law, supported by both Republicans and Democrats, means abortion is legal through 24 weeks. Meanwhile, Bob Casey Jr. has the extreme position of supporting abortion up until the moment of birth. Bob Casey’s position is out of step with Pennsylvania, with America, and with his own late father.
Dave is a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and believes law-abiding citizens have an individual right to own firearms for self-defense, hunting, collecting, and sport-shooting, for any lawful reason, and neither Congress nor the states can take that away. As a responsible gun owner and a concerned father, Dave believes that we must increase school security across the board, and provide the money to do so, with school security officers. Second, we need to expand our mental health programs and reduce the stigma associated with seeking treatment. Third, prosecutors like Philadelphia’s Larry Krasner have to enforce the laws we have on the books. It’s unacceptable that some of the cities with the most stringent gun laws have the highest violent crime rates because of a lack of enforcement by liberal prosecutors. Finally, we need to make sure our law enforcement have the resources they need to protect our communities, and that we have rigorous background check systems, as we have in Pennsylvania. We need to preserve our rights while keeping guns out of the hands of criminals.
As a combat veteran and former government official who has lived the American Dream, Dave is a fierce defender of our values, and believes the progressive left is embracing an ideology that is undermining the basic tenets of our democracy. We need new leaders to cultivate the American spirit and restore institutional integrity: in the Pentagon, to put war fighting and deterrence first; in schools, to teach civics and America’s exceptional story; in business, to reaffirm the principles of merit and capitalism; and across society, to create a new national commitment to citizenship. Dave will always stand up for the truth with moral clarity.
Dave wants to go to Washington to deliver results for Pennsylvanians — not to become a career politician like Bob Casey. Dave supports term limits and will not serve more than two terms in the Senate if elected.
More Information
David Harold McCormick (born August 17, 1965) is an American politician, businessman, and former U.S. Army officer serving since 2025 as the junior United States senator from Pennsylvania. A member of the Republican Party, he was the chief executive officer (CEO) of Bridgewater Associates, one of the world’s largest hedge funds, from 2020 to 2022.[1][2]
McCormick graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1987 and served in Iraq during the Gulf War. He received the Bronze Star while serving in the 82nd Airborne Division.[3][4][5] In 1996, McCormick earned a Ph.D. from Princeton University. From 2005 to 2009, he held several positions in the George W. Bush administration, lastly as Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs.[2] McCormick left the Bush administration in 2009 to become president of Bridgewater, a position he held until becoming co-CEO in 2017. He became its sole CEO in 2020 and stepped down from the position to run for the U.S. Senate in 2022, but lost the Republican primary to Mehmet Oz by 950 votes.
McCormick won the Republican nomination unopposed for the 2024 U.S. Senate election in Pennsylvania and narrowly defeated three-term incumbent Democratic senator Bob Casey Jr. by just over 15,000 votes out of nearly seven million cast, a margin of 0.22%.
Early life and education
McCormick was born in Washington, Pennsylvania, and raised in the Pittsburgh area.[6][7] He attended high school in Bloomsburg.[7][8] His father, James H. McCormick, was president of Bloomsburg University and chancellor for the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education.[7] His mother, Maryan G. McCormick, was a college professor.[9]
McCormick graduated from West Point in 1987 with a Bachelor of Science degree[10] in mechanical engineering. He was a four-time letterman on the Army wrestling team and the team’s co-captain his senior year. He was a two-time Eastern runner-up at 167 pounds.[11]
In 1996, he earned a Ph.D. in international relations from Princeton University‘s School of Public and International Affairs.[12] Two years later, he published a book, The Downsized Warrior, based on his doctoral thesis about the downsizing of the U.S. Army at the end of the Cold War.[11]
In 2021, McCormick received an honorary degree from Dickinson College.[13]
Military career
After graduating from West Point, McCormick went to United States Army Airborne School and to Ranger School; he was named the Honor Graduate of Ranger School. He joined the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, in 1987.[14]
McCormick was part of the first wave of U.S. troops deployed to Iraq during the Gulf War in 1991 and received the Bronze Star for his actions.[15][16][17][5] He was executive officer of a combat engineering company of 130 soldiers tasked with clearing minefields and destroying enemy munitions. McCormick left the service in 1992 after five years’ commissioned service, separating at the rank of Captain.[15][18][19]
Private sector career
From 1996 to 1999, McCormick worked as a consultant at McKinsey & Co. based in Pittsburgh.[11]
In 1999, McCormick joined FreeMarkets, a global provider of software and services. Later that year, the company conducted an initial public offering.[20] McCormick was promoted to president of FreeMarkets in 2001 and was named chief executive officer in 2002. He sold FreeMarkets to Ariba in 2004 for approximately $500 million[11][21] and then remained at Ariba as president for the next 18 months until he was asked to join the Bush administration.[22]
Bridgewater Associates
McCormick joined Bridgewater Associates in 2009 as its president.[11] He became co-CEO in 2017,[23] and was responsible for overseeing the firm’s management and liaising with institutional investors.[24][25]
In December 2019, it was announced that McCormick would become the sole CEO of Bridgewater in 2020, marking the end of a 10-year management transition of the firm.[26][1] As head of Bridgewater, McCormick had raised 8 billion yuan ($1.3 billion) for a private fund in China by November 2021.[27] In late 2021, while McCormick was mulling a run for a United States Senate seat in Pennsylvania, he began to distance himself from Bridgewater founder Ray Dalio and his defenses of China’s human rights policies, openly rebuking him during company calls.[27] Bridgewater also shorted some iconic Pennsylvania companies, including US Steel and Hershey, under his leadership.[28]
McCormick left Bridgewater on January 3, 2022, and was replaced by Mark Bertolini and Nir Bar Dea as co-CEOs.[29]
Career in government
Bush administration

McCormick’s career in government began in 2005, when he was nominated and confirmed as the Commerce Department‘s Under Secretary of Commerce for Industry and Security.[5][30][31] In this role, he oversaw export controls and was part of negotiations that led to the India–United States Civil Nuclear Agreement.[32] Later he became the Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economic Policy and was George W. Bush‘s personal representative and negotiator to the Group of 8 (G8) industrialized countries before moving to the Treasury Department in 2007.[33]
McCormick was Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs from 2007 to 2009, serving as the United States’ leading international economic diplomat.[34] In this role, he was the principal adviser to Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson on international economic issues and oversaw policies in the areas of international finance, trade in financial services, investment, economic development and international debt policy.
McCormick coordinated financial market policy with the Group of Seven (G7) industrialized countries and the Group of Twenty (G20) global economies, working with finance ministers and their deputies.[11] He served as Paulson’s point person on the international response to the 2008 financial crisis.[35] McCormick was credited with using his relationships with top executives and policy makers around the world to help coordinate the Treasury Department’s response.[15]
Consideration for roles in the Trump administration

When Donald Trump became president-elect in 2016, he considered naming McCormick the U.S. Secretary of Treasury, but instead offered him the position of U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense.[36] McCormick declined this position because he was happy with his role at Bridgewater. In early 2019, the Trump administration considered McCormick for U.S. Secretary of Defense.[37]
In 2017, James Mattis named McCormick as a member of the Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee, a federal advisory committee to the U.S. Department of Defense. In 2020, Trump removed McCormick from this position along with 11 other members with ties to the foreign policy establishment.[38]
Political donations and endorsements
Since 2009, McCormick has donated more than $300,000 to politicians, political parties, and political action committees.[39] He donated to the campaigns of Senators John McCain and Mitch McConnell and the congressional campaign of Mike Pompeo.[39] In 2014, McCormick donated $25,000 to the Republican Governors Association.[40] McCormick supported Jeb Bush‘s 2016 presidential campaign.[41][42]
McCormick did not donate to Trump’s 2016 or 2020 presidential campaigns.[39]
McCormick has mainly supported Republicans, but has also donated to Democrats, including congressional candidates Dan Helmer and Amy McGrath and Senator Jack Reed.[39][43]
U.S. Senate (2025–present)
It was reported in December 2021 that Republicans were recruiting McCormick to run for the Senate seat in Pennsylvania held by Pat Toomey, who did not seek reelection in 2022.[44] On November 22, 2021, Sean Parnell—who had been endorsed by Trump and was regarded as a front-runner in the Senate race—withdrew from the race amid accusations of domestic violence from his estranged wife.[45] McCormick announced his candidacy for the Senate on January 13, 2022.[46]
McCormick’s Republican primary opponents criticized him for recently being a resident of Connecticut and for leading a hedge fund that invested in China.[46] A Super PAC supporting Mehmet Oz accused McCormick of outsourcing jobs from Pittsburgh to India while McCormick was CEO of FreeMarkets. McCormick denied the claim, but said he did have to eliminate 40 to 50 Pittsburgh-based jobs; McCormick denied that the decision was related to outsourcing.[47] In response to Oz, McCormick demanded Oz renounce his dual citizenship with Turkey.[48]
In February 2022, McCormick ran a 30-second commercial during Super Bowl LVI highlighting the rising inflation rate and the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan against the audio background of crowds chanting “Let’s go Brandon“, a coded insult to Joe Biden.[49]
Trump endorsed Oz on April 10, 2022, citing the popularity of his television show and perceived appeal to female voters.[50] McCormick had sought Trump’s endorsement, but according to McCormick, Trump told him he would need to say the 2020 presidential election was stolen in order to earn Trump’s endorsement.[51]
McCormick lost the primary election to Oz, 31.2% to 31.1%. An automatic recount was triggered because Oz’s margin of victory was less than 0.5%. The recount did not help McCormick, whose campaign launched a court case to have undated mail-in ballots counted with the rest of the votes. (The mail-in ballots were seen as potentially helping McCormick should they be included.) Oz’s margin of victory was less than 1,000 votes.[52] On June 3, McCormick conceded to Oz.[53]
During the primary, McCormick released campaign televised advertisements questioning Oz’s stances on issues such as abortion and gun rights, calling Oz a “Hollywood liberal” and a “RINO” (Republican In Name Only).[54] According to Politico, those ads hurt Oz during his general election campaign against Democratic nominee John Fetterman, who defeated Oz.[55]

On September 21, 2023, McCormick announced his second Senate campaign.[56] Soon after announcing his candidacy, he was endorsed by the Pennsylvania Republican Party and by Trump. He was already seen as the party’s favorite and had the support of many Republican officials before he announced.[57] McCormick had a clear path to the Republican nomination after two minor candidates who filed to run against him were disqualified.[58]
McCormick was present at the July 2024 Pennsylvania rally where an attempted assassination of Donald Trump in Pennsylvania took place.[8] He was in the front row of the rally, to Trump’s right, when shots rang out. McCormick has said that shortly before the shooting, Trump invited McCormick on stage, but changed his mind and requested that McCormick instead wait till later in the rally. McCormick called the incident “very scary” and said Trump was “very lucky to be alive”.[59]
Fox News called the race for McCormick by November 7, and the Associated Press did so by November 12.[60] ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN projected the race for McCormick after Casey conceded on November 21.[61] McCormick’s win was seen as an upset.

McCormick took office on January 3, 2025. On January 9, he attended Jimmy Carter’s state funeral.[62]
McCormick has voted to confirm all of Trump’s cabinet nominees, including Pete Hegseth as secretary of defense.[63]
On March 11, 2025, McCormick co-sponsored his first bipartisan, bicameral bill, one of the co-sponsors being his fellow Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman. The legislation aims to improve federal coordination for the fentanyl crisis. McCormick said the bill would “empower our federal government to coordinate all the tools at its disposal to combat the trafficking of lethal fentanyl that is ruining American families.”[64]
Committee assignments
For the 119th Congress:[65]
- Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
- Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
- Committee on Foreign Relations
- Subcommittee on East Asia, The Pacific, and International Cybersecurity Policy
- Subcommittee on Multilateral International Development, Multilateral Institutions, and International Economic, Energy and Environmental Policy
- Subcommittee on Near East, South Asia, Central Asia, and Counterterrorism (Chair)
- Special Committee on Aging
- Joint Economic Committee
Political positions
2021 U.S. Capitol attack
McCormick expressed regret over the 2021 attack at the U.S. Capitol. He said the attack marks “a dark chapter in American history” and “puts a highlight on the responsibility of leaders to be able to create a dialogue where people are understood.”[66] He also said, “I think [Trump] has some responsibility, a lot of responsibility for [the attack], and I think that this last dark chapter at the Capitol…history will look very unfavorably on that and all the people that were involved in that.”[66]
Free trade
McCormick has highlighted the benefits of free trade, stating in 2008 that “the key to remaining competitive in today’s changing world is embracing openness to trade and to investment and to people”.[67] In more recent times, he has supported President Trump’s America First policy, indicating a shift. In the past, he has seemed to argue that the benefits of free trade outweighed the downside of displacing American workers and suggested retraining those whose jobs have become obsolete. He also opposed U.S. exports which gave advantages to China’s military.[67] In 2009, McCormick and Karan Bhatia co-wrote an opinion piece for Wall Street Journal Asia supporting the Trans-Pacific Partnership.[68]
Foreign policy
McCormick has championed the role of a strong United States on the world stage and has advocated for the idea that the United States can focus on addressing domestic issues while also leading efforts to promote human rights.[32] In 2016 he said, “If we are to promote equality and pluralism around the world, we must walk towards, rather than away from, our unique success in advancing these values at home while still embracing the idea that America is, and always will be, a work in progress”.[32]
In 2007, McCormick spoke as a member of the Bush administration in Beijing, China, where he said that “When China succeeds, the United States succeeds” and that the U.S. owes “much of the strength and vitality of our economic relationship today to the remarkable success of China’s economic development over the last three decades”.[67] As a member of the Bush administration, McCormick pushed China to raise the value of its currency. He later praised President Trump’s administration for measures to counter China.[32][67]
McCormick has called for increasing skilled immigration to the United States. He also supports building a wall on the US-Mexico border.[43][69]
LGBTQ rights
In 2013, McCormick joined 131 other Republicans in signing an amicus brief filed at the United States Supreme Court supporting the legalization of gay marriage prior to Obergefell v. Hodges.[70] During McCormick’s tenure as CEO of Bridgewater Associates, the company’s policy was to fully pay for gender transition surgery.[71][better source needed] During his campaign for Senate, McCormick stated that he opposes federal funding towards gender transition surgeries and transgender girls participating in girls’ competitive sports.[71][better source needed]
Personal life
In 2019, McCormick married Dina Powell, an executive at Goldman Sachs who was Deputy National Security Advisor in the first Trump administration.[7][37][72] Until 2015 he was married to Amy Richardson,[73] with whom he has four children.[74] He also has two stepdaughters from his marriage to Powell.[74]
McCormick and Powell live in Pittsburgh‘s Squirrel Hill neighborhood.[8] They previously owned a home in Westport, Connecticut, where his children attend high school and where he lived before his political campaigns.[75] After their divorce in 2015, Richardson received ownership of the couple’s former primary residence in Westport, while McCormick retained ownership of a house in Southport, Connecticut, and 70 acres of central Pennsylvania farmland.[73] In January 2023, he sold a condominium on Manhattan‘s Upper East Side.[75] As of 2023, McCormick rented a $16 million home in Westport.[75] As of March 2024, McCormick splits his time between Connecticut and Pennsylvania; his residency was a major issue during his 2024 Senate campaign.[76][77]
In 2009, McCormick taught at Carnegie Mellon University‘s Heinz College, on its Washington, D.C. campus; he held the title of Distinguished Service Professor of Information Technology, Public Policy and Management.[78] He was elected to a three-year term on CMU’s board of trustees in 2011.[79]
McCormick is on the board of both the United Service Organizations (USO)[80][non-primary source needed] and the Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS).[81][non-primary source needed]
Electoral history
Party | Candidate | Votes | % | |
Republican | Mehmet Oz | 420,168 | 31.21% | |
Republican | Dave McCormick | 419,218 | 31.14% | |
Republican | Kathy Barnette | 331,903 | 24.66% | |
Republican | Carla Sands | 73,360 | 5.45% | |
Republican | Jeff Bartos | 66,684 | 4.95% | |
Republican | Sean Gale | 20,266 | 1.51% | |
Republican | George Bochetto | 14,492 | 1.08% | |
Total votes | 1,346,091 | 100.00% |
Party | Candidate | Votes | % | |
Republican | Dave McCormick | 878,320 | 100.00% | |
Total votes | 878,320 | 100.00% |
Party | Candidate | Votes | % | ±% | |
Republican | Dave McCormick | 3,399,295 | 48.82% | +6.20% | |
Democratic | Bob Casey Jr. (incumbent) | 3,384,180 | 48.60% | −7.14% | |
Libertarian | John Thomas | 89,653 | 1.29% | +0.27% | |
Green | Leila Hazou | 66,388 | 0.95% | +0.33% | |
Constitution | Marty Selker | 23,621 | 0.34% | N/A | |
Total votes | 6,963,137 | 100.00% | |||
Republican gain from Democratic |
Published works
- The Downsized Warrior: America’s Army in Transition (1998)[82]
- Superpower in Peril: A Battle Plan to Renew America (2023)[83]
- ^ Including two stepdaughters.
- ^ a b Levy, Rachael (December 3, 2019). “Bridgewater Co-CEO Eileen Murray to Depart”. Wall Street Journal.
- ^ a b Fortado, Lindsay; Wigglesworth, Robin (December 6, 2019). “Former US Ranger ready to take command at Bridgewater”. Financial Times. Nikkei. Retrieved December 9, 2019.
- ^ Swick, Carson (July 20, 2024). “Pa. GOP Senate candidate and retired Army Capt. David McCormick shores up veteran support”. New York Post. Retrieved December 16, 2024.
- ^ Rodgers, Bethany (November 23, 2024). “What to know about Dave McCormick, Pennsylvania’s new senator”. Erie Times-News. Retrieved December 16, 2024.
- ^ a b c “David McCormick — Department of Commerce”. White House Archives. Retrieved August 11, 2014.
- ^ Grant, Tim (September 12, 2019). “Hedge fund executive sees changing U.S. economic, political landscape”. United States: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. PG Publishing Co. Retrieved December 12, 2019.
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External links
- Senator Dave McCormick official U.S. Senate website
- Campaign website
- Appearances on C-SPAN
- Dave McCormick at PolitiFact