
Cindy Hyde-Smith – MS


Current Position: US Senator since 2018
Affiliation: Republican
Former Position: State Senator from 2000 – 2012

Hyde-Smith was elected Mississippi agriculture commissioner in 2011, the first woman elected to that office, and reelected in 2015 – the first woman elected to Congress from Mississippi.

She is one of the few U.S. senators who attended community college. She worked as a lobbyist for the Southern Coalition for Safer Highways and National Coalition for Healthcare. She served as the state director for Mississippi, Louisiana, and Tennessee which advocated nationwide healthcare coverage.

Featured Quote: 
Today the Mississippi congressional delegation (@SenHydeSmith, @SenatorWicker @CongPalazz0  @RepTrentKelly& @RepMichaelGuest and House Pro-life Caucus Co-Chair Rep. Chris Smith led more than 200 members of Congress to file an amicus brief in the Dobbs late-term abortion case:

Sen. Hyde-Smith’s full statement on Trump’s impeachment trial | Trump impeachment trial

OnAir Post: Cindy Hyde-Smith – MS



Source: Government page

Cindy Hyde-SmithCindy Hyde-Smith is the first woman elected to represent Mississippi in Washington, D.C.  Initially appointed by Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant in April 2018 to fill the U.S. Senate seat vacated by long-time Senator Thad Cochran, Hyde-Smith won a special election for the U.S. Senate in November 2018.  She has established herself as Senator committed to conservative principles as she works for all Mississippians.

In the 116th Congress, Hyde-Smith serves on the Senate Committee on Appropriations, Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, and Committee on Rules and Administration.

On the Senate Appropriations Committee, Hyde-Smith serves on six subcommittees, including:  Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies; Energy and Water Development; Homeland Security; Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies; Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies; and Legislative Branch, on which she serves as chairman.

Prior to becoming a U.S. Senator for Mississippi, Hyde-Smith was elected Mississippi Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce in 2011 and easily won reelection in 2015.

Before leading the Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce, Hyde-Smith served 12 years in the Mississippi State Senate, including eight years as chairman of the Agriculture Committee.  As a legislator, Hyde-Smith championed policies to promote and protect all facets of the agriculture industry.  She fought to protect private property rights, supported tort reform, and earned respect for her advocacy of conservative budget and pro-business initiatives.  She has a strong social conservative voting record and a 100 percent pro-life rating.  Hyde-Smith is a lifetime member of the NRA.

As Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce, Hyde-Smith worked to ensure fairness and equity in the marketplace and protect Mississippians through sound regulatory practices.  She successfully streamlined government regulations to ease the financial burden on Mississippi farmers and small businesses.  Highlights of her tenure were her efforts to reopen Chinese markets for American beef exports, advocate for country-of-origin food labeling, and ensure that imported catfish meet USDA food safety standards.  Under her leadership, the agency was recognized as a “model agency” for effectiveness and budget control.  Hyde-Smith held agency spending below one percent growth her entire tenure.

As Senator, Hyde-Smith has received the Award for Conservative Achievement from the American Conservative Union Foundation and the Spirit of Enterprise Award from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.  Hyde-Smith also received numerous awards and honors for her work as a state legislator and champion of agriculture, including the highest grade for a strong pro-business and fiscally conservative voting record from the Business and Industry Political Education Committee.

Additionally, Hyde-Smith has received the Agriculture Legislator of the Year Award from the Mississippi Association of Conservation Districts, the Ambassador Award from the Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation, the Achievement Award from Delta Council, and the Outstanding Service to Small Farmers Award from Alcorn State University.

Hyde-Smith is a graduate of Copiah-Lincoln Community College and the University of Southern Mississippi, and she maintains close affiliations with the Mississippi Cattlemen’s Association, Lincoln County Forestry Association, Lincoln County Livestock Association, and the Mississippi Nursery and Landscape Association.

Hyde-Smith and her husband Mike have a daughter, Anna-Michael.  They reside in Brookhaven and are active members of Macedonia Baptist Church.  A fifth-generation farming family, the Senator’s family raises beef cattle and are partners in a local stockyard auction market in Brookhaven.


Full Name: Cindy Hyde-Smith

Gender: Female

Family: Husband: Mike; 1 Child: Anna-Michael

Birth Date: 05/10/1959

Birth Place: Brookhaven, MS

Home City: Brookhaven, MS

Religion: Christian

Source: Vote Smart


Graduated, Copiah-Lincoln Community College

BA, University of Southern Mississippi, 1981

Political Experience

Senator, United States Senate, Mississippi, 2018-present

Candidate, United States Senate, Mississippi, 2020

Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce, State of Mississippi, 2012-2018

Appointed by Governor Phil Bryant, Senator, United States Senate, District Jr., March 21st, 2018

Senator, Mississippi State Senate, District 39, 2000-2012

Professional Experience

Consultant, Healthcare & Transportation Policy

Cattle Farmer


Washington D.C. Office
702 Hart Senate Office
Washington, DC 20510-2405
Phone: (202) 224-5054
Fax: (202) 224-5321

Jackson Office
190 East Capitol St.
Suite 550
Jackson, MS 39201
Phone: (601) 965-4459
Fax: (601) 965-4919

Gulfport Office
2012 15th Street
Suite 451
Gulfport, MS 39501
Phone: (228) 867-9710
Fax: (228) 867-9789

Oxford Office
911 Jackson Ave.
Rm. 249
Oxford, MS 38655
Phone: (662) 236-1018
Fax: (862) 236-7618


Email: Government


Source: none

Election Results

To learn more, go to this wikipedia section in this post.


Source: Open Secrets


Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry
The Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry is empowered with legislative oversight of all matters relating to the nation’s agriculture industry, farming programs, forestry and logging, and legislation relating to nutrition and health.  Senator Hyde-Smith serves on the Subcommittee on Commodities, Risk Management, and Trade (Ranking Member), the Subcommittee on Climate, Conservation, Forestry, and Natural Resources, and the Subcommittee on Livestock, Diary, Poultry, Competition, Local Food Systems, and Food Safety and Security..

Committee on Appropriations
The Committee on Appropriations is a standing committee of the U.S. Senate with jurisdiction over all discretionary spending legislation. Senator Hyde-Smith serves on the following appropriations subcommittees:  Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies; Energy and Water Development; Homeland Security; Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies; and Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies (Ranking Member).

Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
The Committee on Energy and Natural Resources has jurisdiction over a broad portfolio, including:  energy resources and development, including regulation, conservation, strategic petroleum reserves and appliance standards; nuclear energy; American Indian affairs; public lands and renewable resources; surface mining, federal coal, oil, and gas, other mineral leasing; territories and insular possessions; and water resources.  Senator Hyde-Smith serves on the Subcommittee on Energy and the Subcommittee on National Parks.

Committee on Rules and Administration
The Committee on Rules and Administration is one of the oldest committees of the United States Senate.  Its origins date back to the early days of the Republic when the first Senate convened in March 1789 and established a committee to prepare a system of rules for conducting business in the Senate. In 1867 in the aftermath of the Civil War and the reunification of our Union, the forerunner to our current committee was created, and a Committee on Rules has continued in the Senate to the present day.

Voting Record


New Legislation

New Legislation


Source: Campaign page


Senator Hyde-Smith, as a conservative and small business owner, understands the importance of responsible fiscal policies.  The Senator has introduced legislation to amend the U.S. Constitution to require the President to submit, and Congress to approve, a balanced budget each year.


Senator Hyde-Smith supports policies that responsibly reduce the federal tax burden on small businesses, families, and individuals.  She strongly believes workers should be able to keep more of their hard-earned money.

Civil Rights

2nd Amendment

Senator Hyde-Smith, who holds an enhanced-carry permit, is a strong advocate for protecting the Constitutional right of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms. The Senator has authored and supported federal legislation defending Second Amendment rights and is committed to supporting efforts that would prevent the federal government from infringing upon those rights.


Jobs & Economy

Senator Hyde-Smith supports federal policies to foster an economic environment that encourages job growth in Mississippi and the nation.  She supports the tax cuts and reforms enacted by President Trump and the Republican-majority Congress.  She believes in eliminating burdensome federal regulations that hinder small businesses, farmers, and industry.

The Senator supports policies and opportunities to continue and expand Mississippi’s ability to contribute to national security, high-tech research, agricultural innovation, and energy production.

Senator Hyde-Smith welcomes opportunities to work with local, state, and federal officials to make Mississippi a better place to work and raise families.

Rural Communities

Senator Hyde-Smith believes the Unites States is strong when agriculture and rural America are strong.  The Senator understands the unique challenges faced by rural Mississippi to provide residents with basic services, infrastructure, education, and health care.  She supports policies that will allow rural communities to expand economically.  The federal government should not be a roadblock to the growth and wellbeing of rural America.



Senator Hyde-Smith understands the importance of education to ensure a better future for Mississippi children and their ability to be part of an economically-strong state.  The Senator believes in the importance of state and local control of public education, while recognizing the role of the federal government to support educational achievement across the country.

Senator Hyde-Smith is also supportive of the significant federal research and development initiatives involving Mississippi institutions of higher learning—work that, among other things, improves American competitiveness, national security and agricultural production.


Energy & Environment

Senator Hyde-Smith knows dependence on foreign oil poses economic and national security risks for the United States.  The Senator supports responsible exploration and production of Mississippi’s and the nation’s energy resources, including the development of new technologies to support the production of biofuels and other energy sources.

Senator Hyde-Smith understands the importance of conservation and good stewardship of our natural resources.  She supports balanced and responsible resource management policies to ensure Mississippi’s forests, wetlands, and coastal region remain assets for future generations to enjoy.

Health Care

Health Care

Senator Hyde-Smith supports common-sense, patient-centered health care reforms to help Mississippi families afford health insurance coverage without expanding the government’s role in providing health care.  She believes the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, should be repealed.

Senator Hyde-Smith appreciates the role of the state’s universities to support federal research on better prevention and treatment efforts on chronic diseases, like diabetes, that affect Mississippians disproportionally.


Border Security & Immigration

Senator Hyde-Smith believes the federal government’s first responsibility is defense of the American people, which includes securing the nation’s borders.  She is a strong proponent of strengthening border security and the enforcement of U.S. immigration laws.  The Senator does not believe in rewarding those who enter the country illegally.

The Senator supports the implementation of a nationwide E-Verify system to ensure a legal workforce and enable American jobs to be filled by legal American workers.


Infrastructure & Public Works

Senator Hyde-Smith believes rebuilding infrastructure is key to the future of Mississippi and the nation.  She understands that aging highways, bridges, and basic public works infrastructure represents an impediment to public safety and economic growth.  She includes the need for greater broadband access among these needs.  Senator Hyde-Smith is committed to using her committee assignments to support responsible efforts to improve infrastructure, particularly in rural areas.


Law Enforcement & Public Safety

Senator Hyde-Smith has great respect and admiration for the law enforcement and first responder personnel who dedicate their lives to protecting the public.  As a member of the Senate Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee, she will continue to support programs and policies that enable these public servants to do their jobs more effectively.

Homeland Security

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security, as the lead agency for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and U.S. Coast Guard, plays an important role in Mississippi.

Senator Hyde-Smith is committed to working closely with FEMA and other federal agencies to ensure Mississippians are prepared for natural disasters and emergency situations.  She supports hazard mitigation policies, which have proven to help save lives and save taxpayer dollars.

The Senator also supports Homeland Security efforts to protect the American people from domestic and foreign threats, which include ensuring a strong and well-equipped U.S. Coast Guard.


Senator Hyde-Smith believes preparedness is imperative to protecting lives and property when severe storms and natural disasters hit Mississippi and other areas of the country.  A state-level lawmaker when Hurricane Katrina devastated the state, she recognizes the role of the federal government in helping individuals, communities, and the state rebound after such disasters.  Senator Hyde-Smith supports the Federal Emergency Management Agency and efforts to improve the agency’s effectiveness.



Senator Hyde-Smith is committed to ensuring the federal government meets its commitments to the men and women who have bravely served in the Armed Forces.  She understands the changing needs of America’s newest generation of veterans and their families, and is dedicated to supporting efforts to make sure they receive the highest-quality medical care possible.


Senator Hyde-Smith, a cattle farmer and the former Mississippi Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce, understands the importance of the state’s $7.5 billion agricultural and forestry industries. As a member of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, the Senator will work on legislation, programs, and policies to allow agriculture and related industries to grow in Mississippi and the nation.

The Senator’s record includes protecting private property rights against eminent domain abuses, helping to open foreign markets for Mississippi agricultural products, and supporting country-of-origin labeling.


As a Christian, Senator Hyde-Smith believes in the sanctity of life and the need for federal policies that strengthen America’s families. She is committed to supporting policies and legislation to protect the lives of unborn children.  An opponent of taxpayer funding of abortions, the Senator has a strong record of opposing any measure that encourages abortion, as a matter of law or policy.

Foreign Affairs

Senator Hyde-Smith is committed to supporting foreign affairs policies that ensure the security of the American people first and foremost.  She understands the need for the United States to foster and maintain mutually-beneficial relations with allies to promote our national security, freedom, and fair trade.

Mississippi Special

Senator Hyde-Smith cherishes the diversity of the people of Mississippi and celebrates their accomplishments—both past and present.

More Information



Cindy Hyde-Smith (née Hyde; born May 10, 1959)[1] is an American politician serving as the junior United States senator from Mississippi since 2018.[2] A member of the Republican Party, she was previously the Mississippi Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce and a member of the Mississippi State Senate.

Born in Brookhaven, Mississippi, Hyde-Smith is a graduate of Copiah–Lincoln Community College and the University of Southern Mississippi. In 1999, she was elected to the Mississippi State Senate as a Democrat. She represented the 39th district from 2000 to 2012. In 2010, Hyde-Smith switched parties and became a Republican, citing her conservative beliefs.[3] Hyde-Smith was elected Mississippi agriculture commissioner in 2011; she is the first woman to be elected to that office, and she was reelected in 2015.

On March 21, 2018, Governor Phil Bryant announced his intention to appoint Hyde-Smith to the United States Senate seat being vacated due to the resignation of Thad Cochran.[4] Hyde-Smith was sworn into office on April 9, 2018. She is the first woman to represent Mississippi in Congress.[5] Hyde-Smith was a candidate in the 2018 U.S. Senate special election for the remainder of Cochran’s term, which expired in 2021.[6] She finished first in the top-two general election on November 6, 2018, but did not receive more than 50% of the vote, thus advancing to a November 27 special runoff election versus Mike Espy. Hyde-Smith won the runoff election[7] and was re-elected in 2020.

Early life

Hyde-Smith was born in Brookhaven, Mississippi, the daughter of Lorraine Hyde and Luther Hyde, and grew up in Monticello, Mississippi.[1] She attended Lawrence County Academy in Monticello, a segregation academy established in response to Supreme Court rulings ordering the desegregation of public schools.[8] The school’s team nickname was the Rebels; the mascot was a “Col. Reb” who carried a Confederate flag.[8][9][10][11]

Hyde-Smith graduated from Copiah–Lincoln Community College with an Associate of Arts (AA) and the University of Southern Mississippi with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in criminal justice and political science.[12] She is one of the few U.S. senators who attended community college. After her studies, she worked as a lobbyist for the Southern Coalition for Safer Highways and National Coalition for Healthcare, with offices in Washington, D.C., and San Francisco.[13][14] She served as the state director for Mississippi, Louisiana, and Tennessee during her time with the National Coalition for Healthcare, which advocated nationwide healthcare coverage.[15]

Mississippi Senate

Hyde-Smith was a member of the Mississippi Senate, representing the 39th District from 2000 to 2012. For part of her tenure, she chaired the Senate Agriculture Committee, which led her Senate colleagues to encourage her to run for Mississippi Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce.[16][17] She had a conservative voting record in the state Senate.[18] During her time in the state Senate, 79 of her bills became law.[19] She supported measures to collect DNA samples from people in custody of the Department of Corrections and authored a bill to ban most abortions after 12 weeks. After the abortion restriction bill passed and was signed by then-Governor Haley Barbour, it was overturned in federal court. On the Senate Agriculture Committee, Hyde-Smith also helped manage the fallout from a controversial beef plant that defaulted on a $55 million state loan. The state sued firms involved in the construction of a 400-employee plant in Yalobusha County that closed three months after it opened, in August 2004. The state eventually settled with the plant owners for $4 million.[20] In 2001, Hyde-Smith introduced legislation to name a portion of Highway 51 for Jefferson Davis, the president of the Confederacy, who had no ties to the area. The bill died in committee. Hyde-Smith also voted for resolutions honoring civil rights leader Medgar Evers, the Freedom Riders and Hiram Rhodes Revels, who, through legislative appointment during Reconstruction, became the first African American to represent Mississippi in the U.S. Senate.[21]

In 2009, Hyde-Smith led an effort to override Barbour’s veto of a bill that sought to restrict the power of eminent domain to public use, thereby prohibiting eminent domain for private economic purposes. The bill passed the state House 119-3[22] and the state Senate unanimously.[23] Barbour vetoed the bill on the grounds that the restriction could harm the state’s business climate. The legislature attempted to override his veto, but was unsuccessful. In the House, the override vote was successful with a 101–19 vote,[24] but it failed in the Senate, 28–22.[25] Hyde-Smith was critical of senators who switched their vote after the veto, saying, “Not only could you never come to this podium again and say ‘I protect private property rights’, you’re still gonna have to say ‘I changed my vote to vote against private property rights’.”[26]

On December 28, 2010, Hyde-Smith announced that she had switched her party affiliation from Democratic to Republican.[12][27] Her switch made the Senate equally divided between Republicans and Democrats, with each party holding 26 seats.[18]


Hyde-Smith first sought election to the Mississippi Senate in 1999, as she concluded her career as a lobbyist and transitioned back to the state. She returned to Mississippi, gave birth to her daughter, and qualified to run for state Senate all in one year.[17] Her opponent in the 1999 Mississippi Senate Democratic primary was 20-year incumbent W. L. Rayborn. She perceived that Rayborn prioritized his personal interests over his district’s and had supported his opponents in the previous two elections. During the campaign, Hyde-Smith refused to criticize him or target specific issues. Rayborn was known for a pet cause—allowing non-dentists to make false teeth. A denturist without a dental degree, he showed up to the Capitol a few days each session adorned with buttons and stickers promoting his bill “The Freedom of Choice Dentures Act.” In 1999, his last year in office, it died in committee.[28] Hyde-Smith defeated Rayborn in the Democratic primary and Republican Helen Price and independent Frank Greer in the general election, with 75.36% of the vote.[29]

In the 2003 Democratic primary, Rayborn challenged Hyde-Smith in the newly redrawn state Senate District 39 and lost, 65.47% to 34.53%.[30] Hyde-Smith was unopposed in the general election.

In 2007, Hyde-Smith was unopposed in the Senate District 39 Democratic primary. In the general election, she defeated Republican Edwin V. Case with 79.45% of the vote. This was her last election in the Senate district.[31]

Mississippi Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce

Smith as Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce

In January 2011, Hyde-Smith announced her candidacy for Mississippi’s commissioner of agriculture and commerce.[32] She won the Republican nomination in August[33] and the general election in November, defeating Democratic nominee Joel Gill, to become the first woman to win this position.[34] She took office on January 5, 2012.[35]

In June 2012, in response to a massive infestation of plant bugs in cotton farms throughout the Mississippi Delta (which had caused approximately $81 million in damages), Hyde-Smith said that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency had approved an emergency exemption to help farmers exterminate the bugs.[36]

In January 2013, Hyde-Smith successfully pushed for legislation to help fund a big renovation project for the Mississippi Coliseum.[37] In December 2013, she received a Service Award from the Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation for the project.[38]

Hyde-Smith was reelected in 2015, defeating Democratic nominee Addie Lee Green by over twenty points.[39] She was sworn in for her second term on January 7, 2016.[40] In April 2016, Hyde-Smith announced that the Mississippi Department of Agriculture would be accepting proposals for both the Specialty Crop Block Grant Program and the Federal-State Marketing Improvement Program for the year’s federal budget.[41]

U.S. Senate

Vice President Mike Pence swears in Smith at the Old Senate Chamber in 2018


On March 21, 2018, Governor Phil Bryant announced Hyde-Smith as his choice to fill the United States Senate seat held by Thad Cochran, who indicated he would resign the seat due to health issues.[42] Cochran resigned on April 1, and Bryant formally appointed Hyde-Smith on April 2.[2] Hyde-Smith became the first woman to represent Mississippi in the United States Congress.[43] The Senate was in a district work period and was not conducting legislative business at that time, so she did not take the oath of office until the Senate reconvened for legislative business on April 9.[44] At her ceremonial swearing in, Hyde-Smith was accompanied by her husband, Michael, and U.S. Senators Roger Wicker, Orrin Hatch, Lamar Alexander, Chuck Schumer, and Susan Collins.[43] Hyde-Smith announced that she would seek election to the seat in the 2018 special election on November 6.[45]


2018 special election

The Trump administration reportedly did not support Hyde-Smith’s Senate appointment because of her history as a Democrat,[46][47] but in August 2018, Trump endorsed her for election.[48] He stumped for Hyde-Smith in suburban northern Mississippi.[49]

In the 2018 special election, Hyde-Smith was challenged by Republican Chris McDaniel, who criticized her past Democratic affiliation. Hyde-Smith responded that she had “always been a conservative” and added that she had the support of Republican Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant.[50] She highlighted her support for Second Amendment rights, opposition to abortion, and advocacy for the state’s defense business.[51]

Hyde-Smith declined to debate her Democratic opponent, Mike Espy, before the November 6 special election; Cochran had often done the same.[52] After she and Espy each finished with about 41% of the vote,[53] she agreed to debate Espy on November 20 before the runoff election.[54]

During the runoff campaign, while appearing with cattle rancher Colin Hutchinson in Tupelo, Mississippi, Hyde-Smith said, “If he invited me to a public hanging, I’d be in the front row.” The remark immediately drew harsh criticism, given Mississippi’s notorious history of lynchings and public executions of African-Americans. In response to the criticism, Hyde-Smith downplayed her comment as “an exaggerated expression of regard” and called the backlash “ridiculous.”[55][56][57] She refused to apologize.[58][59]

On November 15, 2018, Hyde-Smith appeared in a video clip saying that it would be “a great idea” to make it more difficult for liberals to vote.[60] Her campaign said Hyde-Smith was obviously joking and that the video was selectively edited. Both this and the “public hanging” video were released by Lamar White Jr., a Louisiana blogger and journalist.[61]

Also in November 2018, media reports noted that Hyde-Smith attended a school that was created to avoid court-mandated racial integration and made use of various Confederate symbols, and that she sent her daughter to a similar school.[8][62]

The runoff election was held on November 27. Hyde-Smith defeated Espy, 53.9%-46.1%.[63][64]

2020 election

In January 2020, Hyde-Smith filed to run for a full term in the November election.[65] She was renominated without opposition in the Republican primary. In the general election, she defeated Espy again, this time by a margin of ten percentage points.[66]


Hyde-Smith during the 115th Congress
Hyde-Smith during the 117th Congress

On October 6, 2018, Hyde-Smith voted to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court of the United States.[67] On October 26, 2020, she voted to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the Court.[68]

On January 6, 2021, Hyde-Smith was participating in the 2021 United States Electoral College vote count debate about Arizona’s electoral votes when Trump supporters stormed the United States Capitol. She and other senators were removed from the Senate floor to an undisclosed location shortly after the Capitol was breached. Her staff had to shelter in her office.[69] During the attack, Hyde-Smith tweeted: “Whatever frustrations any American may have, violence & destruction in the US Capitol, the seat of our democratic government, is unacceptable”.[70] She later said that she was afraid during the storming of the Capitol and called the rioters “criminals who need to be prosecuted”.[71]

Committee assignments

Caucus Membership

Political positions

Hyde-Smith identifies herself as a conservative Republican.[74] From 1999 to 2010, she served in elected office as a Democrat. She voted in the Democratic primary in 2008[75] and described herself as having been a conservative Democrat during her tenure in the state legislature.[76] She switched to the Republican Party in 2010.

In 2012, Hyde-Smith endorsed Republican nominee Mitt Romney for U.S. president.[77]

FiveThirtyEight reported that as of January 2021, Hyde-Smith had voted in line with Donald Trump‘s political positions about 92% of the time.[78] It also reported that as of November 2022, she had voted in line with President Joe Biden‘s political positions about 38.9% of the time.[79]

2021 United States Electoral College vote count

On January 6, 2021, Hyde-Smith joined four other senators in voting to object to the certification of Arizona’s electoral votes.[80] She said she based her decision on “the erosion of integrity of the electoral process.” Hyde-Smith added that her constituents “do not believe the presidential election was constitutional and cannot accept the Electoral College decision.” Her position differed from that of fellow Mississippi senator Roger Wicker, who supported certification.[81] She also voted not to certify Pennsylvania’s electoral votes.[82] The Jackson Free Press called on Hyde-Smith to “recant or resign” for objecting to the certification of Arizona’s and Pennsylvania’s electoral votes.[83]

Following the attack on the Capitol, Hyde-Smith did not support invoking the Twenty-fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution to remove Trump from office. She also said she would not vote to convict Trump in the event of an impeachment trial.[84]

On May 28, 2021, Hyde-Smith voted against creating an independent commission to investigate the 2021 United States Capitol attack.[85]

Voting rights

In 2021, Hyde-Smith expressed opposition to the For the People Act, which would expand voting rights, falsely claiming that the bill would nullify voter identification laws in Mississippi.[under discussion][86] She also objected to allowing people to vote on Sunday, which is the Christian Sabbath and a day that black churches coordinate rides to polling places for their parishioners.[87][88]

Fiscal policy

Hyde-Smith describes her economic positions as fiscally conservative.[89]

In 2018, Hyde-Smith was one of 29 Republicans who joined all Democrats in opposing Senator Rand Paul‘s bill to cut federal spending by 1% over five years, known as the Penny Bill.[90] Republican opponents of the bill said it could threaten federal defense and domestic programs.[90] She faced criticism from the bill’s supporters.[91]

Hyde-Smith supported the Trump-backed Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017.[92] As a state legislator, she voted in favor of increasing unemployment benefits and in favor of raising taxes on cigarettes.[93]

In May 2019, Hyde-Smith was a cosponsor of the Transporting Livestock Across America Safely Act, a bipartisan bill introduced by Ben Sasse and Jon Tester intended to reform hours of service for livestock haulers by authorizing drivers to rest at any point during their trip without it being counted against their hours of service and exempting loading and unloading times from the hours of service calculation of driving time.[94]

In July 2019, Hyde-Smith was one of eight senators to introduce the Agricultural Trucking Relief Act, a bill that would alter the definition of an agricultural commodity to include both horticultural and aquacultural products and promote greater consistency in regulation through both federal and state agencies as part of an attempt to ease regulatory burdens on trucking and the agri-community.[95]

Hyde-Smith was among the 31 Senate Republicans who voted against final passage of the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023.[96]

Foreign policy

In August 2018, Hyde-Smith co-sponsored the Israel Anti-Boycott Act (s. 720), which would make it a federal crime for Americans to encourage or participate in boycotts against Israel and Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank if protesting actions by the Israeli government.[97][98]

Health care

Hyde-Smith opposes the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), saying that it “has failed Mississippi.”[99] She is in favor of repealing it but says that she supports keeping provisions ensuring protections for preexisting conditions.[99] While in the Senate, she voted to expand the use of short-term health insurance plans, which can discriminate against people with preexisting conditions.[99]

In July 2019, Hyde-Smith was one of eight senators to cosponsor the Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act (PCHETA), a bill intended to strengthen training for new and existing physicians, people who teach palliative care, and other providers who are on the palliative care team that grants patients and their families a voice in their care and treatment goals.[100]

In October 2019, Hyde-Smith was one of 27 senators to sign a letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer advocating the passage of the Community Health Investment, Modernization, and Excellence (CHIME) Act, which was set to expire the following month. The senators warned that if the funding for the Community Health Center Fund (CHCF) was allowed to expire, it “would cause an estimated 2,400 site closures, 47,000 lost jobs, and threaten the health care of approximately 9 million Americans.”[101]

Supreme Court

Hyde-Smith and Brett Kavanaugh in July 2018

In March 2019 Hyde-Smith was one of 12 senators to co-sponsor a resolution in favor of a constitutional amendment limiting the Supreme Court to nine justices. The resolution was introduced after multiple Democratic presidential candidates expressed openness to expanding the number of seats on the Supreme Court.[102]

Social issues

Hyde-Smith opposes abortion.[103] In 2018, she voted with Senate Republicans to prohibit federal funding from being given to any organization or facility that promotes abortion services or family planning.[104] She opposes Planned Parenthood, describing it as “one of the worst things that has ever happened to us.”[99]

In 2018 Hyde-Smith released a statement supporting the Trump administration’s travel ban on seven predominantly Muslim countries.[105]

In February 2024, Hyde-Smith single-handedly blocked a federal law intended to protect access to in vitro fertilization treatments in the aftermath of the Alabama Supreme Court‘s ruling in LePage v. Center for Reproductive Medicine (2024).[106] In a speech on the Senate floor, she claimed the bill would “legalize the creation of human-animal chimeras”.[107]

LGBT rights

In 2012, as Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce, Hyde-Smith personally opposed a same-sex commitment ceremony at the Mississippi Agriculture & Forestry Museum, but instructed the museum to allow it after consulting with Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood. She declared she would seek a change in state law and request from the legislature “clear and straightforward definitions about what activities can take place on the property owned by the State of Mississippi.”[108]

In November 2022, she voted against the Respect for Marriage Act, legislation that codifies same-sex marriage rights into federal law.[109][110]

Confederate States of America

In 2007, Hyde-Smith voted for a resolution that praised a Confederate States Army soldier for his efforts to “defend his homeland”.[111] During her first term in the Mississippi Senate, she proposed renaming a state highway after Confederate President Jefferson Davis, but the legislation did not pass.[112] In 2014, Hyde-Smith posted a photo of herself at Davis’s home, Beauvoir, wearing a Confederate cap and carrying a rifle, with the caption “Mississippi history at its best!”[111][113]

Donald Trump

On February 5, 2020, at the first impeachment trial of President Donald Trump, Hyde-Smith voted to acquit Trump. He was acquitted.[114]

On February 13, 2021, at Trump’s second impeachment trial, Hyde-Smith voted to acquit Trump. He was acquitted.[115]

Personal life

Hyde-Smith is married to a cattle farmer, Mike Smith. They are members of the Macedonia Baptist Church. They have a daughter who graduated in 2017 from Brookhaven Academy.[8][116] Mike Smith is related to Noah Smith, who is widely believed to have committed the murder of civil rights activist Lamar Smith in 1955.[117] These ties came to light following the above-mentioned controversial statements made by Hyde-Smith regarding “public hanging[s].”[118]

Electoral history

Mississippi State Senate

Mississippi State Senate 39th district election, 2003[119][120]
Primary election
DemocraticCindy Hyde-Smith (incumbent) 11,944 65.47
DemocraticW. L. Rayborn6,29934.53
Total votes18,243 100.00
General election
DemocraticCindy Hyde-Smith (incumbent) 18,091 100.00
Total votes18,091 100.00
Democratic hold
Mississippi State Senate 39th district election, 2007[121][122]
Primary election
DemocraticCindy Hyde-Smith (incumbent) 13,764 100.00
Total votes13,764 100.00
General election
DemocraticCindy Hyde-Smith (incumbent) 12,844 79.45
RepublicanEdwin Case3,32320.55
Total votes16,167 100.00
Democratic hold

Mississippi Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce

Mississippi Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce election, 2011[123][124]
Primary election
RepublicanCindy Hyde-Smith 144,873 52.93
RepublicanMax Phillips96,04935.09
RepublicanDannie Reed32,80911.99
Total votes273,731 100.00
General election
RepublicanCindy Hyde-Smith 493,417 56.91
DemocraticJoel Gill352,21340.63
ReformCathy L. Toole21,3472.46
Total votes866,977 100.00
Republican hold
Mississippi Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce election, 2015[125][126]
Primary election
RepublicanCindy Hyde-Smith (incumbent) 214,643 100.00
Total votes214,643 100.00
General election
RepublicanCindy Hyde-Smith (incumbent) 433,295 61.47
DemocraticAddie Lee Green256,76636.43
ReformCathy L. Toole14,8522.11
Total votes704,913 100.00
Republican hold

U.S. Senate


2018 United States Senate special election in Mississippi[127]
Nonpartisan Cindy Hyde-Smith (incumbent) 389,995 41.25%
Nonpartisan Mike Espy 386,742 40.90%
NonpartisanChris McDaniel154,87816.38%
NonpartisanTobey Bartee13,8521.47%
Total votes945,467 100.00
2018 United States Senate special runoff election in Mississippi[127]
RepublicanCindy Hyde-Smith (incumbent) 486,769 53.63%
DemocraticMike Espy420,81946.37%
Total votes907,588 100.00 N/A
Republican hold


2020 United States Senate Mississippi Republican primary election[128]
RepublicanCindy Hyde-Smith (incumbent) 235,463 100.00
Total votes235,463 100.00
2020 United States Senate election in Mississippi[129]
RepublicanCindy Hyde-Smith (incumbent) 709,539 54.10 +0.25
DemocraticMike Espy578,80644.13−2.02
LibertarianJimmy Edwards23,1521.77N/A
Total votes1,311,497 100.00
Republican hold

See also


  1. ^ a b “Cindy Hyde-Smith”. Biographical Directory of the United States Congress. Retrieved December 26, 2018.
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Mississippi State Senate
Preceded by

W. L. Rayborn
Member of the Mississippi State Senate
from the 39th district

Succeeded by

Political offices
Preceded by

Mississippi Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce
Succeeded by

U.S. Senate
Preceded by

U.S. senator (Class 2) from Mississippi
Served alongside: Roger Wicker
Party political offices
Preceded by

Republican nominee for Agriculture and Commerce Commissioner of Mississippi
2011, 2015
Succeeded by

Preceded by

Republican nominee for U.S. Senator from Mississippi
(Class 2)

2018, 2020
Most recent
U.S. order of precedence (ceremonial)
Preceded by

as United States Senator from Minnesota

Order of precedence of the United States
as United States Senator from Mississippi

since April 9, 2018
Succeeded by

as United States Senator from Tennessee

United States senators by seniority

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