There are 50 state onAir hubs. They can be found by selecting the onAir logo in the site header then selecting a region then the state. They can also be directly accessed by their two letter state code followed by “” (e.g.
- All 50 state hubs have posts on their current Governor, US senators, and US House members as well as posts on their legislative, executive, and branches. Many of these posts are shared with the national US onAir Hub.
- Each state onAir Hub supports their residents to become more informed about and engaged in local, state, and federal politics while facilitating more civil and positive discussions with their representatives, candidates, and fellow citizens.
- Each state onAir Hub will be forming onAir chapters in their colleges and universities to help curate Hub content. Initial chapters will be located at public universities in or near a state’s capital city. As more students participate and more onAir chapters are started, we will expand to include more state and local content as well as increase the number of aircasts – student-led, livestreamed, online discussions with candidates, representatives, and the public.
OnAir Post: 50 onAir State Hubs