The House Committee on Natural Resources considers legislation about American energy production, mineral lands and mining, fisheries and wildlife, public lands, oceans, Native Americans, irrigation and reclamation.
Senate Counterpart: Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
- Energy and Mineral Resources
- Federal Lands
- Indian and Insular Affairs
- Oversight and Investigations
- Water, Wildlife and Fisheries
Chair: Bruce Westerman, Arkansas,
Ranking Member: Raúl Grijalva, Arizona
Majority Staff Director: Vivian Moeglein
Minority Staff Director: Lora Snyder
Meeting Location: Committee on Natural Resources, 1324 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515; (202) 225-2761
Featured Video: The President’s FY22 Budget Priority for the Territories: Medicaid, SSI, and SNAP Parity – July 28, 2021
Web Links
Source: Committee website
Find Committee rules here. Find House Rules here.
The House Committee on Natural Resources advances the interests of the indigenous peoples and residents of the territories of the United States, and considers legislation and oversees federal conservation and species protection programs under the leadership of Chairman Raúl M. Grijalva.
The Committee’s responsibilities include the following:
Full Committee, Insular Affairs
- Fostering political and economic development of the insular areas.
- Providing oversight of the Puerto Rico, Oversight, Management and Economic Stability Act, (PROMESA) and the Oversight Board.
- Seeking to improve the economies, local financial management and a process for the orderly political development of all the territories.
- Continuing efforts to advance economic self-sufficiency of the Freely Associated States
- Fisheries and wildlife, including research, restoration, refuges, and conservation.
- Forest reserves and national parks created from the public domain.
- Forfeiture of land grants and alien ownership, including alien ownership of mineral lands.
- Geological Survey.
- International fishing agreements.
- Interstate compacts relating to apportionment of waters for irrigation purposes.
- Irrigation and reclamation, including water supply for reclamation projects and easements of public lands for irrigation projects; and acquisition of private lands when necessary to complete irrigation projects.
- Native Americans generally, including the care and allotment of Native American lands and general and special measures relating to claims that are paid out of Native American funds.
- Insular areas of the United States generally (except those affecting the revenue and appropriations).
- Military parks and battlefields, national cemeteries administered by the Secretary of the Interior, parks within the District of Columbia, and the erection of monuments to the memory of individuals.
- Mineral land laws and claims and entries thereunder.
- Mineral resources of public lands.
- Mining interests generally.
- Mining schools and experimental stations.
- Marine affairs, including coastal zone management (except for measures relating to oil and other pollution of navigable waters).
- Oceanography.
- Petroleum conservation on public lands and conservation of the radium supply in the United States.
- Preservation of prehistoric ruins and objects of interest on the public domain.
- Public lands generally, including entry, easements, and grazing thereon.
- Relations of the United States with Native Americans and Native American tribes.
- Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline (except ratemaking).
Source: Committee Website
Republican Members (Majority)
Chair: Bruce Westerman, Arkansas
Doug Lamborn, Colorado, Vice Chair
Rob Wittman, Virginia
Tom McClintock, California
Paul Gosar, Arizona
Garret Graves, Louisiana
Amata Coleman Radewagen, American Samoa
Daniel Webster, Florida
Jenniffer González, Puerto Rico
Russ Fulcher, Idaho
Pete Stauber, Minnesota
John Curtis, Utah
Tom Tiffany, Wisconsin
Jerry Carl, Alabama
Matt Rosendale, Montana
Lauren Boebert, Colorado
Cliff Bentz, Oregon
Jen Kiggans, Virginia
James Moylan, Guam
Wesley Hunt, Texas
Mike Collins, Georgia
Anna Paulina Luna, Florida
John Duarte, California
Harriet Hageman, Wyoming
Democratic Members (Minority)
Ranking Member: Raúl Grijalva, Arizona
Grace Napolitano, California
Jim Costa, California (until February 27, 2023)
Gregorio Sablan, Northern Mariana Islands
Jared Huffman, California
Ruben Gallego, Arizona
Joe Neguse, Colorado
Mike Levin, California
Katie Porter, California
Teresa Leger Fernandez, New Mexico
Melanie Stansbury, New Mexico
Mary Peltola, Alaska
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, New York
Kevin Mullin, California
Val Hoyle, Oregon
Sydney Kamlager-Dove, California, Vice Ranking Member
Seth Magaziner, Rhode Island
Nydia Velázquez, New York
Ed Case, Hawaii
Debbie Dingell, Michigan
Susie Lee, Nevada
Natural Resources Committee
1324 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202) 225-6065
Fax: (202) 225-5929
Web Links
Source: Committee website
Source: Committee website
Energy and Mineral Resources
Source: Committee Website
The Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources oversees American energy production and mining on federal lands – both onshore and offshore. Republicans on the Subcommittee are committed to the environmentally responsible development of America’s vast energy and mineral resources that will expand our domestic energy supply, create new American jobs, lessen our dependence on foreign sources of energy and minerals, and generate revenue for federal and state treasuries.
Republicans on the Subcommittee support an all-of-the-above energy approach that includes alternative energy sources such as wind, solar, hydropower, biomass and nuclear, geothermal, along with American-made oil, clean coal, and natural gas.
- Planning for and development of energy from solar and wind resources on land belonging to the United States, including the outer Continental Shelf.
- All matters and measures affecting geothermal resources.
- Marine hydrokinetic energy development on the outer Continental Shelf.
- All matters related to the leasing, development, and conservation of fossil fuel resources belonging to the United States, including on the outer Continental Shelf and land where the surface is owned by entities other than the United States, including decommissioning of relevant facilities and reclamation of affected areas.
- Mitigation of energy and mining related impacts on Federal lands and resources.
- Terrestrial and geological sequestration of carbon dioxide, except for matters involving implementation of land or forestry management strategies.
- All measures and matters concerning the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement.
- All measures and matters concerning the U.S. Geological Survey, except for the activities and programs of the Water Resources and Ecosystem Mission Areas or their successors.
- Collection and management of energy and mineral revenues.
- Mining interests generally, including all matters involving mining regulation and enforcement, including the reclamation of mined lands, the environmental effects of mining, mineral land laws and claims, long-range mineral programs, and seabed mining.
- Conservation of United States uranium supply.
- Geospatial data collection and management, except for nautical charts (or data collected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration).
- Helium supply and management of the Federal helium program.
- Rights-of-way over public lands for pipeline transportation of oil, natural gas, carbon dioxide, helium, and hydrogen.
- Measures and matters concerning the transportation of natural gas from or within Alaska and disposition of oil transported by the trans-Alaska oil pipeline.
- Cooperative efforts to encourage, enhance and improve international programs for the protection of the environment and the conservation of natural resources otherwise within the jurisdiction of the Subcommittee.
- Rights-of-way over public lands for energy-related transmission.
- All matters relating to mineral withdrawals on public lands and public forest lands.
- General and continuing oversight and investigative authority over activities, policies, and programs within the jurisdiction of the Subcommittee.
Republican Members (Majority)
Chair: Pete Stauber (R-MN)
Vice Chairman Wesley Hunt (R-Texas)
Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.)
Rob Wittman (R-Va.)
Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.)
Garret Graves (R-La.)
Daniel Webster (R-Fla.)
Russ Fulcher (R-Idaho)
John Curtis (R-Utah)
Tom Tiffany (R-Wis.)
Matt Rosendale (R-Mont.)
Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.)
Mike Collins (R-Ga.)
John Duarte (R-Calif.)
Democratic Members (Minority)
Ranking Member: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)
Federal Lands
Source: Committee Website
The Subcommittee on Federal Lands is responsible for all matters related to the National Park System, U.S. Forests, federal lands, and national monuments.
Republicans on the Subcommittee are working to expand and protect opportunities for all Americans to enjoy our beautiful public lands, ensuring they are available for recreational opportunities and economic development. Our goal is to ensure that we use our resources wisely so we can provide for our families today while leaving our land in even better shape for future generations of Americans.
Jurisdiction of the Subcommittee
- Measures and matters related to the National Park System and its units, including Federal reserved water rights.
- The National Wilderness Preservation System.
- Wild and Scenic Rivers System, National Trails System, national heritage areas and other national units established for protection, conservation, preservation or recreational development, other than coastal barriers.
- Military parks and battlefields, national cemeteries administered by the Secretary of the Interior, parks in and within the vicinity of the District of Columbia and the erection of monuments to the memory of individuals.
- Federal and non-Federal outdoor recreation plans, programs and administration including the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965 and the Outdoor Recreation Act of 1963.
- Preservation of prehistoric ruins and objects of interest on the public domain and other historic preservation programs and activities, including national monuments, historic sites and programs for international cooperation in the field of historic preservation.
- Matters concerning the following agencies and programs: Urban Parks and Recreation Recovery Program, Historic American Buildings Survey, Historic American Engineering Record, and U.S. Holocaust Memorial.
- Public lands generally, including measures or matters relating to entry, easements, withdrawals, grazing, and Federal reserved water rights.
- Forfeiture of land grants and alien ownership, including alien ownership of mineral lands.
- Cooperative efforts to encourage, enhance, and improve international programs for the protection of the environment and the conservation of natural resources otherwise within the jurisdiction of the Subcommittee.
- Forest reservations, including management thereof, created from the public domain.
- Public forest lands generally, including measures or matters related to entry, easements, withdrawals, grazing, and Federal reserved water rights.
- General and continuing oversight and investigative authority over activities, policies, and programs within the jurisdiction of the Subcommittee.
Republican Members (Majority)
Chair: Tom Tiffany (R-Wis.)
Vice Chairman John Curtis(R-Utah)
Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.)
Tom McClintock (R-Calif.)
Russ Fulcher (R-Idaho)
Pete Stauber (R-Minn.)
Cliff Bentz (R-Ore.)
Jen Kiggans(R-Va.)
Jim Moylan (R-Guam)
Democratic Members (Minority)
Ranking Member: Joe Neguse (D-CO)
Indian and Insular Affairs
Source: Committee Website
The Subcommittee on Indian and Insular Affairs oversees all matters regarding Native Americans and Alaska Natives, including the 574 federally recognized Indian tribes with approximately 2 million members.
Republicans on the Subcommittee are working to ensure freedom and economic development opportunity for Indian tribes across the country.
Jurisdiction of the Subcommittee
- All matters related to the Federal trust responsibility to Native Americans and the sovereignty of Native Americans.
- Measures relating to the welfare of Native Americans, including management of Indian lands in general and special measures relating to claims that are paid out of Indian funds.
- All matters regarding Native Alaskans.
- All matters regarding the relations of the United States with Native Americans and Native American tribes, including special oversight functions under House Rule X.
- All matters regarding Native Hawaiians.
- All matters regarding insular areas of the United States.
- All measures or matters regarding the Freely Associated States.
- General and continuing oversight and investigative authority over activities, policies, and programs within the jurisdiction of the Subcommittee.
Republican Members (Majority)
Chair: Harriet Hageman (R-WY)
Vice Chair Jenniffer González-Colón (R-Puerto Rico)
Amata Coleman Radewagen (R-American Samoa)
Doug LaMalfa (R-Calif.)
Jerry Carl (R-Ala.)
Jim Moylan (R-Guam)
Democratic Members (Minority)
Ranking Member: Teresa Leger Fernandez (D-NM)
Oversight and Investigations
Source: Committee Website
The Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations is responsible for oversight of any federal agencies, programs, and policies within the Committee’s jurisdiction.
Republicans on the Subcommittee are committed to ensuring efficient, effective, and accountable agencies within the Department of the Interior, Department of Energy, Department of Agriculture, and Department of Commerce. Our goal is to expose waste, fraud, and abuse, and reform policies to ensure transparent, efficient, and effective use of taxpayer dollars.
Jurisdiction of the Subcommittee:
The Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations has primary and general oversight and investigative authority on all activities, policies, and programs within the jurisdiction of the Committee under House Rule X.
Republican Members (Majority)
Chair: Paul Gosar (R-AZ)
Vice-Chairman Mike Collins (R-Ga.)
Matt Rosendale (R-Mont.)
Wesley Hunt (R-Texas)
Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fla.)
Democratic Members (Minority)
Ranking Member: Melanie Stansbury (D-NM)
Water, Wildlife and Fisheries
Source: Committee Website
The Subcommittee on Water, Wildlife and Fisheries is responsible for matters concerning America’s water resources, federal irrigation projects, generation of electric power from federal water projects, interstate water issues and fisheries management.
Republicans on the Subcommittee are devoted to promoting low-cost, clean, renewable and emissions-free hydroelectricity generated by federal dams and reservoirs. We are also working to improve federal government regulations to ensure projects are less expensive, more transparent and not delayed by unnecessary red tape.
Jurisdiction of the Subcommittee
- Generation and marketing of electric power from Federal water projects by Federally chartered or Federal regional power marketing authorities.
- All measures and matters concerning water resources planning conducted pursuant to the Water Resources Planning Act, water resource research and development programs, and saline water research and development.
- Compacts relating to the use and apportionment of interstate waters, water rights, and major interbasin water or power movement programs.
- All measures and matters pertaining to irrigation and reclamation projects and other water resources development and recycling programs, including policies and procedures.
- Indian water rights and settlements.
- Activities and programs of the Water Resources and Ecosystem Mission Areas or their successors within the U.S. Geological Survey.
- The Endangered Species Act.
- Fisheries management and fisheries research generally, including the management of all commercial and recreational fisheries (including the reauthorization of the Magnuson Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act), interjurisdictional fisheries, international fisheries agreements, aquaculture, seafood safety, and fisheries promotion.
- All matters pertaining to the protection of coastal and marine environments, estuarine protection, and coastal barriers.
- Oceanography.
- Ocean engineering, including materials, technology, and systems.
- Marine sanctuaries.
- U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea.
- All matters regarding Antarctica within the Committee’s jurisdiction.
- Sea Grant programs and marine extension services.
- Cooperative efforts to encourage, enhance and improve international programs for the protection of the environment and the conservation of natural resources otherwise within the jurisdiction of the Subcommittee.
- Coastal zone management.
- Wildlife resources, including research, restoration, and conservation.
- Measures and matters related to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, including ecological services, fish and aquatic conservation, international affairs, migratory birds, national wildlife refuge system, wildlife and sport fish restoration, and the Lacey Act.
Republican Members (Majority)
Chair: Cliff Bentz (R-OR)
Vice Chair Jen Kiggans (R-Va.)
Rob Wittman (R-Va.)
Tom McClintock (R-Calif.)
Garret Graves (R-La.)
Amata Coleman Radewagen (R-American Samoa)
Doug LaMalfa (R-Calif.)
Daniel Webster (R-Fla.)
Jenniffer González-Colón (R-Puerto Rico)
Jerry Carl (R-Ala.)
Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.)
Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fla.)
John Duarte (R-Calif.)
Harriet Hageman (R-Wyo.)
Democratic Members (Minority)
Ranking Member: Jared Huffman (D-CA)
More Information
Source: Committee website